Tapiau Castle: the history of Guards in one place

The city of Gvardeysk is located in the Kaliningrad region. Like its capital, Kaliningrad, or Koenigsberg, it came under the jurisdiction of the USSR after the end of World War II. Gvardeysk is a city with more than seven centuries of history. He talks about his life and the events taking place here for several centuries. Small but cozy, it deserves rave reviews because it gives tourists unforgettable emotions.

There are a number of interesting sights in Gvardeisk that you can take a leisurely stroll while visiting the city. But the most noteworthy is Tapiau Castle - this is the oldest building in the city, which has been perfectly preserved to this day. What secrets does the monument of architecture of federal significance keep in its walls?

Construction history

Tapiau, Guards

The photographs presented in the article show how well preserved the castle is. It will be amazing to know that he is several hundred years old. The castle appeared in Gvardeysk at about the same time that the settlement was founded, that is, more than seven centuries ago. True, initially the structure was wooden and was located on the opposite bank of the river. But more on that later.

The story tells us about the knights of the Teutonic Order, who appeared near modern Guards in early 1255, during the campaign of the Czech king Przemysl II Otakar to Prussia. This area in those years had the Prussian fortress of Zugurbi, led by Zapelle. Later, in 1265, the garrison surrendered to the crusaders without a fight. There is an opinion that there was treason: the garrison was given to the West European aggressors, who came under the banner of the Catholic Church, in exchange for a huge land plot.

Tapiau Castle appeared on the north side of the Pregel River by order of the Master of the Teutonic Order Arno von Zangershausen in 1265. It was a wooden fortress, it was she who first bore the name Tapiau. The historians have not been able to find out the exact location.

The new fortress was erected on the other side of the canal in 1280. During the construction, not a tree was used, but a brick. Of course, the building was repeatedly reconstructed, but much in its appearance has survived to the present day.


Plan of the old Tapiau castle

The building is built of red brick in a style typical of the early Gothic period. Initially, the building was a three-story long structure with a high tiled roof and two tiers of viewing windows. A through arch was made in the center, and a fan vault was decorated on the second level. One of the reconstructions can be seen in archival photography - a plan of the old Tapiau castle.

In the XVI and XIX centuries. major reconstructions were made. During the second alteration, the historical buildings were replaced by red brick administrative buildings, which turned the object into a prison. Later, during the Second World War, the castle received significant damage. However, during its restoration, the roof typical of the order buildings was preserved.

The fate of the castle in different years

The prison colony in the territory of the castle of Tapiau

The fortress had a good location, and therefore, since the beginning of its history (since 1290), it has played the role of an important strategic object. At first, a military station for organizing campaigns against Lithuania was located here, and in the XIV century, the crusaders could control navigation along the rivers Deyme and Pregel from here.

In 1301, Tapiau (photo of the castle is in the article) became the center of the district, and after just over two centuries - the center of the main district. In 1350, a canal was dug between the two rivers mentioned above, which was subsequently deepened, locks were installed here to pass large vessels. By the way, this canal is still washing the area around Tapiau. Over the years, the territory has grown, and subsequently turned into a village. He was given the name of the castle - Tapiau. The first mention of the village dates back to 1450.

Until the beginning of the 16th century, when Tapiau had its own parish church, it was a chapel located in the castle. And from 1469 to 1722. the military facility was also a "keeper" - the order archive was brought here from Marienberg.

In the XVI century there was a global restructuring, after which the fortress turned into a castle. Then it was declared the residence of the Prussian Duke Albrecht of Branderburg. Here he died on February 20, 1568 from a stroke. His body was sent for burial to the Konigsberg Cathedral (now Kaliningrad).

In 1722, the village received the status of a city. From 1758 to 1762 Tapiau was under the jurisdiction of the Russian crown. In 1807, here, in the castle of Tapiau, the French garrison was located, but not for long, and in 1812 the Napoleonic troops returned here. And again they were not destined to linger - at the end of the year Tapiau was released by the Russian army.

In 1878, the second major reconstruction took place - the tower was demolished, towers were built, thereby destroying the crusader castle-fortress. This was done intentionally - now there was a German prison.

Interesting about the castle

Tapiau Castle in Gvardeysk, Kaliningrad Oblast

After the passage of Koenigsberg and the region under the jurisdiction of the USSR, the prison equipped at Tapiau Castle continued to exist. This was Tapiauska Prison No. 3 (there were 4 in total on the 3rd Belorussian Front), which contained war criminals, namely Nazi officials and high-ranking military leaders.

As already mentioned above, the manuscripts of the order were stored in the walls of the Tapiau fortress. Books were not intended for general use, that is, they were considered secret. They are written on parchment and paper. Some of them were devoted to medicine and law, the other to theology, the third to history. There were also manuscripts of mathematical and philosophical content.

The castle today is a prison, and belongs to the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Here is located correctional colony No. 7.

The ruins of the castle conceal many secrets, especially its dungeon, in which the manuscripts of the crusaders and the values โ€‹โ€‹of the Duke of Albrecht were hidden. The impossibility of a thorough study of the territory does not allow us to find something that would probably further reveal the history of Guards.

Nicholas Copernicus lived in the castle. According to some reports, he did not just stay here, but spent several years.

Tapiau Castle Tour

Outbuildings on the territory of Tapiau Castle

In 2013, a document was signed, according to which the prisoners should be relocated to another correctional institution, and the castle was transferred to the regional property for restoration. It is planned to bring Tapiau to its proper form and make it a tourist attraction, because it is a landmark of federal significance. However, the decision has not yet been implemented, although five years have passed. The building and at the moment belongs to the Ministry of Justice of Russia. It contains prisoners sentenced to stay in a maximum security colony; accordingly, there can be no talk of any excursions around the castle. Tapiau can only be viewed from the outside.

How to get there

Tapiau Castle is located in Guards. To get to the city, you must follow from Kaliningrad by bus or car. The distance from the regional center is 30 km to the east. You can enter Gvardeysk from the Kaliningrad - Vilnius highway for 0.5 km. To get to it, it is recommended to use the GPS coordinates: 54.645478 07/21/3717; 54 ยฐ 38'43 "N 21 ยฐ 4'25" E.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37906/

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