Beloyarsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk Region is the largest municipality with a center in the city of Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk).

The date of the formation of the region is considered the opening date of the Treasury Metallurgical Plant, and it began to work in 1723. Initially, the territories belonged to the Siberian province, later the Urals region, and even at one time was part of the Perm Territory.

Under Soviet rule, the status of the Sverdlovsk region was assigned in 1934. The existing borders of an administrative territorial unit were formed only in 1938. Area area - about 195 thousand km 2 .

Brief description of the area

Beloyarsky urban district consists of 45 settlements. The total population in the region is just over 40 thousand. The administrative center is home to about 29 thousand citizens. The total area occupied by the territorial unit is 132 329 ha.

Beloyarsky urban district

Appearance story

In the annals it is mentioned that the boyars Ivan and Fedor Tomilovs founded the Beloyarsky settlement in 1687 on the site of the present district. Already in 1695 there was a prison, and the settlement included about 20 villages.

Beloyarskaya was part of Verkhotursky Uyezd (until 1700), and then 25 years belonged to Tobolsky and since 1919 was annexed to the Yekaterinburg province.

After the revolution, all volosts were dissolved and councils formed. The same thing happened in the Beloyarsky district, which received its current status in 1924. For 10 years, since 1927, the district existed as Bazhenovsky, but in 1937 it got its old name, which is still used.

After a series of reforms and territorial divisions, the district became the Beloyarsky urban district in 2004 and has this status to this day.

There are many versions of the origin of the name Beloyarsky, but one of them seems quite plausible. The word "yar" means - the bank of the river, which is steep and high, and always washed out by a reservoir. The prefix "white" appeared due to the fact that after washing the coast, light rocks appear on the surface - this is limestone, shale chloride.

urban district Beloyarsky Sverdlovsk

Geographic data

The district is located east of the administrative district of the region: between the Iset and Pyshma rivers. From north to south, the length of the territories is 56 km, and from west to east - 53.

This is the West Siberian Plain with multiple ravines and hollows, at the bottom of which there are beds of temporary and permanent streams and small rivulets. In the south there are small lakes that do not have drains and are similar in shape to saucers. This is Ostrovisty, Shchuchye and Berezovskoe, the depth of which in some places reaches 5 meters with a total diameter of 2 km.

Local authorities

The executive and administrative body of the Beloyarsk city district is the administration headed by the head. Today this post is occupied by Gorbov Andrey Andreevich.

For reference, the details of the administration of the Beloyarsky urban district - Beloyarsky village, st. Lenin, 263.

The functions of the head of the city district are quite extensive, and this position occupies a special place in the system of local self-government. The officer performs representative and managerial functions.

The head of the Beloyarsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region has two deputies:

  • on social issues;
  • Housing and communal services.

The structure of the administrative apparatus has two committees:

  • on economic issues and the consumer market;
  • on property management owned by the municipality.

There is a legal, town-planning, organizational department, as well as civil circulation issues, an archive and a department for capital construction, gasification and housing and communal services.

The Beloyarsk village government of the administration of the Beloyarsk city district is located on Militseyskaya street, 25. As of 2017, the head of the village council is Hafizov Rashid Latypovich.

By the way, earlier A. A. Gorbov held the post of head of the Beloyarsky village council.

Beloyarsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region

Healthcare in the district

On the territory of the district there is one central city hospital, which is located on Yubileynaya street, 13a.

The hospital has a hospital, a polyclinic, an office of first aid and a female consultation. A medical institution has structural units (outpatient clinics, general medical facilities, FAP offices of district doctors, a modular outpatient clinic). They are located practically in all settlements of the district. Like most medical institutions in the country, the CRH is connected to the portal of medical services. Now you can make an appointment with a doctor online.


There are 14 comprehensive schools and one evening in the Beloyarsk city district. There is a center for further education, located not far from the Beloyarsk Council, on Militseyskaya Street, 1. There is also a children's and youth sports school.

There are 13 preschool institutions financed from the municipal budget and accepting children from toddlers.

Beloyarsk village government of the administration of the Beloyarsk city district

Long-term plans

On the territory of the Beloyarsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region, the project "Housing for the Russian family" is being implemented. This is a state program and is designed to provide citizens of the country with affordable housing. In the village of Beloyarskoye in 2015, a plot of land was selected for the construction of the Severny microdistrict, along Sibirskaya Street. The main objective of the project is to satisfy the needs of the local population in affordable housing (economy class). The price for 1 m 2 in the apartments of the new microdistrict exceeds 35 thousand rubles. To acquire living space, you can use maternity capital and arrange a mortgage. Moreover, the interest on it will not exceed 11.15%.

To date, 3 out of 5 houses have been commissioned. And this is 60 apartments. Next in line are another 140 apartments. This is a residential building 1.5 and 1.6. (building numbers).

details of the administration of the Beloyarsk city district

Cultural life

A special form of human life can be attributed to culture. After all, it combines tradition and creativity. In the urban district, there are 12 branches and 1 car club.

In the village of Beloyarsky it is located at: Lenin street, 257. There are vocal, theatrical, and dance groups. There are hobby groups. The Watercolor in Ribbons group invites everyone to practice ribbon embroidery. Lovers of sculptural sculpting can join the circle “Miracle Clay”.

Celebrations are held on a regular basis. So, by Mother's Day, a program with a festive concert and master classes has already been drawn up. By the day of the registry office workers, the amateur theater “Mask” produced the dramatic comedy “The Bride's Room”.


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