How to write: pointless or pointless?

From this article you will learn about in which cases you need to write "c" at the end of the prefixes, and in which "z". You will also get acquainted with examples of writing prefixes of this kind, you will learn the exact spelling rule and the origin of this rule in Russian.

How do you spell: pointless or pointless?

Spelling prefixes bes-, without-

Russian language

The rule that determines which letter to write at the end also applies to prefixes such as cross-, through-, from-, is-, vs-, b-, vos-, voz-, ras-, times -, bottom-, nis. The correct spelling of the letters “c” and “z” almost always works when you just say the word: what letter at the end of the prefix you hear, that one needs to be written. But nevertheless, one very simple rule should be remembered, with which there will certainly not be an error. The rule is this: at the end of the prefix, the letter "z" is written in the word if it is followed by a voiced consonant or vowel. "C" is written if after the prefix in the word there is a dull consonant. If you remember this, there will be no mistakes.

Deaf and loud sounds

The rule cannot be used in practice if you do not know which deaf consonants and which voiced. Deaf consonants include x, c, h, n, s, w, f, k, t, n. Voiced consonants - m, l, p, n, b, d, c, f, h, d, g.

Now you can apply the rule. Let's look at an example of how different consoles are written in certain words:

  1. Lifeless - at the end of the prefix it says "z", as the sonorous consonant "w" follows. Uninteresting - it is written "z" because the prefix is ​​followed by a vowel. Safe, deserted, speechless, impeccable, unpunished, unconditional, windowless, unarmed - on the same principle.
  2. The letter “c” is senseless at the end, since the word is a dull consonant. Indisputable, without a trace, unceremoniously, without troubles, contactless, endless, stupid - by the same rule.

The rule applies not only to adjectives, but also to adverbs.

Now we can certainly say that the word "meaningless" is written with the letter "c" at the end of the prefix. And when they ask you how it is right: pointless or pointless, then answer that the second is true.

The semantic load of prefixes

The meaning of the two consoles, differing only in the letter “z” and “c” at the end, does not change. This is the same prefix, just with a different spelling. The reason for this is the development of the language. This exists to harmonize and reduce speech effort.

History of the development of the Russian language

In 1755, a rule was first formulated for writing letters at the end of prefixes. This was done by the great Russian scientist, writer, linguist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. On this score, there were disputes with the scientist. At that time they wrote, as it is heard, and there was no dispute, as it was right: pointless or pointless. But now there is a strict rule: before the bell, we write voiced, before the deaf we write deaf, because with pronunciation it is.


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