Life in Vietnam: cultural features, pros and cons, what you need to know

Life in Vietnam attracts many. But in reality it is a poor, densely populated country that has historically been associated with war and a punitive centrally planned economy. Today, however, it is becoming increasingly popular as a tourist destination. Its beautiful countryside and beaches gain the same fame as the tragic past.

Although Vietnam is a relatively small country, with a total area of ​​about 329,500 square meters. km, 54 different ethnic groups live in it. Of these, the most significant are the people of Qin (Viet), who make up 86% of the total population. The country is divided into 58 provinces, there are 5 controlled municipalities. These are Hanoi, Haiphong, Danang, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho.

Languages: Vietnamese (official), English (due to the prevalence it may well be considered the second state). Quite often you can hear French, Chinese and Khmer. And in tourist places - Russian.

The climate in Vietnam is mostly tropical in the south and monsoon in the north.

Tale and reality ...

Vietnamese work

Many people think that life in Vietnam is simple and carefree. However, there are practically no job opportunities for emigrants. And one can only hope for posts related to non-commercial international development. It should also be borne in mind that places there, as a rule, provide people with experience in a similar field. In addition, there is a job opportunity for educators and those with computer skills.

Key Facts Every Emigrant Should Know

Streets of vietnam

Vietnam currently uses three separate currencies:

  1. Gold is used to buy land and housing.

  2. US dollars - for the acquisition of luxury goods.

  3. Dong - to pay for everyday goods.

Although actual ownership of land is currently not possible for foreigners, some people living in Vietnam are offered a 50-year lease. With the possibility of building a home ownership on it.

Even now, foreigners are not allowed to rent a car in Vietnam without a local driver’s license. But motorcycles can be used.

It is worth noting that citizens of some countries are not allowed to obtain visas to enter Vietnam. Fortunately, Russia is not included in this list.

Vietnam: City Guide

Nightlife vietnam

In fact, navigating on the spot is easy. But it’s better to get a card, this will help:

  1. Move efficiently and with minimal stress.

  2. Quickly and easily plunge into new life in Vietnam. Reviews for Russians convince that thanks to the guidebooks you can find the help you need when you need it.

  3. Identify areas for living that fit your style and budget.

  4. Find the right places to meet like-minded people.

  5. Make sure that you can get a lot of positive experience abroad.

It is also recommended that you study several book guides to ensure the accuracy and accuracy of the information. They are especially good because the instructions are written by real expatriates who live and work in Vietnam.

Daily routine

Life in Vietnam

Being developed, the country has a fairly rapid and fast rhythm. The working day starts at 5 a.m. In some cases, even at 3 nights. Therefore, the nightlife of Vietnam is significantly different from what is familiar, for example, to Russian people. Although in tourist places you can find entertainment at any time of the day.

At 5 a.m., street vendors prepare their jobs. At about 6 get up all the other residents got up. At this time, the street is full of motorcycles and cars. After all, the Vietnamese believe: if they go to the market early in the morning, they will find fresh fruit and meat. After that, they take their children to various institutions (depending on age) and go to work.

Many people travel to the country of study with their children. And in principle, educational institutions are not very different from Russian. However, after the Vietnam War, the standard of living and illiteracy was about 95%. The government immediately had to make education universal for the entire population. Some experts note: it is important for parents to understand that the child will receive only general knowledge, it is not worth hoping for a quality education.

In the countryside

In Vietnam, about three quarters of Vietnamese live in rural areas. But both in villages and in cities, people have to work hard to provide for their families. Most grow rice or fruit trees, others raise livestock. The daily life of ordinary people in Vietnam is predominantly difficult. Men and women must get up very early to get to the fields, while children do housework and bring water to the workers. And the elders take care of fish ponds, fruit trees, livestock. Everyday life in Vietnam for Russians can be similar if they want to.

Counting that the city is different is not worth it. Men and women go to work. Grandparents take care of the child at home or send to kindergarten. Adults work from 7 a.m. to 5-18 p.m. They work all day to support their families. Many live in a small apartment or public housing.

Most Vietnamese families are very large. But people often just exist on the same living space, not having enough time to take care of each other.

Cost of living

Food in vietnam

The country is a fast-growing destination for expats, as well as one of the most popular destinations for senior citizens and nomads from Southeast Asia. Judging by the reviews, the quality of life in Vietnam for Russians is in many ways better than in neighboring countries. The food is varied and tasty, the cost of living is small, there are a number of well-paid jobs. However, it is important to consider that it is not easy for pensioners to obtain a visa, but it is still possible.

Many experts note that life in Vietnam is truly beautiful for Russians. After all, the cost of living range: from 700 to 1,400 dollars a month. Currency (Vietnamese Dong) is approximately 0.0029 rubles. No wonder Vietnam is a popular destination for budget travelers, bloggers, nomads and young entrepreneurs. The average local worker salary in Vietnam is about $ 148 per month. Merchants bring home about 500.

Why vietnam

Many expats are looking for a place with an interesting culture, good food and a quality lifestyle, available on a tight budget. Vietnam is very attractive in this regard. Violent crimes rarely occur in the country, but petty offenses (such as theft) are a problem.

Local culture and food are the two biggest benefits for many considering living in Vietnam. There is a huge selection of traditional dishes. Vietnam also offers a wonderful contrast to cultural events and religious rituals.

Another reason is the diverse landscape. The climate varies greatly from cold mountain to tropical southern. Tourists often visit the most iconic places (for example, Halong Bay), but there are many other cities that are just as beautiful, but without a huge flow of people.

For many, tourism has become a lifestyle. Many foreigners tell stories about how they came for a year and stayed for many decades. Although the transportation is not perfect, mountains, beaches and forests often prevent expats from making weekend trips to various attractions and regional cultures.

Entry Features

Visa is perhaps the main problem. The most common single three-month. But six-month and twelve-month are also available. Depending on the plans, you can easily get a 12-month multiple. Nevertheless, some tourists say that this is, rather, plus life in Vietnam. Since difficulties are encountered only the first time due to inexperience.

To avoid mistakes, you should always ask for a visa to be attached to the passport, as there were cases when travelers were denied entry. In addition, before the trip, you should learn English (at least the base). Russian-speaking people meet, but more often among tourists.

Many people move with animals. Bringing a cat or dog to Vietnam is easy. You can pay for a service that will help with all the documents, but it is much cheaper to do it yourself.

Also, many are concerned about whether there is Internet in Vietnam. And the answer is yes. Good high-speed in large cities, in small ones - much worse and slower.


Speaking about the pros and cons of living in Vietnam, it is worth noting petty theft, which is a common occurrence. And there are also fraud involving taxis, charities. In large cities, heavy traffic and motorcycle accidents are also common. Therefore, it is advisable to have an insurance policy that covers accidents.

Possible problems:

  1. Regional floods can occur during the rainy season.

  2. Foreigners cannot own land in Vietnam. That is, it is almost impossible for expats to buy and build anything. Until a person can find a house, he must rent land from the government.

  3. Water - tap water unsuitable for drinking. It is better to buy reusable 19-liter jugs for about 10,000 dong.

  4. Many parents are scared by the increased attention to their children. However, restaurant workers often entertain foreign children while their parents eat. Do not worry, the Vietnamese sincerely love children. Especially with big blue eyes.

Accommodation Features

Street Food Vietnam

Despite the fact that the standard of living of the population of Vietnam is quite low, foreigners can get a good job (there are opportunities in almost all regions of the country). From Thailand to Vietnam, finding a place to live is simple. It is only necessary to choose an area and take a walk along it, decide on a stopping place. It is worth paying attention that in large cities there are also modern condominiums.

Like other Asian cultures, Vietnam is a family community. Many people live in a crowd and feel really happy.

In addition to the ease of choice of housing, affordable and tasty food. After all, street food is a feature of life in Southeast Asia, and it is quite affordable for Russian people.

It is worth noting that local wages are very low - in some cases - $ 148, and therefore prices are, therefore, tied to it. One of the disadvantages for older pensioners is the lack of medical infrastructure. Although there are quality hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, they are still lagging behind, for example, located in Thailand, which guarantees high quality medical services. For pensioners with health problems, this fact is decisive when choosing a place of residence. Some prefer Thailand.

Different territories

Perhaps the most popular destination among expats is Hanoi. A huge number of visitors live here, many of whom work as teachers. As in Chiang Mai in Thailand, the influence of Western culture is felt in Hanoi, making it easy to find international food. As well as enterprises and medical services, where staff speaks English, and sometimes Russian. However, it is important to consider that the weather in winter is rather dreary (10 ° C). The city is less busy and congested. But many emigrants consider this an undeniable plus. In comparison, for example, with the fast and chaotic rhythm of life in Saigon.

One of Vietnam's largest cities, Ho Chi Minh City, is a popular destination for young people, bloggers, and budget travelers. Of course, family expats also live here, but they are numerically superior to lone lovers of city cafes and fast Wi-Fi. As in large cities around the world, there is the opportunity to visit a huge number of shops, grocery stores, restaurants, gyms, coworking and, of course, shopping centers. Moreover, entertainment can be found for every budget and taste. And if you want to improve your standard of living in Vietnam.

Hoi Aneto is a city that is less chaotic but still very popular among tourists. For this reason, you can find all the necessary amenities. For many, Wi-Fi and products are considered the main ones. However, this is far from all. As this small coastal city grows, so does the number of retirees. If emigrants do not want to contact tourists, you can settle outside the city and even not far from rice fields. At the same time, you can admire the sights, visit the nearby beach. Which is praised by all the guests of the city.

If a person wants to live near the water, you should opt for the city of Nha Trang. This place has magnificent large beaches. It is located in the south of Vietnam, so the weather is warm all year round. Although the coastal location sometimes makes it cooler than other places. Tourists and expats note that this area has an important difference - the laid-back atmosphere, which is loved by locals and foreigners. Although there are tourist spots, the city is much less congested than Hanoi or Saigon.

Danang is also worth mentioning as it is a wonderful place that many foreigners love. The above areas are certainly attractive to many foreigners. But here more like the people of the family, as well as retirees. It is these categories of citizens who live here. Da Nang is richer than many other Vietnamese cities. It is generally clean and quite modern, so the quality of life here is significantly higher. It is not for nothing that visitors who have children choose the city. The weather in Da Nang is a huge advantage for many, as it is more moderate than in Nha Trang.


Jobs in Vietnam

The assortment of delicious dishes is a good reason for many to move to Vietnam. Indeed, despite a large number of restaurants, in this country there is indeed a cult of street products. In fact, it is almost impossible to avoid such food in Vietnam (especially in cities like Ho Chi Minh City, where street food is part of everyday life).

Vietnam’s national dish, pho, is traditionally made from noodles, beef broth, herbs and chili. However, there are several other versions with chicken, tofu or shellfish. Moreover, these dishes are best prepared at street stalls.

Vietnam is moderately vegetarian. When ordering food, you can say the word "tea", then local sellers will offer dishes that do not have meat and other products prohibited by vegetarians. However, in Asia there is no concept of "vegetarian cuisine." A person is often supposed to have something with fish sauces.

Vietnamese food is largely based on rice and rice flour, which allows celiac patients to easily find foods that they can enjoy without risking their health. Before arriving in Vietnam, you must download a Vietnamese gluten translation card to make eating less stressful.

A recent World Economic Forum report indicated that life expectancy in Vietnam has reached a fairly high level. The country ranked 56th out of 138 countries. Thus, we can conclude that existing in the territory is not so bad. This also proves that the average life expectancy in Vietnam has increased to 75.6 years. And all this is due to economic growth and improving the quality of all areas.


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