How to tie a herring tie: step-by-step instruction

Retro style confidently returns to men's fashion. Many of its attributes, including a herring tie, were again recognized as relevant. You can tie such a product in several ways, which are described below. A narrow tie is famous for its versatility, makes the image of its owner extraordinary and unique.

How to tie a herring tie: a classic method

The universal unit has gained great popularity among the stronger sex. This is due primarily to the fact that it is appropriate in any situation. To tie a herring tie in this way can, for example, go to a business meeting, going to a party or a date. It is this technology that should be mastered by men who have recently become owners of a narrow product. Instructions are given below.

tie herring tie

  1. The wide end of the tie must be put on the narrow one so that the corner of the tie is on the left.
  2. Further, the narrow part from below is bent wide so that it rushes to the right. Around the narrow end, a kind of loop eventually forms.
  3. Then the wide part passes from the bottom up, as a result it appears from the inside of the loop.
  4. Under the wide end, an “eye” forms into which it should be threaded. The tie is straightened and tightened.

A triangle is the view that a herring tie should eventually acquire. Even a man who has never before dealt with narrow models can easily tie a product in this way.

Granchester Method

Representatives of the stronger sex, who have already mastered the above method, can set themselves a more difficult task. The Granchester method is another option for wearing a herring tie. It is difficult to tie such a knot, but the result will be an original and extravagant image. It is believed that this method is most relevant for long products.

how to tie a herring tie

  1. The fabric is thrown around the neck with the wrong side, the ends are laid on each other. The wide end, directed to the left, is located under the narrow one.
  2. A turnover is made, as a result of which the wide part is on the opposite side.
  3. The narrow half bends around on the right again, the result should be two full turns.
  4. A wide segment is threaded into the neck loop from the bottom up, then the knot is bent around the fabric from top to right.
  5. The end sticking out on the right is thrown to the left side so that it rounds the knot again. Further, this part is displayed in the throat loop with a movement from the bottom up.
  6. A wide part is held in the formed “eye”, the product is straightened and tightened.

We must not forget that the node "Granchester" does not fit well into the classical style. It is worth staying with men who prefer extravagant clothes.

Method "Semi-Windsor"

How to tie a herring tie? The step-by-step instructions below will be of interest to men who like to look stylish and fashionable, spending a minimum of time on it. This method is considered the ideal choice for a narrow product.

how to tie a tie herring step by step photo

  1. A tie is thrown around the neck, while the wide end is below the narrow end by about 30 cm.
  2. The long part wraps around the short part, but it does not need to be led out to the right. It bends upward, passing from the front side and immediately falling into the throat loop.
  3. An “eye” appears, into which a wide part is threaded from above. Further, this segment again penetrates the throat loop. The tie is straightened and tightened.

There are no stylistic restrictions in this case. The product fits perfectly into almost any look.

Windsor Method

Windsor is another version of a knot for a herring tie. How to tie correctly to look stylish and elegant? The following is a step-by-step guide.

how to tie a tie herring step by step instructions

  1. The product lashes around the neck, the wide part is below the narrow. The wide end is placed on top of the narrow, the latter is wrapped at the bottom. As a result, the “thick” segment falls into the throat loop.
  2. The wide end re-descends, bends around the narrow part. It is important to ensure that it is deployed to the right.
  3. Then the “thick” part is again thrown over the tie, this time the movement goes in the other direction. The line is pushed into the loop from bottom to top.
  4. Then the wide end is threaded into the “eye”, the tie is straightened.

Prince Albert Node

What other options are there to wear a narrow tie? Men can also pay attention to the Prince Albert site. This method is considered ideal for shirts with high and wide collars. It is desirable that the product was made of soft and thin fabric.

The product is worn around the neck, the wide part is on the left. The ends intersect, then the larger segment is twice wrapped around the smaller one. Further, the wide part follows up, after which it falls down, passing into the formed loop. Traditionally, two turns are made, but three can also be made. The knot is tightened, the tie is straightened.

What to wear

It’s important not only how to tie a herring tie. A man must also understand what things this fashionable product combines with. There were times when such a thing could only be worn in a tandem with a skinny suit and a shirt with a small collar. Fortunately, fashion has become more democratic these days.

tie herring how to tie correctly

It is believed that a narrow tie is in perfect harmony with almost any clothing. A representative of the stronger sex can combine it with T-shirts, t-shirts, shirts. It is not surprising that young people who follow fashion, who are not enthusiastic about classic shirts, but want to look stylish and elegant, fell in love with him.

The choice of the bottom also does not play a special role, it can be trousers, jeans, shorts. However, restrictions still exist, in particular, clothes should have a neat appearance. Stylists strongly object to the combination of a narrow tie with sweatpants and a crumpled t-shirt.

Who is suitable for

The above describes how to tie a herring tie, what to wear with such a product. However, it should be mentioned that not all men can afford such a thing. Stylists are unanimous in the fact that a narrow tie is most suitable for young guys. Men aged are better to consider options that are closer to the classics.

how to tie a tie herring

Body features should also be considered when choosing a tie model. The herring tie looks best on the body of the owner of asthenic complexion, the image of slender men with its help becomes stylish and elegant. Of course, large representatives of the stronger sex can also afford it, however, they are still more suited to the classic options.

The choice of color of the product does not play a special role. A man can make this decision, focusing on his own taste.

The above describes how to tie a herring tie (step by step). The photos shown in the article will simplify the task for beginners who have acquired a narrow thing recently.


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