Longitudinal method - what is it?

The longitudinal method of research in psychology , as a rule, is opposed to the analytical model of slices. Recently, it has come to be seen in the context of identifying experimental delayed effects. Let us further consider what constitutes a longitudinal research method .

longitudinal method

General information

The longitudinal method consists in repeatedly fixing the parameters on one person or group of people. The slicing model, in contrast to it, involves a comparison of indicators at the same time for representatives of different age categories. The classical longitudinal method in psychology means "continued study."


The longitudinal comparative method is in a special position in the structure of analytical technology, social sciences, and disciplines that study behavior. This is due to a number of circumstances. First of all, a special situation is connected with the specificity of the tested development hypotheses. Equally important are the difficulties of planning, organizing observations, and processing results. Many authors gave classifications to the applied analysis models in their works. The considered longitudinal method, according to Ananiev, relates , in particular, to organizational methods.

Structural elements

Development hypotheses suggest the dynamics of changes in indicators over time. However, this factor is not considered as a source or prerequisite. It is regarded as an analogue of an independent variable. The theoretical justification of the possibility of temporal dynamics of changes in indicators is interpreted as development, it also provides methodological principles for understanding this process, the provisions of a specific concept, as well as an assessment of observation planning.

longitudinal method

Problem solving

The longitudinal method allows you to directly turn to checking casual assumptions in terms of requirements for the time sequence of consequences and causes. Accordingly, it can bring closer to the implementation of two key conditions for identifying communication. The first involves the study of causes and consequences in time, the second - the establishment of covariance between them. The place of prerequisites can be occupied by any effects that are under observation. However, they cannot be interpreted as experimental if the specialist does not manage them. Other requirements for inference about the causes can be obtained in sequential cross-sectional or slice observations. For example, the condition for the presence of covariance between variables is detected by means of intergroup differences or non-zero correlations between variables. The requirement for the absence of alternative justifications can be implemented through the use of statistical or experimental control.

Development features

The longitudinal method arose during the introduction of a systematic census in Quebec in Canada in the 17th century. This analytical model was most developed after the First World War in America. Subsequently, at the end of the 20th century. longitudinal method entrenched in social disciplines and the science of behavior. The modern development of the model is determined by the improvement of information analysis techniques determined at the stage of observation planning. The authors of one of the articles devoted to the method indicate that in most modern theories, statements that have a dynamic character are made indirectly or directly. In other words, they appeal to the justification of a particular phenomenon in the context of changes occurring with it or its connections with other phenomena. A similar conclusion can be made regarding psychological patterns that are established when testing hypotheses about the development, delayed or long-term effects of effects.

longitudinal research method

Relationship with Empirical Observations

Hypothesis testing is a key task that the longitudinal method performs. However, despite this, development conclusions are often made in accordance with empirical observations. They are carried out in the framework of various psychological concepts using the slice method. It allows you to detect the relationship of several static variables taken in a separate time period. The use of the findings is determined by the existence of an unspoken assumption about the equivalence of the samples through which the comparison is carried out, as well as historical periods for various categories of subjects. This often leads to ignoring an important source of confusion, which needs to be given special attention.

Key concepts

To indicate the community of people in the sample by year of birth, a term such as β€œcohort” is used. In accordance with the demographic characteristic, this concept means a certain group of people, designated within a geographic or other population, having experienced similar events in a given time period. The age variable represents the chronological number of years at the time of observation. The analysis should also clarify the concept of "period". It denotes the time of measurement and the stage that encompasses the life of a cohort, including historical events common to its members. Formally, community is defined as follows:

Cohort = Period of measurement (calendar. Year) - age (number of years from birth).

longitudinal method in psychology


The above equation illustrates a linear relationship between measurement time, cohort and age. In this case, the source of systematic mixing, important for the longitudinal method, is expressed. People born in the same year live in general social conditions covering a specific historical period. From this follows such a conclusion. A common cohort for people will be not only the year of birth, but also their "history" - the content of the period in which they live in a particular country, in specific geographical conditions, political, economic, cultural space. If this confusion is ignored, then one can question the validity of the conclusions that the specialist using the longitudinal method will receive.

Ananyev longitudinal method refers

The consequences

Linear dependence leads to the fact that during the control of any two indicators, the third variable is also controlled. If the study uses the slicing method, the sample of people also has a common "history", but it differs for participants in the longitudinal section and sections. This leads to a confusion of the factor of social circumstances and age. In this regard, when performing cross-sectional comparisons of parameters of people of different ages, the revealed differences between more mature and younger subjects can express not the line of development of the main process, but the effects of the cohort. The use of the longitudinal method with multiple consecutive measurements can help to detect results not specified as the subject of the study, but the consequences of the influence of social circumstances, as a historical stage specific to a given sample.

longitudinal comparative method

Attempts to Overcome Addiction

They are divided into 2 conceptual categories. The first is Mason's research. It is supposed to solve the problem at the statistical level. For this, models are formed by means of which collinearity (absolute mathematical dependence) between the cohort, age and time period is eliminated. The second group contains approaches that provide a theoretical justification for the process of excluding the consideration of the impact of one indicator on the identified lines of development or their rethinking. Some techniques have been developed in this direction. Some consider cohort parameters as an interaction of age and time effects. Others replace the sample with its characteristics, which can be precisely defined and measured. In the ideal case, the effects of the period and the cohort, which have a fundamentally different explanatory status than the time indicators, are excluded from the analysis. They will be replaced by operationalized properties that make it possible to breed parameters of age, historical period, and the sample itself. This form of analysis is fundamentally impossible outside the framework of a β€œtrue” longitudinal study, where many measurements are carried out for several cohorts simultaneously.

longitudinal research method in psychology


The longitudinal method allows one to check the β€œstrong” casual hypotheses when performing a quantitative assessment of the dynamic properties of development. The key objectives of the study are:

  1. Improving the accuracy of measuring the effect. It is achieved by controlling intraindividual variability. In this case, patterns of repeated observations are used, which, among others, include the longitudinal method.
  2. Testing hypotheses related to the orientation of casual relationships, assessing their strength.
  3. Determination of the functional form of development curves or intraindividual trajectories.
  4. Analysis of interindividual differences. It is carried out using casual models.

In the literature, the lack of consensus on the minimum number of time slices is a key difference in understanding the method under consideration.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37855/

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