Numerical series technique for diagnosing math abilities and calculating memorization productivity

The methodology of the laws of the number series is testing, which allows you to determine a person’s ability to oral counting, logical thinking and mathematical calculations. Diagnostics is based on establishing the regularity of the arrangement of numbers in a row and the selection of one or more numbers that should logically continue the sequence.

The methodology of numerical series was first published in the Almanac of Psychological Tests, Moscow, 1995. There are two versions of the test: for children and for adults.

Children's version of the numerical series technique

Explanatory commentary on the test: "Read the sequence of numbers and in the remaining free cells enter two numbers that logically continue this series." Work must be completed in 8 minutes.


  • Example 1: 6, 93, 10, 93, 14, 93, 18 (Each number "A" from the pair "A, 93" is four more than the previous one).
  • Example 2: 20, 70, 120, 170, 220, 270 (Each number is 50 more than the previous one).
  • Example 3: 83, 72, 61, 50, 39, 28 (Each row number is 11 less than the previous one).
  • Example 4: 31, 31, 38, 38, 45, 45 (The numbers in the pair "A, A" are equal and each pair is seven times more than the previous one).

Text option:

  • No. 1 86 83 80 77 74 71 * *;
  • No. 2. 41 51 61 71 * *;
  • No. 3. 26 26 34 34 42 42 * *;
  • Number 4. 16 8 19 20 8 23 * *;
  • No. 5 8 10 16 10 32 10 * *;
  • No. 6 64 19 63 19 62 19 * *;
  • No. 7 14 5 18 5 22 5 * *;
  • No. 8 11 52 93 134 175 216 * *;
  • No. 9 99 93 87 81 75 69 * *;
  • No. 10 31 17 32 33 17 34 * *;
  • No. 11 27 35 43 51 59 67 * *;
  • No. 12 16 16 32 32 64 64 * *;
  • No. 13 17 5 15 16 5 14 * *;
  • No. 14 12 3 16 14 3 18 * *;
  • No. 15 17 6 ​​18 17 10 18 * *;
  • No. 16 31 30 35 34 39 38 * *;
  • No. 17 15 17 14 18 13 19 * *;
  • No. 18 36 36 47 47 58 58 * *;
  • No. 19 54 9 65 9 76 9 * *.


Number 1Number 2No. 3Number 4Number 5Number 6Number 7Number 8Number 9Number 10
68, 6581, 9150, 5024, 864, 1061, 1926, 5257, 29863, 5735, 17
Number 11Number 12Number 13Number 14Number 15Number 16Number 17Number 18Number 19
75, 83128, 12815, 516, 317, 1443, 4212, 2069, 6987, 9
Number series

Adult version of the number series technique

Explanatory remark: "Before you are 7 sequences of numbers. You need to find the pattern according to which this series was written, and write in it the numbers that are missing." The time allotted for passing the test is 5 minutes.

  1. 31 24 25 24 30 18 - - 11;
  2. 6 12 20 30 - - 72 90;
  3. 19 21 18 22 17 23 - -;
  4. 40 30 60 50 100 - - 170;
  5. 5 14 9 6 11 5 12 - 6;
  6. 11 14 28 31 62 65 - - 266;
  7. 41 36 30 23 - -.

Right answers:

Number 1Number 2No. 3Number 4Number 5Number 6Number 7
14, 1342, 5616, 2490, 18018130, 13315, 6

The normal result for an adult is from three correct answers.


Criteria for evaluating a children's test of the methodology of number series:

  • 16-20 is an excellent result. The child’s mathematical apparatus is developing very well.
  • 13-15 - the result is good. Development is going well, but you have room to strive.
  • 12-10 - the average level. It will take some effort to succeed in mathematics.
  • 9-6 - satisfactory (below average). Check if your child’s health is good. If the child is behind in many indicators of thinking, then this is a serious cause for concern.
Number Series Method for Children

Deciphering the results of an adult test: if a person cannot solve such tasks, it means that he cannot find the hidden patterns in digital material and / or is not able to use them, which implies that his mathematical thinking and logic are very poorly developed.

Memorization productivity

The technique is also used as a test for auditory memory.

So, the technique of numerical series for auditory memory and the calculation of the productivity of memorization. The sequence of actions when working with the test (it is possible that you need a partner):

  1. The leader (partner) reads the first row of numbers with an interval of four seconds. After ten seconds, the subject writes down the numbers he remembered on paper from memory.
  2. Similarly, work on the remaining number series. Numbers must be crossed out if their reproduction is incorrect in order or magnitude. Skipping a few numbers from a row is not a mistake. A sequence containing five numbers, as a rule, is read out after the subject is presented with the material once.
  3. You calculate the productivity of memorization according to the formula: productivity of memorization = the number of correctly named numbers - the number of errors.
Auditory memory testing

Text assignment:

  • First row: 46 53 63;
  • Second row: 79 51 48 25;
  • Third row: 41 67 38 24 52;
  • Fourth row: 84 23 38 91 56 78;
  • Fifth row: 32 54 26 41 69 51 37;
  • Sixth row: 29 17 82 19 65 39 24 63;
  • Seventh row: 28 39 41 69 35 83 51 43 70;
  • Eighth row: 31 29 83 52 67 74 91 12 84 46.

In this article, methods of applying the method of numerical series to diagnose the abilities for mathematics and calculate the productivity of memorizing auditory memory were examined.


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