Lingonberry for kidneys: recipes and recommendations for use. Lingonberry leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

Fresh lingonberries rarely appear on store shelves. The plant on the territory of our country grows mainly in the Altai Territory. These are not quite ordinary, but creeping shrubs with very tenacious and strong branches that can sprawl over a fairly large area.

Lingonberry bears fruit in the fall: branches are covered with small berries of bright red color. Along with their leaves, traditional healers have long been used to treat many diseases. Lingonberry-based preparations are useful for the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, and vision. In this article we will talk in detail about the use of plants for the treatment of various diseases. You will learn what parts of it are most often used in folk and traditional medicine, how to brew lingonberries for the kidneys, and how to take drugs based on it.

Useful properties of lingonberries

Is lingonberry always useful?

Due to the pronounced antiseptic and diuretic properties, medicines based on lingonberry leaves activate the kidneys, in some cases stimulate their purification from toxins and mineral deposits. Meanwhile, the intensive work of the kidneys and the active secretion of fluid from the body are far from always useful even with their pathologies. In some kidney diseases, remedies from berries and leaves can be dangerous.

For example, lingonberry is often prescribed and successfully used for many forms of pyelonephritis. But with renal failure, which is sometimes the result of pyelonephritis, its use is prohibited. The same situation is observed if glomerulonephritis is diagnosed with kidney stones. Lingonberry in these cases is prescribed with caution, in accordance with the condition of the patient, the size of the stones, their location, etc.

With such an ambiguous effect of the plant, one should clearly understand how drugs based on it act on the body and on the kidneys in particular. It is important to know what the diagnosed disease is, what pathological processes develop during it, and how the active components of lingonberry can affect the diseased organs.

Lingonberry leaf for kidney

Useful properties of the plant

The main and most famous of them is diuretic. Lingonberry leaves and, to a lesser extent, fruits contain a large amount of glycosides: arbutin, hyperoside, vaccine. They turn, getting into the body, into hydroquinone, which irritates the kidney parenchyma and stimulates the secretion of fluid by the kidneys. As a result, with the use of lingonberry preparations, diuresis increases significantly, pathogenic microorganisms are excreted more quickly from the kidneys, which often cause inflammation.

Another valuable property of the plant is antiseptic. Lingonberry leaves contain a large amount of free benzoic acid, which effectively suppresses pathogenic bacteria in the tubules of the kidneys. Ripe berries contain about 0.2% benzoic acid, which, when absorbed into the stomach, is delivered to the kidneys with blood and begins to fight microbes here.

Doctors note the antioxidant effect of the active substances that make up lingonberry - ascorbic acid, flavonoids, quercetin. However, neither the lingonberry leaf nor its berries in terms of the severity of this effect is superior to other herbal preparations, and therefore it would be incorrect to talk about the unique benefits of the plant in this regard.

Lingonberry leaves

Folk healers and herbalists are well aware of the medicinal properties and contraindications of lingonberry leaves. They include a record number of vitamins of groups B and C, as well as minerals - calcium and potassium, sodium and phosphorus, and others. We can not ignore the benefits of the anti-inflammatory effect of lingonberry leaves for the kidneys. They have diuretic properties that are used in the treatment of renal failure, normalization of water balance, elimination of edema.

Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of lingonberry leaves, doctors advise strictly adhering to the prescribed dosage when taking drugs based on them. As a rule, the course lasts 10 days, after which a break for two months should be taken.

What kidney diseases does lingonberry help with?

The use of the leaves and fruits of the plant is effective in acute and chronic inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as diseases accompanied by edema and hypertension. These include:

  • chronic and acute pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis, prostatitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • enuresis;
  • sand in the kidneys and bladder.

Successful treatment of these serious diseases involves eliminating the infection, relieving inflammation and pain, removing excess fluid in edema, and normalizing blood pressure. In addition, efforts should be aimed at normalizing metabolism and increasing the body's resistance. Decoctions of lingonberry leaves meet these requirements. They are prescribed for many nephrological diseases. They eliminate inflammation and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Kidney treatment

It is worth noting that in the treatment of these diseases phytotherapists use lingonberries most often in collections with other medicinal plants. This can be explained by the fact that the healing properties of one plant are greatly enhanced by interaction with other components, and therefore the effectiveness of treatment increases. Lingonberries can be used to treat kidneys in patients of different age groups: children, expectant mothers, the elderly.

Inflammatory Kidney Disease

With inflammatory processes in the kidneys, it is very important to establish the cause of the disease. If the infection caused the pathology and it affects the tubular system (pyelonephritis), lingonberry preparations can be used in complex treatment as an additional tool. If the inflammatory process is caused by pathological autoimmune processes and leads to renal failure, lingonberry intake in most cases is contraindicated.

If pyelonephritis of an infectious nature is diagnosed, in complex therapy, folk remedies based on lingonberries from the kidneys can be used. How to drink them and how to cook, we will tell further.

Decoction of leaves

With moderate inflammation, when the symptoms are not too pronounced, a decoction is prescribed, which is prepared from two tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry cranberry leaves and 200 ml of water. The composition is best languished for ten minutes in a water bath. Then it is cooled at room temperature and filtered.

Take such a decoction of cranberries for the kidneys twice a day, 200 ml before a meal.


With a more active course of inflammatory processes, a more concentrated remedy should be used - an infusion. How to brew lingonberries for the kidneys? To prepare the infusion, pour a glass of boiling water into four tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry leaves. After an hour and a half, it is filtered and taken three times a day before meals for two weeks, 10 ml.

The juice

It is used as an adjunct to the main treatment for kidney inflammation. Lingonberries are crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed carefully, grinding the crushed berries through a sieve. Before use, it is half diluted with water and natural honey is added. A pleasant and healthy drink of 50 ml is taken three times a day before meals.

Lingonberry juice

Is it possible to get rid of kidney stones with lingonberries?

In nephrology, lingonberries are considered only as a prophylactic agent for the formation of kidney stones. Its regular intake provides active excretion of liquid and the smallest mineral particles. This prevents the formation of sand, and then the formation of stones.

Traditional healers say that lingonberries are capable of dissolving large stones. However, experimental and factual evidence of this fact does not yet exist. But cases of exacerbation of the disease, which are associated with the movement of stones and obstruction of the ureters, are well known to doctors. For this reason, you should not try to get rid of stones yourself with the help of lingonberries. This is really dangerous. If nephrolithiasis is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a serious examination in a medical institution and consult with qualified nephrologists. After studying his test results, the doctor prescribes treatment. The composition of complex therapy may include folk remedies, but they must be approved by a doctor.

To prevent the formation of kidney stones, lingonberries are used for the manufacture of drugs according to folk recipes.


To prepare such a remedy, you need lingonberry leaves, you can use grass with stems, but without berries (100 g). The raw materials are dipped in boiling water (2.5 l) and removed immediately from the heat. Within two to three hours, the composition is infused, after which it is again brought to a boil and turned off. After that, 200 ml of high-quality vodka is added to it. Store the product in a dark place in a tightly closed container. Take three drops daily before meals, 20 drops. Treatment can last from two to four weeks. The decision on its duration is made by the doctor. It depends on the course of the disease and the condition of the patient.


In the presence of sand or small stones this drink is useful for the kidneys. Lingonberry fruit juice is prepared simply: juice is squeezed out of the berries. A quarter cup is diluted with 150 ml of water. Take a glass a quarter of an hour before meals. It is noteworthy that the period of use of this pleasant and healthy drink is almost unlimited. It can be given to children. If desired, the taste can be improved with a spoon of honey.

Kidney cowberry juice

Kidney cyst treatment

It should immediately be noted that lingonberries for kidneys with a cystic formation are effective only with its small size. In addition, improvement can be achieved only if the pathology proceeds without pronounced symptoms. In the acute course of the disease, when the size of the cyst is too large, treatment with folk remedies is inappropriate - it will not bring the desired result, and time will be lost. In this case, surgery is indispensable.

Lingonberry is good for the kidneys.

In kidney diseases, lingonberries, as we have already said, are used as an additional means to the main therapy. With cystic formation, tea from berries and leaves of the plant is effective. It is prepared from a teaspoon of dry raw materials, which are brewed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for a quarter of an hour. They drink it 4-5 times a day.

It is believed that when excreting excess protein and minerals with urine, such tea prevents the accumulation of material in the cyst and slows its growth.

Kidney cleansing

Thanks to the antiseptic and diuretic effect of lingonberry kidneys, it is used for their effective purification from toxins, excess mucus, microbes, products of inflammation, harmful substances that the body removes through these organs. Periodic cleansing of the kidneys, including lingonberries, is considered a useful healing procedure. However, such a procedure, carried out independently, without prior consultation with a doctor, can lead to the movement of large stones that can clog the ureters. In this case, an urgent operation is required.

If your doctor approves the cleaning, then you will need three kilograms of lingonberry berries. Every day they should be consumed 200 g without sugar, honey or other additives in one of the intervals between meals. At the time of the procedure, fried, smoked, salted foods, semi-finished products and alcohol should be excluded from the diet.

Lingonberry fees

Lingonberry for kidneys: recipes for complex fees

Traditional healers and many doctors often use compounds in their practice in which lingonberry is one of the main components. Often for kidneys, cowberry leaves are used in combination with bearberry, which has similar properties. The following recipes are common in folk medicine: take five parts of lingonberry seeds, one part of its dry leaves, nettle, birch leaves. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then brew a spoon (tablespoon) of the mixture with boiling water (200 ml) and leave to cool. Take a remedy for inflammation, for the prevention of nephrolithiasis four times a day, Β½ cup for a month.

It is necessary to mix three tablespoons (tablespoons) of lingonberry leaves, bearberry, sage grass, dandelion root, grass string and horsetail. This mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 12 hours. Take the composition of 1/4 cup up to eight times a day. This remedy is effective for inflammation of the kidneys.

In chronic diseases, for the prevention of relapse, it is recommended to use a decoction of lingonberry and beetroot. To cook it, you must separately boil a kilogram of both. The berries in a liter of water over low heat are brought to a boil, and the root crop, previously peeled and chopped, is boiled in the same amount of water for 10 minutes. Broths are mixed and honey or sugar are added to taste. Take a glass a day for two weeks. Then you should take a break for two months.

Another effective way to cook lingonberries. For kidneys, cranberry water can be used for preventive purposes. To prepare it, you will need a glass of fresh berries. They are poured with boiling water (500 ml). The remedy is insisted for six hours. Lingonberry water is a fortifying agent, and therefore it is advisable to use it in the winter to maintain the immune system. In addition, it lowers blood sugar.

Harvesting raw materials

Lingonberry leaves are harvested in spring - from late April to mid-May, until the plant begins to bloom, while there are no buds on the bushes or until they are very small and green. During this period, the leaves contain the greatest amount of nutrients. It is possible to harvest leaves in autumn, when fruiting is completed. Collect them even in the winter. This is due to the fact that at this time the leaves contain the least moisture, and therefore they dry quickly. When harvesting leaves, it is recommended to cut the shoots with scissors, since the rhizome at the bush lies shallow - only 2-4 cm.

After drying, it is desirable to separate the leaves from the stems. In order to prevent the overgrowth of lingonberries from collecting raw materials, re-harvesting at one place can be done no earlier than five years later. Leaves can not be collected during flowering - this will cause significant damage to the plant.

Dried collected raw materials in warm, well-ventilated and dark rooms. It must be mixed frequently. Dried leaves should remain green. Store them in glass containers or paper bags.

For the future, cranberries are also harvested. Due to the high content of benzoic acid, they persist for a long time. You can store them in water or weak sugar syrup.

Contraindications to the use of lingonberries

We talked a lot about the beneficial properties of lingonberries: how to take its leaves and berries, what is the duration of treatment. It is equally important to know when it is better to refuse to use this medicinal plant or to minimize the use of drugs based on it, carefully observing the reaction of your body. Doctors believe that lingonberries should not be used for:

  • Gastric ulcer and increased acidity. Even when taking lingonberries in minimal amounts, it is better to do this after eating. On an empty stomach, taking lingonberries is prohibited.
  • Hypotension (reduced pressure). Lingonberry lowers blood pressure. The condition of hypotension can dramatically worsen.
  • In the presence of internal bleeding, especially before surgery. Lingonberry is known to thin the blood. During the treatment of urolithiasis, a combination of lingonberry with other drugs is possible only after consulting a doctor.

To summarize

In the treatment of kidney diseases with cranberries or in collections, which include leaves or berries of a plant, it is important to evaluate the role of herbal medicine for each specific case. It can be represented in equal proportions with medications or be auxiliary, becoming a useful addition to the main therapy, enhancing the effect of drugs and accelerating recovery.

Given the serious consequences that improper treatment of kidney diseases (dialysis, renal failure) can lead to, do not overestimate the possibilities of herbal medicine. Treatment should be carried out in collaboration with a doctor. Only in this case, the healing properties of lingonberries will help to quickly defeat the disease.


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