Do you know how to pickle kebab onions?

How to pickle kebab pork? A question that is answered in almost every family. The main thing is that in every family it will be different. The dish is one, but there are many ways to cook it. We will not discuss the subtleties and nuances of barbecue, let everyone decide how to marinate deliciously. Onion - that’s what we’ll be talking about. We’ll talk about what no recipe can do without (we mean the classic one): about the methods of cooking and serving it to the most famous and favorite picnic dish - barbecue.

how to pickle kebab onions

So what can be done from onion? The simplest, of course, is to propose green, young stems. Simple, cheap and cheerful. If you have time, you can pickle it in all possible ways, and believe me, they are no less than recipes for barbecue.

So, how to pickle kebab onions quickly? Shred a few heads of onions, put it in a container with a well-closing lid, add salt to taste (it may take a lot, don’t be scared, this is normal), close and shake well for several minutes.

how to pickle kebab pork

During this time, if the onions are young, a lot of juice will stand out, bitterness and pungency will disappear. If the onions are winter, then there may practically be no juice, but the taste and texture of the vegetable will still change to softness and tenderness. Then you sprinkle the onion salad with vinegar (any that you have). You choose the proportion based on how much you have the workpiece, how sour the taste is to your liking, and also taking into account which vinegar you have. Decide for yourself. During transportation to the place, it will infuse and become even softer, sweeter and tastier.

How to pickle kebab onions if you don't like the smell of vinegar? Chop and beat the vegetable with salt, add herbs or spices (rely on your taste). You can sprinkle with lemon juice, but this is not necessary. Pour in vegetable oil. It is better if it is refined, odorless, although any of what you like is quite appropriate. By the way, try unrefined sunflower oil made from high oleic plant varieties. It is delicious, no newfangled olive oil can compare with it.

how to deliciously pickle onions
How to marinate kebab onions if you have free time? Like in the previous case, only instead of beating the chopped vegetable, you have to pour boiling water over it, then drain it, then dilute vinegar (9%) in a 1: 1 ratio with boiled water, add your favorite spices (dry adjika is ideal) and pour onion salad with this composition. In this recipe, the onion does not have to be chopped, it can be pickled and whole. In this case, it is necessary to keep the heads in boiling water for about ten minutes, let them brew for several hours. Serve with meat.

And one more nuance in the topic of how to pickle kebab onions. Be responsible for choosing a vegetable. There are special salad varieties of onions, which are not only sweeter, but also often have a lilac color, due to which they will become a decoration of the dish. Young onions are juicier, sweeter and more tender. Eat it not only with barbecue. He is a wonderful antiseptic, saturated with potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C. And this is not the whole list of its beneficial properties. Be healthy.


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