Otkritie Bank: rating, interesting facts and organization services

Otkritie Bank has a very high rating. At one time, this organization was actively advertised. But now there is simply no need for this. Otkrytie Bank has already become very popular and famous. He ranks fifth in the ranking of the best financial organizations in all of Russia. In total, there are about 600 of them. So fifth place is more than a solid indicator.

bank opening rating

general information

Otkritie Holding JSC is the largest private financial group in the entire Russian Federation by the size of its assets. Their amount is slightly less than three trillion rubles at the time of December 2016. This is three thousand billion. In general, the figure is solid. Otkrytie is only 4 positions behind Sberbank, VTB (Moscow), Gazprombank and VTB 24.

The main direction of this organization is banking. But beyond that, Otkritie also offers insurance and investment services. Also engaged in asset management and brokerage (providing intermediary services).

A bit of history

Otkritie Bank, whose rating is now very high, began its history in 1990. More precisely, then the formation of the eponymous financial group started. In 2001, VEO-Invest merged with Otkritie brokerage firm. Then she was engaged in exchange trading. As a result, the VEO-Otkrytie organization was formed with a wide range of services, which is now known to all clients of the institution. As a result, in 2016, on August 23, it was announced that the Otkritie group was integrated. She and several organizations (the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, NOMOS Bank, as well as the Petrocommerce organization) were combined into a single system. Which began to be called Otkritie Bank.

bank opening reliability rating

Why is an organization worth believing?

Fifth place in the ranking is a good reason for trust. But in addition, there are many other nuances that once again confirm the reliability of such an enterprise as Otkritie Bank. The rating, released by an analytical center called Interfax-CEA, is impressive. In the list of hundreds of the best banks in Russia, Otkritie is in fourth place.

This is just one example. A national rating agency, for example, has approved that Otkritie has the highest creditworthiness. This is indicated by three letters "A".

The authoritative agency "Expert RA" in its list of 600 of the best and largest companies in the entire Russian Federation, placed on the 43rd place (a good indicator!) Is the Otkritie Bank. The rating consists of six hundred items, and the fact that he was in the TOP 50, and not on the last line, cannot but cause respect.

bank opening ranking position

Level of modernity

In the Internet sphere, Otkritie Bank also succeeded. What place does it take when it comes to online finance? To find the answer to this question, you need to contact an organization called Markswebb Rank & Report. This agency is engaged in research, audit and consulting in the development of Internet products.

So, the organization’s online bank is assigned the “A” rating - the highest. This letter means a lot. That the organization’s online bank, in fact, is a complete replacement for the physical branch. And it implements all operations of the default type. Which in the traditional sense means visiting a real department.

Also, “Discovery” was assigned the second place in the ranking of mobile banking for iPad (2015) and the fourth - for Android Mobile Banking Rank (tablets).

And also, importantly, the organization is on the 10th line in the list of the most effective Internet banks designed for mature businesses.

Bank opening in the rating of Russian banks

Interesting to know

Talking about what place Otkrytie Bank has in the ranking, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that this organization is still serving foreign customers. And he does it as professionally as possible. On December 7, 2016, the service intended for this was launched.

Moreover, in order to serve foreign clients, highly qualified English-speaking employees, differing from the others with a special badge, were hired by the organization. Even in the office system, for convenience, the Speak English button has appeared - especially for recording in the electronic queue.


Several times a month, Otkritie Bank, whose reliability rating is growing rapidly, pleases its customers with fresh and interesting information. A month ago, for example, on 16.11.16, it was announced that partnership activities on mortgage lending and real estate had been launched. This is very useful, since each reputable bank should always be aware of the situation on the real estate market - because then it will be able to offer customers the most relevant mortgage products.

And in early November, access to the safest and easiest payment tool of our day was opened. And it's about Apple Pay.

At the end of July, good news also appeared. The Bank announced that it was decided to increase the credit limit for pensioners receiving payments at Otkrytie. Now the maximum rate is called "Respectable." Now, for a period of 91 to 1,115 days, pensioners can apply for a loan in the amount of 1,000 to 200,000 rubles.

bank opening which place in the ranking

About Services

It was briefly described above about what Otkritie Bank does. It ranks 5th in the ranking of Russian banks , so it is logical to assume that investment and the rest of the above is not all.

Naturally, a lot of services are offered for individuals. Very profitable deposits - especially the tariff "Maximum income" with a rate of 8.85% per annum. And there are interesting offers - for example, the Aeroflot card. A person is awarded 10,000 welcome miles for the action, and then for every 50 rubles spent - 1.65 m. Plus, to all cardholders - free insurance when traveling abroad.

In fact, Otkritie Bank is a worthy and reliable organization. And there is no doubt about it, because tens of thousands of people trust him with their money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37970/

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