How to enable the Windows 10 swap file and determine its optimal size?

In Windows systems, the tenth version includes the use of virtual memory, for which the system component pagefile.sys is responsible. How to enable the swap file and determine its optimal size will be discussed later. In the meantime, a little theoretical information.

What is virtual memory?

To begin with, virtual memory itself is not an abstract concept, as some users think. Actually, it represents the reserved space on the hard drive where the components (for example, dynamic libraries) are loaded, which are necessary for the programs to function when there is not enough operational memory.

how to enable windows 10 swap file

The pagefile.sys paging file is precisely responsible for the size of the reserved disk space, the size of which is strictly regulated for Windows systems, although the user can independently set its parameters or disable it altogether.

How it works?

The question of how to enable the Windows 10 swap file is left aside for now, but let's take a look at how virtual memory works.

It is believed that any recent modifications of Windows for their own system processes create a reserve of RAM at the level of 30% of the total. Thus, for the remaining user applications, only 70% remains. But when a lot of resource-intensive programs can be launched on a computer at the same time, RAM overflow can occur, as a result of which the system starts to slow down, not having time to cope with data processing and calculation processes. Where can I get a reserve that could be used additionally?

how to increase the swap file in windows 10

Just for this, virtual memory is used. But application files are not already loaded into RAM, but temporarily stored on the hard drive. True, unlike operational, access to virtual memory has a lower speed for natural reasons (the speed of access to RAM is always higher than the speed of access to the hard drive). But installing too much virtual memory can only lead to the fact that the priority of accessing it will be higher, as a result of which the performance will significantly decrease.

That is why a completely logical question arises about how to determine the optimal size for the Windows 10 page file. Below are the recommended parameters for the systems of the latest modifications (note recommended, not mandatory).

Which Windows 10 swap file is optimal?

In general, it is believed that the amount of reserved disk space allocated for virtual memory is calculated in accordance with the amount of RAM. One may not agree with this, since in this case the processor class is not taken into account.

Nevertheless, the average recommended values โ€‹โ€‹are as follows (virtual and random access memory are designated as VIs and RAM, respectively):

  • 2248 MB VP for 512 MB RAM;
  • 2048 MB VP for 1 GB RAM;
  • 1512 MB VP for 2 GB RAM;
  • 1024 MB VP for 4 GB RAM;
  • 0 MB for 8 GB of RAM and above.

As can be seen from the data presented, in the presence of a sufficiently large number of RAM strips, the use of virtual memory can be abandoned altogether. But, as practice shows, even on two gigabytes of "RAM" you can disable pagefile.sys, and this will in no way affect the performance (provided that resource-intensive programs are not supposed to be launched on the computer).

How to enable a Windows 10 swap file

These are, in brief, the theoretical foundations. Now to the question of how to enable the swap file of Windows 10 or any other system, we proceed directly.

windows 10 swap file optimal

This is done through the system properties section. You can call it through RMB on the computer icon in the "Explorer" or use the standard "Control Panel" (control in the "Run" menu). Here you need to click on the hyperlink for additional parameters on the left, and then use the performance options button.

what windows 10 swap file

On the tab "Advanced" and will be indicated the current value of the size set by the system by default.

But let's see how to enable a Windows 10 swap file with a user-set size. When you go to a new window, the parameters will not be available with the default settings enabled. How to increase the swap file in Windows 10?

how to disable windows 10 swap file

Just clear the checkbox on the top line of the automatic selection, and in the activated parameters below, set the value above the current (or decrease it) for each disk or partition.

Is it possible to disable virtual memory?

Finally, a few words on how to disable the Windows 10 page file and whether it can be done. Yes, indeed, it is possible to disconnect (this was mentioned above).

Just activate the โ€œWithout swap fileโ€ item, save the changes and restart the system. After that, lightweight programs will load and run much faster. But, again, even such applications in large numbers at the same time run is not recommended. If you are using a laptop, you can set the high performance mode in power circuits as an additional solution.

Brief summary

Here is a brief summary of everything regarding the pagefile.sys object in question and virtual memory in general. A purely rhetorical question remains as to whether to leave the memory on or to refuse to use it. The answer to it depends only on which programs are used on a computer or laptop. If the user works only with office products and the Internet, there will be nothing wrong with disconnecting (modern configurations based on the same 2-core processors with 2 GB of RAM work fine without it). Otherwise, it is better to leave the choice to the system, and increasing the size to the maximum possible limits is not recommended categorically.


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