Diuretic herbs: list, rules for preparation and use

Diuretic herbal preparations tend to have a mild effect. They are hardly capable of harming health. They are used even in the treatment of children, pregnant women, the elderly. If chronic renal failure occurs, harmless diuretic herbs help alleviate the condition of patients. However, before using such funds, it is important to consult a doctor.

With swelling of the legs

Often, renal failure provokes swelling of the lower extremities. In such cases, the disease usually becomes chronic. For this reason, they never cure him to the end. However, the diuretic herbs for the kidneys from the list below reduce the number of periods of exacerbations. Thanks to this patient, life is much more comfortable.

Treatment with this method will not be difficult to carry out at home. However, it is recommended that the situation be monitored by a specialist. Often, swelling in the legs occurs due to pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and other disorders.

In cases where therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, a person suffers from constant discomfort. In order to prevent this, it is recommended to combine typical medicines that the doctor will prescribe with diuretic herbs. With leg edema in the elderly, they are most desirable due to its mild effect.

A popular folk remedy for swelling of the lower extremities is a decoction of blue cornflower. You need to take one teaspoon of this herb, and then pour a glass of water. Drink the drug one tablespoon 3 times a day. The duration of the full course of treatment is 1 week.

The following recipe includes fennel, licorice, juniper. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of each herb, pour 1 liter of water. It is best to heat the mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Having stretched, drink the broth before eating one tablespoon throughout the day. The duration of the full course of taking this diuretic collection for fluid withdrawal does not exceed 10 days.

Chamomile tea

Many know the benefits and harms of chamomile tea for women. It is allowed to add the plant to tea. And you can steam it separately - you need to take two tablespoons of this herb for 0.5 liters of boiling water. The benefits and harms of chamomile tea for women will be fully revealed if you use this infusion on an empty stomach. In this case, any inflammatory processes in the body will disappear most quickly. Chamomile will cause harm to those who have allergic reactions to it: asthmatics, for example, should be especially careful.

Diuretic collections of herbs for swelling under the eyes

If a person has swelling under the eyes, it is best to make lotions from medicinal plants. This helps to quickly restore the tone of the skin, which are the most vulnerable in this area of ​​the face. In order for the effect to occur as quickly as possible, it is necessary to combine the administration of oral and local agents.

The most popular diuretic collection recipe for removing fluid and getting rid of edema is bearberry leaves, field horsetail, rose hips, orthosiphon. It is necessary to mix these medicinal plants, and then take two tablespoons of the mixture. Pour them with 0.5 liters of boiling water.

From this infusion, compresses are made for the eyes. It is recommended to combine them with the use of chamomile tea. To enhance the healing effect, it is recommended to add mint and lemon balm to tea.

For the kidneys

Diuretic collections of herbs help people suffering from kidney failure relieve symptoms. It is best to drink decoctions of them on an ongoing basis, replacing them with ordinary tea and coffee. In the body, such products normalize the water balance. As a result of exacerbations is becoming less.

Diuretic collections of herbs for the kidneys are an important part of the additional treatment, which is necessarily pre-approved by the therapist. It is he who will give recommendations for taking such drugs. One of the effective recipes is a decoction of two tablespoons of rose hips. It is necessary to fill them with 1 liter of boiling water, and then put the mixture in a water bath for 3-5 minutes. After the broth is allowed to infuse for half an hour. This is a powerful diuretic. However, it is possible to replace the fruits with nettle leaves, knotweed, or juniper. This will have the same effect.

A very tasty diuretic collection of herbs - five tablespoons of mint, nettle, lingonberry, stigmas of corn are poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Do not filter the mixture for 6 hours. After, having filtered it, the infusion is taken three times a day.

Another popular diuretic collection of herbs is a mixture of 4 tablespoons of bearberry, 1 tablespoon of fennel and parsley. All this is poured with 1 cup boiling water. As soon as the infusion cools, it is drunk in two passes.

For weight loss

Diuretic herbs are also known to help with weight loss. In order to lose weight, their specific types are most often used. It is harmless to health, allows you to lose up to 3-5 kg ​​in 2-3 weeks. In this case, metabolic normalization occurs, such drugs also have a laxative effect. Very effective are the seeds of flax, black elderberry, birch, blackberry. The procedure for receiving these herbs is best negotiated with a specialist so that he draws up an individual schedule of admission based on the characteristics of the patient.


At elevated pressure

Diuretic fees sold at the pharmacy can have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. So, diuretic plants help hypertensives very tangibly. As a rule, traditional healers advise them to drink decoctions of birch buds, yarrow, hawthorn, motherwort.

One of the most popular recipes is to make a hemlock. It is necessary to take 300 g of leaves, seeds or branches of a hemlock and pour 3 liters of vodka. After tincture, leave closed for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take it before meals, 20 drops until the moment when all signs of hypertension recede.

hemlock grass

Also, people who suffer from hypertension are recommended by traditional healers to grind berries of viburnum with honey. Having removed the mixture in the refrigerator, after an hour they start taking the product. Drink a medicinal potion three times a day, before meals, one tablespoon each. The total duration of the course is 14 days. It is recommended to use the mixture instead of tea. Before taking medications that will affect your blood pressure, it’s especially important to get medical advice.

For children

Some children from an early age need careful attention to the condition of the kidneys. It should be borne in mind that diuretic herbs for children are considered only auxiliary therapy, while the main course of treatment is prescribed directly by the doctor.

The main goal of such treatment is to remove unpleasant symptoms, eliminate the course of pathological processes.

A soft but effective effect on the children's body will have a decoction of thyme and lingonberry. In addition to the antibacterial effect, this drug also copes with an infection in the body. One tablespoon of herbs is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, and the product is already considered ready.

thyme, or thyme

To quickly remove the infection from the urinary tract, one tablespoon of lovage is brewed in 1 glass of water. In this herb there are many tannins, essential oils, salt, coumarins. The collection has an anti-inflammatory effect.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy has a tremendous effect on an already weakened woman's body. Often in the position of the female representative, they suffer from edema of the lower extremities. Diuretic fees do not harm the fetus, but can significantly reduce the intensity of the symptoms. Fees suitable for pregnant women normalize the water balance in their body, stabilize the nervous system, normalize sleep and wakefulness.

Natural remedies

Nevertheless, before taking such diuretic herbs, you must consult your doctor. It is important that the lead physician is aware of everything a pregnant woman is taking. If he prescribes any other drugs, they may be incompatible with the herbs that the patient is already taking. And hiding such information may make treatment less effective.

A popular recipe is to brew 1 tablespoon of chicory in 1 liter of boiling water. Healing potion is boiled, not removed from the heat for 12 minutes. Part of the water will evaporate, and there is still no need to add. Having insisted, the mixture begins to be consumed in a third of a glass 3 times a day. It is also recommended to add a blue cornflower here.

In pharmacies

In order not to mix all kinds of herbs that still need to be previously found, it is recommended to turn to pharmacy products. On the shelves of pharmacies there are many diuretic collections of herbs. But before using them, you need to consult a therapist.

Renal collection is considered very effective, which lowers the level of pressure that removes stones from the kidneys. It is sold in virtually any pharmacy. Its action allows you to stop even an acute pain attack. Instructions for use are always indicated on the packaging of the product.

Herb Selection

Natural diuretics have a very mild effect, stopping the symptoms of serious inflammatory processes in the body. It is believed that in the absence of contraindications, they have a positive effect on the whole organism. Some herbal-based diuretics can remove excess fluid along with urine, and some can anesthetize and disinfect. Before you start taking them, it is recommended to figure out which plant is best suited for a particular patient with his ailment.

Poisonous remedy

In no case should you violate the instructions contained in the instructions for diuretic natural remedies. Otherwise, the content of toxic substances will be detrimental to the body. Indeed, in herbs often in small doses there are poisonous substances, but with a low concentration of harm they do not cause harm - on the contrary, they are beneficial. But the situation easily changes to the opposite with an increase in the concentration of these substances. We are talking about St. John's wort, hawthorn, juniper, oregano, calendula.

Diuretic decoctions

Almost all diuretic herbal remedies are recommended to be taken before meals. The duration of the course, as a rule, is 2-5 weeks. The therapeutic effect of herbs is mild, and not all patients report a persistent effect. It is best to add diuretic infusions to the habit. And you should never do in the treatment of ailments with only folk remedies - herbal infusions only strengthen the effect that traditional medicines have, but can in no way act as the main means of therapy.

In the treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder, the use of linden decoction is indicated. To make linden tea, it is best to brew one tablespoon in a glass of boiling water. Having filtered, put mint or lemon balm in the broth. It is believed that horsetail is an effective remedy for pyelonephritis, it also helps with lead poisoning, the manifestation of urolithiasis. It is necessary to fill one tablespoon of horsetail with 1 cup boiling water. After the broth is put in a water bath for half an hour. Having stretched, take three times a day, before meals. It is important to consider that a new mixture must be prepared every day.

Mint leaves

Diuretic teas for edema

Healing tea mixtures are sold in many pharmacies. They are suitable for both adults and children. Teas of this kind help regulate kidney function, get rid of excess water. Often they are prepared on their own. For example, mixing one spoon of strawberry leaves with 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort and horsetail, 3 tablespoons of motherwort. After you need to take one tablespoon of the mixture, pour it with one glass of boiling water. The broth is allowed to infuse for 15 minutes.

It is permissible to make tea from horsetail alone, but it will become tastier when using just a mixture of plants.

Alcohol tinctures

Very effective and herbal tinctures for alcohol. However, with their use it is worth taking special care, because with prolonged use, a person develops alcohol dependence. You can not use such drugs for pregnant women, children, during lactation, suffering from chronic ailments of the liver, gastrointestinal tract. One of the most popular alcohol tinctures is prepared from 1 tablespoon of calendula and St. John's wort. It is necessary to fill it with 1 liter of vodka and insist for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take the medicine 3 times a day, 20 drops, before meals.

If the patient suffers from pyelonephritis, it is recommended to pour 3 tablespoons of elderberry with vodka, and then let the remedy brew for 14 days. They drink this tincture during an exacerbation of 20-30 drops per day. Their number is selected taking into account body weight.

It is important to consider that diuretics, removing fluid from the body, also remove nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. For this reason, it is important to ensure their constant intake into the body. You must follow the requirements of recipes to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37972/

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