Gardeners' best friend is potassium sulfate (application and product features)

Any summer resident knows how great the importance of fertilizers in agriculture. However, as in medicine, the same principle applies in gardening: β€œDo no harm”.

potassium sulfate application
Therefore, fertilizers must be selected carefully, given their benefits and harms. Potassium sulfate stands out among the variety of chemical aids. The use of this substance in agriculture is no longer in doubt in its benefits.

All the secrets of potassium sulfate

This is a fairly effective tool that is used to power fruit crops in your dachas. Moreover, it has a good effect on productivity, the health of plants growing both in open and in closed ground.

What properties does potassium sulfate have? Its formula is K 2 SO 4 . It is a white powder in the form of small crystals and has the following characteristics:

  • It contains about 50% potassium oxide.
  • It is well soluble in water, without forming any additional compounds.
  • During storage, it does not cake, maintaining its original appearance.
  • Not soluble in ethanol and alkali solutions.
  • It does not contain chlorine.

Potassium sulfate: application

Today in agriculture, it is simply impossible to do without this fertilizer. It is a good source of sulfur for plants.

potassium sulfate formula
At the same time, it practically does not saline the soil (unlike potassium salt).

But potassium sulfate is not only famous for this. Its use is especially justified for those plants that are sensitive to chlorine. This, for example, beans, potatoes, peas, grapes, citrus fruits. If we talk about cruciferous (cabbage, radish), then fertilizing with potassium sulfate significantly increases the yield of these vegetables. But it helps fruiting plants (strawberries, raspberries) to winter. In addition, potassium sulfate increases the amount of vitamins and sugar in the grown fruits, thereby making them more nutritious and healthy.

This fertilizer can be used in any way:

  • During the growing season using any irrigation system. This method is well suited for berry shrubs and vegetables.
  • They can feed plants after fruiting. For example, strawberries.
  • It is introduced during the digging of the soil. This is especially effective for such landing sites where flowers, cucumbers, tomatoes will grow.
  • You can add fertilizer when planting fruit trees.

potassium sulfate Price

Today, potassium sulfate is widely used. Its use is especially necessary on podzolic and peaty soils, since there is a lack of nutrients in them. If we talk about chernozem, then here it is mainly used for those plants that absorb a lot of sodium and potassium. This applies to beets, sunflowers and many fruit crops. For acidic soils, it is recommended to use potassium sulfate together with lime.

In addition, potassium sulfate, the price of which is only 129 rubles, is also used for indoor floriculture when watering home plants.

Security measures

When working with this fertilizer, one should not forget about basic precautions. It is better to protect the respiratory system with a respirator. Be sure to use tight impervious gloves. After work, thoroughly wash your face and hands with hygiene products.


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