Scared man. Types of fear and manipulation of fear

Emotional definitions are used to describe anxiety and fear, such as a frightened person, panic fear, restless expression, a scary and terrifying subject. Often people say that they have “fears”, they enthusiastically talk about them, but with their facial expressions they demonstrate anything but fear and fear. In fact, a fearful or scared person has quite expressive typical characteristics. They will be discussed in the article.


Frightening or fright is a quality of a person’s personality, a tendency from time to time to experience sudden fear, intense excitement from something terrible, frightening, terrible.

With fear, a feeling of fear arises unexpectedly. A frightened person may forget his name, where he is, be speechless. A companion of fear is always a surprise.

Scared man

Fright is a reflex reaction of an organism to a terrible or dangerous situation that suddenly arises. A person, as a rule, starts, sometimes urination or defecation occurs, often people feel cold all over their bodies. If you look at the photo of a frightened person, you can see that his pupils are dilated, his body is frozen in one position, his head is pulled into his neck.

But besides reflex fear, there are fears with which a person lives his whole life. Outwardly, nothing terrible happens, but the person looks like very scared. Fear and horror are written on his face.

Frightened and panicky faces.

Photo of a scared man

Everyone is familiar with the facial expressions of frightened people - dilated eyes, confusion, pallor of the skin. An extreme degree of fright is panic fear, which is characterized by motor activity. The panic state is short-lived, and the fright can persist for a long time. But if the frightened facial expression persists for a rather long time, and there is no reason for this, then we are talking about a sense of fear that is caused by a sick state of a person. Most often, such a facial expression occurs with a mental disorder.

Scary, terrifying

Scared faces of people

These definitions refer to the experience of fear, but can be used to describe more complex emotional states. The expression on the face of a person who is experiencing horror or fear looks crazy: his eyes are wide open, in which fear and surprise are reflected. This look is called "crazy." Facial expression is motionless and frozen. Mentally ill people can often see such a frozen expression: as if they were petrified by horror.

Restless look

The most striking example of a troubled look is the look of a student before an exam. If a frightened person has already met with something terrible, then the restless person only anticipates or assumes that he will meet with something that scares him.

The facial expressions of a restless person are very mobile, without a constant definite facial expression, the person’s state is excited.

Manipulation of fear

Manipulation is a method of psychic influence that is used to covertly instill into the human psyche the desires, goals, intentions or attitudes of the manipulator that do not match the needs of the victim.

Very scared person

A person can become a victim of manipulation only if he himself acts as a participant in the process, that is, he wants to fall under the influence of the manipulator. Manipulation is a game on human vulnerabilities and weaknesses, which depend on the characteristics of the human psyche and worldview, his system of values ​​and relationships.

There is no person who has never faced a manifestation of extraneous effects in his life. Anyone can become a manipulator - a business partner, a family member, a boss, a TV presenter, and even ourselves.

One type of manipulation is the use of human fears. This is the favorite technique of manipulators. Often they play on the lack of enlightenment and lack of awareness of the person. For example, in childhood, parents manipulate children by scaring them: “If you behave badly, the policeman takes you away,” “If you study badly, you don’t go to university and you start cleaning up the street.” When a person becomes an adult, the bosses are frightened of dismissal, the husband is divorced, and so on. The media scares the gloomy news, advertising scares the development of various diseases and the attack of germs. How to cope with the fears that they are trying to impose on us?

Scared man

To do this, first of all, you need to find out how real and serious the threat is. Clarify the degree and likelihood of danger, turn to reliable and independent sources of information, it is best to a few.

Fear is born in our head, therefore the main rule is not to allow it to completely control our consciousness and ruin our whole life.


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