What fish to breed in Central Russia? Fish farming as a business

Fish is a valuable dietary product. It has a mass of trace elements necessary for normal human life. Doctors emphasize that each person for the normal functioning of the body should eat several tens of kilograms per year (over 30 kg) or about 80 g of fish every day.

carp carp

True, there is still a clear deficit of fish products on the shelves of Russian stores. The fishing fleet of our country is small and outdated, and natural fish resources are gradually being depleted. The cultivation of fish in Russia is just beginning, although the country has many natural reservoirs and a lot of opportunities to create artificial ones. In terms of water reserves, it is in second place after Latin America Brazil. A significant number of freshwater reservoirs make it possible to engage in fish production.

There is only one question left - which fish to breed in central Russia? How to organize your own business so that it brings tangible profits?

Fish business

Any business is based on supply and demand. Fish farming is also a business. Demand in the domestic market is large. Today, consumers demand a large amount of fish products not only from large enterprises, but also from private farms with their mini-farms. From a profitability perspective, fish production in a pond makes it possible to earn about 20% of net profit. Such commerce can be engaged in any region of the country, including in central Russia.

At the same time, getting fish allows you to spend a little time - about 3-5 hours per day are needed. And fish farming in artificial reservoirs as a business is almost not at risk of a sharp change in weather conditions or cooling. If you correctly create a business, you can pay back the money spent in a short time and reach a steady income.

Fish sale

Of course, the production of fish products is not an end in itself. Selling fish is one of the essential factors of this business. The cost of fish products depends on the cost, quality, type and demand. The most famous red fish is trout, its price is much higher than other fish, such as crucian carp, tench, etc., but the cost of such a product is much higher, and they buy it much less.

fish farming methods

It is not for nothing that carps make up 70% of the live fish market. Their cost is lower, but sold easier. When you start your fishing business, be sure to look around at the fish market and stop at the most popular fish.

You need to select distribution channels, establish communication with catering establishments (perhaps they will become regular customers), restaurants, cafes and supermarkets (many agree to cooperate with farmers if you have all the necessary permissions). In the end, you can sell fish just in the market.

Forms of fish development

Methods of fish farming are quite diverse:

  • Pond breeding - the use of one, basic reservoir for obtaining fish (this is enough for any species).
  • Cage fishing is especially effective for large specimens. With this form of growing, the producer uses a certain section of the reservoir, distributing the water sphere with cage lines.
  • The basin method allows fish to be produced in artificial relatively small reservoirs. Everything can be organized in them for breeding freshwater fish species: carnivorous (pike, perch), herbivorous (bream, carp), etc. Some businessmen have mini-reservoirs in the form of small containers.

Artificial ponds

There are two main ways of fish farming in nature: in artificial (dug by man) and natural (created by the elements) reservoirs. The latter way is quite difficult to implement due to the cumbersome administrative barriers of the Russian bureaucracy. To rent or buy, for example, a lake is very difficult. Significant time will be spent on collecting papers, conducting approvals with numerous authorities. And you can buy the right to rent a certain natural reservoir only after winning the announced competitive bidding.

An artificial pond is usually a pond. In Soviet times, collective farm ponds were up to 0.5 and even 1-3 square meters. km What types of fish are suitable for breeding in artificial ponds? Crucian carp and carps were usually grown in them, varietal species of fish were less common.

But the ponds can be small. Today, small ponds with a water mirror of 1-3 square meters are created on the territory of personal plots. m. They do not need to carry out legal approvals. You can swim in them, use for decorative purposes, breed some fish "for the soul." And it can be used in commercial tasks. After all, even such a reservoir allows you to bring good income. The fishing business can start on a small scale.

However, the owner of the pond should remember that there is a whole list of subtleties, such as water temperature, degree of acidity, volume of the reservoir, number of fish, etc. Ignoring the guidelines can lead to fish death. It is necessary to determine in advance the number of specimens and species characteristics of the inhabitants that the entrepreneur is going to settle in the pond.

Pond requirements

Which fish to breed in central Russia depends on the characteristics of the pond. Have you decided to build an artificial pond on your own personal plot (preferably large)? Get ready to breed algae in it - this is a good free meal for future residents. Peat and silt cannot be left at the bottom of the pond, whatever quality they may be. It is necessary to determine in advance that the pond is needed specifically for production and reproduction, and not just for keeping fish.

Decorative parts of the pond can be found to your liking, but during construction it is necessary to determine some important factors when breeding fish: the most optimal volume of the pond is from 30 to 50 square meters. m, a smaller pond will be unprofitable, and a larger pond will be too expensive for construction and operation. It is necessary to dig a pond in a low-lying area with access to the bottom of the springs; there must certainly be a shady place so that the fish can hide in it during the hot season.

It is better not to design a flat bottom near the pond, but to produce sections with rapids and long ledges. Any kind of fish loves ponds with different soil characteristics and bottom depths.

Pond fish

To determine which fish to breed in central Russia, you need to start with the type of reservoir chosen. Artificial pond has a kind of microclimate, which is not suitable for all types of fish. In stagnant water there is less oxygen, it contains more microorganisms and various bacteria, small animals, including carnivores. The relief of the bottom, coast, type of vegetation are significantly different from rivers. A lot of them and silt. Not all fish can be in an artificial reservoir. However, fish species for breeding in artificial reservoirs in our country are quite diverse.

Common carp (carp)

Of the total number of commercial fish to obtain marketable weight in artificial reservoirs, carp, crucian carp will be one of the most suitable. Common carp (carp) is not particularly picky about living conditions, feeds on small bottom organisms, algae, fish food. Commercial salmon has been growing for 3–5 years, standing out at high speed.

fish sale

A domesticated version of carp is carp - a rapidly growing fish that has several species and is able to adapt to any reservoir conditions. Carp perfectly increases in mass in medium-sized artificial and natural reservoirs heated by the summer sun. The most favorable will be for them slightly alkaline water. Carp can eat plant and animal foods. Carp can breed by 4–5 years of existence.


Crucian is also of great importance. It is also a fast-growing fish. Crucian is omnivorous and very beneficial for fishing. Crucian carp is a well-known fish for production in the breeding pool. He opts for exceptionally still water, feeds mainly on algae. Adults can weigh up to 5 kg. The fish is very hardy. But in winter, due to thick continuous ice, it needs oxygen. It can be served with a hole in the ice plate.

trout Price


Today, trout farming is considered promising and allows you to earn quite good money. Trout is known for its popularity, its price is consistently high (450 rubles / kg). The current situation is facilitated by the increased demand of Russians for this valuable fish variety. In addition, trout fishing in paid reservoirs is regularly gaining popularity. The increased number of anglers prefer just such fishing, since the probability of pulling fish out of the water is high and vivid feelings from this will remain for a long time.

For trout, breeding conditions must be properly organized. When the young trout reaches 1 year, fish in the number of 500-1000 pieces are placed in a pond.

A full-scale fish complex combines a hatchery, pools for fry, a pond for adult fish, premises for feed, refrigeration machines for fish products and other necessary technical buildings.

Large trout, which is fed for balych production, is kept mainly in cages and ponds, occasionally in deep pools. Trout production in pools requires additional investment in proper equipment.

what fish to breed in central Russia

Most fish producers reach the age of 3-7 years with a mass of at least half a kilogram. The activity of trout during spawning depends on these two indicators of trout. If you correctly summarize the breeding cycles, then spawning can be done all year round.

To grow trout, the following conditions must be considered:

  • suitable water temperature for this fish is in the range of 3-24 degrees;
  • it is necessary to keep the water transparent and clean enough, with a good oxygen content;
  • for an early increase in weight, the fish must be provided with a feed base, which must certainly include all the necessary substances, trace elements, vitamins and mineral salts;
  • Astaxanthin is definitely needed - a combination with a natural carotenoid so that the trout meat gets a bright red color.

If these conditions are maintained, the trout will reach a mass of 2 kg in about four years.


Sturgeon breeding is a rather profitable and promising business. One kilogram of sturgeon reaches $ 20, and the cost of black caviar reaches $ 1,000 per 1 kg. It is easy to calculate how much will be the profit from such a business and the payback period.

In conditions of home breeding, sturgeon breeds develop much faster. If at first the male sturgeon weighs only a few grams, then in a year some individuals will weigh 1 kg, and the body length will reach half a meter. After two years of fattening, the sturgeon grows to several kilograms of weight. Manufacturers begin the industrial sale of individuals at an average age of approximately 1.5 years with a weight of 2 kg.

On a large scale in Russia, development is near the river. Volga, where in the pool for breeding fish use river water.

fish breeding pool

Number of fish

Efficient fish farming will be possible if you follow certain rules. To begin with, the most correct will be the determination of the type of capacity, the ratio of the depth of the reservoir with the selected type of fish. Then the problem of the number of fish fry for the pond is solved. Overpopulation of a reservoir negatively affects business. If there are obviously a lot of fish, over-consumption of the feed begins, and the water deteriorates faster. When calculating the exact number of fish in the pool, at least 50 liters of water should be diverted per 1 specimen 10-15 cm long. Pay attention to the size of the fish. Fry sturgeon will be much smaller than, for example, fry of crucian carp.

The deep pool creates ideal conditions for finding fish in winter, and in summer a more even temperature is maintained. But there are also disadvantages: at depth, water can remain cold for the active growth of microorganisms - food for fish. Absorption of atmospheric oxygen will be less than in a small pool with an enlarged mirror of the surface of the water. Because of this, the life process of fish is deteriorating.

Other characteristics of the reservoir

Pools for breeding fish of different species differ in terms of the water mirror, depth, level of water supply, the nature of the soil and other natural conditions. They differ from natural bodies of water in the regulation of the processes taking place: the cultivation of selected fish, artificial feed, fertilizer, and so on.

Important reasons, which largely determine the development efficiency of the inhabitants of artificial pools, may be temperature, chemical reaction. Some fish are thermophilic, others, as a rule, feel great at low temperatures. Constant changes in temperature and acidity can be dangerous for some fish species. Measurements of the acid reaction of water, temperature, determination of the amount of oxygen should be carried out quite often, especially in the winter season. Changing the level of acidity to reduce it is by liming, establishing the work of lime filters, mills.

We must also remember to determine the compatibility of individual fish species with each other, some of them can compete for food.

In a properly created pond, the fish will feel good and grow quickly.

fish business


We have already talked about food for fish more than once. This is one of the most important factors for the stable growth of residents of a reservoir. Nutrition will depend on which fish to breed in central Russia.

It should be noted that a universal approach to the principle of proper feeding of fish does not exist. This is how to ask about the best way to fish. In addition, much depends on the cultivated species, because all fish have their own food preferences. There are requirements for the conditions of detention and tasks. If a businessman wants to increase the growth rate of fish, then a greater weight of protein-saturated feed should be introduced into the diet. Fish do not expect a large amount of food. For example, to increase weight by 1 kilogram, food should have a value of approximately 4,500 kcal.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of amino acids in food, since it is they that increase appetite and directly affect the rate of weight gain. They also prevent the occurrence of a large number of diseases in fish, especially in fry. The diet must also include fats of various types; a lot of fiber (the weight of its consumption depends on the type of fish produced, the most required specific gravity is 20%, for certain species this level may be more); biologically active compounds (these can be various enzymes or premixes); cereals (you can sprinkle bran bran into the feed, they will be an excellent source of carbohydrates); important vitamin B; food of meat origin (special flour, dairy low-fat food. Such a balanced diet will allow the fish to grow at a faster pace, strengthen its health and increase the rate of reproduction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37955/

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