How many people live in St. Petersburg: past, present and future

I do not want to believe that northern Venice repeats the fate of the capital and turns into a "rubber city". The metropolis is growing at an unprecedented pace, the population is growing due to newcomers, the building is getting denser, and the architects are supposedly given the task to build up all the free areas. How many people live in St. Petersburg, and how has the number and composition of the population changed in recent years?

First millions

The northern city began with 150 thousand inhabitants according to the data of 1765 - this is the first census of the population, the results of which have been preserved. The millionth mark was reached in less than a century. Northern Venice counted two million inhabitants after another half a century.

how many people live in St. Petersburg

How many people live in St. Petersburg at the beginning of World War II? Two and a half million people, although a little earlier the three million mark was reached. The blockade of Leningrad significantly reduced the population, but the city again became a millionaire (more precisely, three times a millionaire) in the mid-fifties.

At the present stage, a noticeable population growth has been observed since 2011.

Statistics of our days

How many people live in St. Petersburg? Today it is a large city, an economic and cultural center, an important transport hub, a strong scientific community and a concentration of historical heritage. At present (2016), the population of St. Petersburg is a little more than five million people (5.2).

The latest (All-Russian) population estimate was carried out in 2010. Then the city was not yet covered by a population explosion, and the official population of St. Petersburg amounted to a little more than four and a half million people (4.6).

city ​​population

Now northern Venice is the second most populated city ​​in Europe (excluding capitals) and the fourth in the overall ranking. In Russia, Peter is the second most populous city. Also, St. Petersburg has rightfully been awarded the title "The Northernmost Millionaire City in the World".

The ethnic composition of the population of the Northern capital is represented mainly by Russians. This is followed by Ukrainians and Belarusians (respectively, one and a half and 0.9 percent). Representatives of other nationalities are not so common: Tatars, Jews, Uzbeks, Moldavians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians and Tajiks make up about three percent of the city’s population.

official population of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg has a fairly high standard of living, while the average salary lags behind Moscow. The cost of the products is comparable to the prices in the capital: fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, in this city are hardly less than those in Moscow supermarkets.

Demographic policy objectives

How many people live in St. Petersburg? The demographic policy program still provides for an increase in the population of northern Venice. However, it is expected that by 2025 the answer to this question will be a figure slightly higher than the current population of the city. In addition, among the main goals is to increase the duration and quality of life. The latter applies mainly to the elderly.

At the moment, the government of St. Petersburg has already identified specific steps to achieve its goals.


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