Daugava river: photos, description, attractions

The Daugava is not just a river carrying its waters in Latvia, it is the most important vital artery of the whole country. Long ago fishermen, farmers and artisans settled on the banks of this river. Powerful knights built real castles, and servants of God - temples.

And in our time, it participates in human life. Ships go along the Daugava River in Latvia, the power of the river is converted into electricity. At all times, painters and poets were inspired by this natural reservoir, and today it attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world.


The river is interesting not only for its amazing beauty, but also for the fact that it carries its waters through the territories of several countries. It takes its beginning on the Valdai Upland, in the Tver region of Russia. Its length in Russian territory is 325 kilometers. Then it flows through Belarus (327 km). It should be noted that here and in Russia it is called the Western Dvina.

Western Dvina in Belarus

In Latvia, it flows from the southeast to northwest, and its length is 368 km. The first locality located on the banks of the river is Kraslava, and the end is Riga. The mouth of the Daugava - the Gulf of Riga.

The total length of the Daugava River is 1020 km, the valley has a width of 6 km. The largest width is at the bay (1.5 kilometers), and the minimum is noted in Latgale (197 meters). The depth of the river is within 0.5-9 meters.

The main channel of the Daugava lies on a plain with a large number of lowlands. In connection with this circumstance, every spring the river spills heavily, flooding nearby cities.

Daugava River in Latvia


The Daugava River is stunningly beautiful. Throughout its length throughout the territory of Latvia there are many sights and picturesque settlements. The most famous of them are as follows:

  1. In the area of ​​Kraslava, in Latgale, the river makes 8 sharp bends to the Daugavpils, which creates a unique beauty, viewed from the observation platforms and natural hills of the Daugava Bends National Park.
  2. As the river flows northward, on the left bank, the Daugava sheltered the city of Ilukste with the Poyma Dviete nature park. Every year in the spring it is flooded for 24 km, but this does not stop travelers from coming here. Here is a picturesque valley, beautiful forests and meadows, and you can also see wonderful plants and rare birds.
  3. On the right bank of the Daugava, where the river flows. Dubna, located the wonderful city of Lebanon. And then at a distance of about 30 km. On both sides of the river stands the wonderful city of Jekabpils, both parts of which are connected by a bridge across the river.
  4. Between the cities of Aizkraukle and Jaunjelgava extends a magnificent picturesque park "Daugava Valley".
  5. Where the Ogre River flows into the river, in the delta of which the city of the same name is located, there is a natural park. In the past, it was a great fortification. It houses the Daugava History Museum.
Daugava Valley Park

Daugava River in Riga

The capital of Latvia is also located on the river. It was placed on both banks of the Daugava. Four large automobile bridges were thrown across the river at the city border. From Andrejsala (peninsula), located in Old Riga, the port of Riga originates, stretching all the way to the Gulf of Riga.

On the Daugava annually rafting in kayaks and boats. Amateurs and athletes from all over the world come here. Tourists enjoy the picturesque views of the banks of the river, traveling on pleasure yachts, motor ships and river trams. The serenity and silence of these places conquers at first sight and remains in the heart of travelers for life.

Picturesque coast near Vitebsk

A bit of history

As noted above, the Daugava River in Russia is called the Western Dvina. The writer N. M. Karamzin, like many historians, identified Eridanus (in ancient Greek mythology, the river god) with the Western Dvina. Amber was found at the mouth of the Western Dvina (“the tears of Heliad”).

Throughout history, the Western Dvina had 14 names: Dina, Tanair, Vina, Turun, Dune, Rodan, Eridan, etc. In the 15th century, the Flemish knight Gilbert de Lannoa noted that Dvina was called Zemgale Samegalzar (Zemgale water).

In ancient times, the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" went along this reservoir. For the first time the name "Dvina" is mentioned by Nestor (the monk-chronicler). According to V. A. Zhuchkevich, Dvina has a Finnish-speaking origin with the meaning “quiet, calm”. And the Latvian name "Daugava", apparently, was formed from the ancient Baltic words: daug - "abundantly, a lot" and ava - "water".

Geologically, the settlement of the Zapadnaya Dvina river basin began in the Mesolithic.

Daugava River in Riga

Largest cities and tributaries

The largest tributaries of the Daugava River (Western Dvina):

  • in Russia - Mezha, Veles and Torop;
  • in Belarus - Usvyach, Luchos, Kaspl, Ull, Polot, Obol, Ushach, Driss, Disna, Saryanka;
  • in Latvia - Ogre, Aiviekste and Dubna.

Cities located on the banks of the Dvina: Zapadnaya Dvina, Andriapol, Velizh, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Novopolotsk, Beshenkovichi, Disna, Druya, Verkhnedvinsk, Kraslava, Livani, Daugavpils, Jekabpils, Aizkraukle, Ogre, Plyavinas, Yashellegel , Yashellegel , Yaquelleg , Yavellegel , Yavellegel Salaspils and Riga.

Blue waters of the Daugava


A video was recently posted on the networks, which caused many to be surprised and somewhat horrified. It captures a rather powerful whirlpool in Latvia on the Daugava River. It became a sensation. In just a few days, more than 1.8 million people watched it on YouTube. The video that Ianis Astics shot in spring shows that a whirlpool carries away deep into the river, all that falls into its stream is tree branches and even rather large chunks of snow and ice.

According to the stories of frightened locals, it even happened that a whirlpool sucked in various cargoes floating on the river, and even the wreckage of wrecks.

The whirlpool of the Daugava River has been frightening the locals, and not only the last few years. Today it is considered one of the most amazing and incomprehensible phenomena.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3788/

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