Bixiplasty for hair: reviews, procedure, composition of the drug, result and duration

Many women dream of having smooth and shiny hair. Achieving the desired result is not so simple, but new technologies still allow it. According to reviews, hair bixyplasty is a popular procedure. The nuances of its implementation are described in the article.

The concept

Bixiplasty for hair - what is it? This is a straightening procedure that is new in salons. It was invented by the famous Brazilian company HONMA Tokyo, which is in demand in the hairdressing market. This technology is considered a new generation of keratin straightening agents . This operation can be used for different hairs: drugs can work even with complex cases of ethnic structure of strands.

bixiplastia for hair reviews of professionals

The procedure makes naughty hair "disciplined." Fluffy is still eliminated, curls are not electrified. It saturates the strands with valuable trace elements, so they become healthy and well-groomed.

According to professionals, bixiplastia for hair should be performed according to the instructions. The procedure is carried out in 2 stages. First, the master applies a special shampoo. It cleanses the hair of dirt and opens the cuticle of the strand so that restoring trace elements get inside. At the 2nd stage, the curls are processed with a mask. She, after interacting with a hot iron, promotes hair restoration.

The name of the procedure came from the extract of the Bix Aurelian fruit. It is an evergreen tree that grows in the forests of South America. It grows not only in forests, but also in garden areas, therefore it is considered cultural. Tree oil has a healing and regenerative effect, therefore it is actively used in cosmetology.


The procedure is performed when:

  1. Dry and weak hair. If they are like straw, then bixiplasticity will make them soft. This action is provided using a rich composition - natural oils and vitamins.
  2. Lack of gloss, dullness. If the strands grow dull, the cause of this can be both age-related changes and improper care. In any situation, bixiplasty restores the saturation of the nose, makes the curls shiny.
  3. Fragility, split ends. The procedure is able to saturate the structure of the hair from the inside. Therefore, you will not need to go to the hairdresser every month to eliminate split ends.
  4. Slow growth and hair loss. If there is a sharp thinning of the curls, then bixiplastia will correct the situation. It will not only eliminate the loss, but will also stimulate the root system for the growth of new hairs.
  5. Curly, naughty curls. In addition to the caring effect, the procedure straightens the strands. It has a mild effect compared to chemical straightening, so it will be possible to achieve smooth hair without the use of aggressive agents.
bixiplasty for hair reviews

There are many reviews, real stories about hair bixiplasia, when it helped to eliminate the above problems. The result appears quickly enough. Moreover, the effect can not be compared with any other procedure.


Bixiplasty cannot be performed with:

  • allergies to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • undergoing chemotherapy.

In these cases, the procedure can be harmful. Therefore, it is important to consult with a specialist beforehand. He will tell you which procedure is best suited in these cases.

Benefit and harm

Given the reviews, hair bixyplastia allows you to make curls soft, vibrant and straight. It has a restorative and health-improving effect, so you only need 1 visit to the master to return to them pristine beauty.

bixiplasty for hair negative reviews

There is much debate about the harm. Experts consider the composition safe. The drug does not contain toxic formaldehyde, which leads to the appearance and development of oncology. Straightening is performed using phenoxyethanol, which does not accumulate in the body.


There are also negative reviews about hair bixyplastia. They are associated with various myths. You should consider the popular ones:

  1. Bixyplasty is stress for curls. It is not true. The procedure restores damaged strands, has a therapeutic effect. The hair is filled with keratin from the inside, so they become smooth, the extract of Bix Aurellana regenerates horn tissue.
  2. The hairstyle disappears splendor. In fact, the procedure does not weigh down the curls, so do not be afraid that the strands will become sleek. With the correct procedure, the hair will be airy, better lie down and be dense.
  3. The strands get dirty quickly. According to reviews, bixiplastia for hair can reduce the number of head wash procedures. They stay clean 2 times longer.


According to reviews, Honma Tokyo hair bixiplastia makes curls smooth, straight, nourished and shiny. The procedure should be performed as the effect disappears, and this depends on the initial state of the strands. If they are spoiled by a perm or coloring, then the result remains within 1-2 months.

bixiplastic hair reviews real stories

If the hair is completely healthy, then the effect of the procedure lasts up to 5 months. According to experts, the result will be noticeable 4-5 months. Keratin accumulates inside the hairs. Therefore, the exposure period with each procedure increases.


According to reviews, Honma Tokyo hair biksplastia will have an effect when the procedure is performed correctly. It is carried out using 2 means: a cleansing shampoo and a mask that is enriched with vitamins. They consist of:

  1. Keratin. This protein is 90% present in human hair. This component is present in the cuticle of curls, creating a stratum corneum. It has strength and protects hair from damage. But due to improper care and age-related changes, he leaves his hair. Therefore, it is necessary to perform procedures that saturate the curls with this protein.
  2. Bysshe oil. The product includes fatty acids and proteins that saturate the hair along its entire length. Therefore, it is used to repair damaged strands.
  3. Cysteine. This amino acid is present in many proteins. Her task is to strengthen the strands from the inside, so this component is needed to grow long and strong curls.
  4. Phenoxyethanol. It is a preservative that preserves smooth hair. Compared to formaldehyde and parabens, it is considered safe for the body.
  5. Brazil nut oil. It is saturated with fatty amino acids. The product repairs damaged curls.
  6. Pracaxi tree seed oil. The product gives the hair smoothness and silkiness, as well as shine.
  7. The resinous sap of South American trees. This antioxidant is needed to preserve color if the strands have previously been dyed.
  8. Oils Babassu. It simplifies styling, moisturizes, and protects against split ends.
  9. Passion Fruit. Makes the drug pleasant to smell. Also serves as protection against UV rays and moisture.
hair bioplasty honma tokyo reviews

As the reviews confirm, bixiplasia for hair is an effective procedure that has many useful properties. Many women have already managed to appreciate its benefits. Hair takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Execution Rules

The technology of the procedure is simple:

  1. Plast Hair Bixyplastia Shampoo deep shampoo is applied to moistened strands. After a few minutes, it is washed off. Repeat the soaping one more time, to greatly open the cuticle of the curl and eliminate dirt and residues of styling products.
  2. The hair is dried in half, and the clips, a comb with a sharp handle are divided into 4 parts. Then a Plast Hair Bixyplastia Reconstructive Mask is applied to each strand. It is not used for skin: 1 cm should be retreated from the roots. The curls are combed with a sharp tooth. The mask lasts 20 minutes.
  3. Hair must be dried with a hairdryer. Cold mode applied. You can not use brushing. Need an iron that heats up to 230 degrees. Each lock is pulled 7-10 times. The curls should cool for 20 minutes, and then they are washed with warm water and again dried with a hairdryer.
bixiplastia for hair honma tokyo reviews

The whole procedure takes an hour with long and thick hair. This period can be increased by 20-30 minutes.


After the procedure, hair needs special care. It is necessary to replace the cleanser with one in which there are no keratin-destroying hazardous substances - sulfates. Do not use silicones that are in cosmetic products.

It is necessary to use masks and balms that soften hair after washing. It is important that they contain keratin, which will extend the duration of the procedure. After each washing of the head, balm and conditioner are used, and the mask is used 1-2 times a week. Masks can be purchased and homemade.

bixiplasty for hair what is it

Every day you need to use indelible means. These are oils, serums and sprays. They should have keratin. Products are applied after washing before drying. This serves as protection against thermal effects, which makes the strands shiny and soft.

In the first 2 days you should not do hairstyles, collect hair in tails and buns. Then it is better to use rubber bands in the form of a "telephone wire". They less damage the curls and do not leave creases. Thanks to proper care, the result will remain for a long time, and the hair will look well-groomed.


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