The power of voice is ... The main characteristics and properties of voice

It turns out that there is an unwritten description of a person, which each of us often does not pay attention to. This is a voice. Its strength, sound frequency, timbre and so on. Writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, still acute in language, once indicated that one can judge a person’s mind by voice and laughter.

Voice Characteristic

A beautiful, caressing ear voice says that its owner is a harmonious person, self-confident, kind nature and so on. A monotonous, inexpressive voice at a subconscious level tells about unresolved problems in personal life, complexes, self-doubt.

Sounds in nature

The strength of the voice or its volume speaks volumes. Usually people who want to control the situation speak loudly, for example, teachers, military men and many others. Actors, singers and people of other professions also tend to speak loudly. If the voice sounds quietly, this does not mean at all that its owner is a self-doubt, timid person. Most likely, its owner is informed about all the nuances of the voice and does not want to overload the bundles.

What is the power of voice expressed?

Voice power is a joint manifestation of the work of the vocal and respiratory organs. Each of us must be able to change the strength of the voice depending on the situation. Do not confuse the power of voice with its pitch. The pitch depends on the length of the range. The larger the range, the more expressive the speech. In theory, any person is able to change the key in one and a half octaves, but in practice two to three notes are usually used.

What qualities should have the voice of a person whose profession is associated with performances in public? The strength and pitch of the voice should be:

  • Expressive.
  • Sonorous.
  • Attract attention.
  • Vigorous.

Many novice vocalists and speakers make the same mistake. It seems to them that the power of voice is primarily loudness, which, of course, is important, but for its development it is necessary to properly set the breath, as well as the ability to master all body registers. Without this knowledge, singing or oratory on the same ligaments leads to sore throats.

Decibels of voice

Nodes appear on the ligaments or, as the vocalists say, “corns”, which are quite problematic to remove.

How to develop voice power?

Having a calm, pleasant, confident voice is a huge advantage, but not everyone has it. Even if a person has a rather dull, nasal tone, you do not need to despair. If desired, the voice can be significantly improved, and independently. To do this, there are many tricks or lessons used by actors.

An example is the actress Meryl Streep, who on one TV show read boring texts so much that she made the whole audience laugh. She read the culinary recipe in a sexy tone, and the travel summary - in the voice of the woman at whom the birth began. She said the text from Wikipedia in the tone of a teenager who was tired of reading.

Any of us can control the voice, which can be characterized by tempo, tone, timbre, pitch, articulation and other criteria that affect each other.

Voice Control Exercises

Firstly, you need to take a short breath and exhale to pull the sound "aaaa." The pitch is free. It is better to use a primary (natural) tone. Within ten seconds, while the vowel will sound, you need to listen to it so that it is stable. This exercise must be repeated for five minutes twice a day, gradually increasing the time, but not straining the larynx.

Quarter note

Secondly, the sound "aaaa" must first be pulled softly and transferred to good audibility, then again switched to a quiet tone. Repeat during the day several times until the tone becomes stable.

Thirdly, voice power and speech depend on breathing. To develop it, it is recommended throughout the day to read aloud excerpts from fiction. In this case, it is necessary to monitor breathing, record air reserves when pronouncing the most expressive words, and so on.

Pace of speech

Often the pace of speech gives the interlocutor with his head. Too quick speech speaks of the internal tension, the nervous state of the speaker. To understand it, it is necessary to strain attention, and this causes discomfort. At the same time, slow, sluggish speech leads to loss of attention. To adjust the pace, there are some techniques that are often used to hone acting skills.

To begin with, it is best to take an excerpt from classical literature and try to read it to a partner at the fastest pace, then at an average speed and, finally, at a slow pace. In this case, the partner should characterize the voice in a particular case.

Voice power

The same technique gives an excellent result when recording your voice on the recorder. Sometimes a friend’s opinion does not coincide with his own. In any case, everyone has the right to choose the pace, timbre and strength of voice that he likes.


It has long been known that a person reacts more to intonation than to words. Passionate words showing the power of love and a voice trembling with emotion will not leave anyone indifferent. It happens the other way around: kind words spoken with contempt will cause a negative reaction.

To control intonation is to largely control oneself. In practice, the following methods are used: you need to take an excerpt from Nekrasov’s poem “Once I went out of the woods in the cold winter season ...” and declare it with different intonations:

  • With curiosity.
  • With indifference.
  • With appeasement.
  • With disgust.
  • With anger.
  • With anxiety.
    Sharp sounds

At the same time, as in the previous methods, a voice recorder or a partner expressing his own opinion is used. Interestingly, emotions are expressed by lowering or raising the voice. If intonation drops quickly, then this indicates categoricality, slow and gradually rising intonations characterize bewilderment, doubt. Deep emotions usually smoothly replace each other, but suspicion or threat is characterized by a decrease in voice.

Vibration and Key

The timbre of voice, strength, altitude and flight ability largely depend on the skill of the owner. The expressiveness of the voice is largely determined by how much vocal registers of the body are used. The fact is that when talking or singing it is very desirable that all parts of the body vibrate. If the voice comes from within, then it will be delivered, and it is easy to control.

It is important to choose the right key, which is divided into three types:

  • Seeking or needy.
  • Normal
  • Torn.

A seeker or a needy tonality is characterized by a raising of tone at the end of a conversation up. This is what people in need or asking for something usually say. This tonality should be used extremely rarely, as it causes negative emotions.

Singing girls

Normal tonality is a neutral conversation, without special emotions. A man in a calm tone talks about something. For example: “The weather is nice today.”

Torn intonation is similar to the fact that a person does not want to talk much, somewhat dismissively. No one is trying to impress, less tense and so on. If you use all three keys correctly, you can achieve the desired result. The voice will sound smooth, free and at the same time funny.

The effect of voice on the body

Not everyone knows, but the spiritual growth of a person largely depends on the voice, especially on the ability to correctly intonate (sing). If you learn to speak and sing in such a way that all the muscles and organs of the body resonate, it means understanding yourself, leading a full life. Chaliapin sang so that "right up to his heels."

The power of voice is an indicator of how a person fits into real life, this is a continuation of the human "I". The more we own the voice, the more sincerity and love will be around us.

Often people who are passionate about one idea or who are in complete agreement with each other begin to speak in the same manner. This “joining” to the partner’s voice acts much stronger than logical words.

Orator Socrates

Currently, when you have to talk a lot with people over the phone, you can use your voice to get an idea of ​​the person. Sometimes a business partner evokes sympathy only because of how he speaks, or vice versa - he does not inspire confidence. The more we know about our voice, the better we orient ourselves in the voices of others. No matter how a person possesses his body and face, his voice can be a “traitor”. Therefore, the more developed the skills of “listening” and “hearing”, the brighter the image of another person will be.


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