Pfefferer - South Tyrol Wine: Characteristics of the Drink, Prices, Reviews

The German word "pfefferer" in translation means "pepper", "spicy." How can such a name be applied to wine? And the German word itself - what does it have to do with a drink from Italy? What grape variety is it made from? In this article we will clarify this issue.

So, we will conduct a tasting of white semi-dry wine Pfefferer. A description of its gastronomic qualities will be given below. We will also inform the reader about the price of this drink in Russian stores. And what do the reviews say about Pfefferer wine? We provide a brief analysis of consumer feedback.

Pfefferer wine

Raw materials and appellation

"Pfefferer" - wine obtained from the Muscat variety. Are you surprised? One of the oldest grape varieties that mankind has cultivated for more than one millennium, we associate with a sweet taste. Basically it is served as a dessert. If the variety is used in winemaking, it is mainly for the manufacture of dessert drinks. But every rule has its exceptions. And in this case, the role was played by appellation, that is, an area with a unique climate and soil, in which vines that produce crops grow.

The modern region of Italy Trentino-Alto Adige is not in vain called South Tyrol. Once this land really belonged to Austria. The vineyards there are located on the foothill terraces of the Dolomites. And the soils in this small region are unique: gravel mixed with sand. On such soils, Muscat matures halfway without its usual heavy sweetness. And this variety is called Moscato Giallo, that is, yellow. And you can also hear such a name - Golden Muscat. The berries of this grape as they ripen really become the color of a noble metal, with a slight sparkle in the middle. Their taste is bright, characteristic, steady. Therefore, the local wine from yellow muscat is called “Spicy” - “Pfefferer”.

White wine pfefferer

About the manufacturer

In this region, the vine began to be cultivated already in the first century AD. The best appellation for Pfefferer wine is a small area called Weinberg Dolomiten in the Tyrolean dialect, and Vigneti delle Dolomiti in Italian.

This area of ​​315 hectares lies at an altitude of 400-450 meters above sea level. The wine of this region was appreciated by the Austrian Archduke Sigismund in the 15th century. Nowadays, the land belongs to the cooperative "Colterencio Producti". Colterenzio is the flagship winemaker in South Tyrol. It is characterized by an unusually wide palette of drinks. But all of them are of a rather high level.

Wine pfefferer italy

White wine "Pfefferer": characteristics

The name already partially reveals the essence of the taste and aroma of the drink. Pfefferer is really sharp. This sensation has nothing to do with pepper and is achieved thanks to a powerful range of citrus fruits, which are guessed in a rich bouquet. Spicy nutmeg and young alpine herbs also sound. Golden color of "Yellow Muscat" partially goes to wine. It becomes light bronze, with a spark. "Pfefferer" - semi-dry wine. Not semi-sweet, as it is customary to classify this category!

The dryness of “Pfefferer” is felt in the pinching of the tip of the tongue, as if there really is a note of black pepper in the wine. But the sweetness of Muscat delicately balances this sensation. The wine has a long finish, in which juicy fruits and the aroma of white flowers are felt. The drink is very refreshing. It is light, like the breeze of the Dolomites, and dizzy like a Viennese waltz.

pfefferer wine reviews

How to serve Pfefferer

A great time to serve this wine is summer. The drink perfectly refreshes, invigorates, causes a rush of gastric juice. Therefore, Pfefferer wine is often served as an aperitif to arouse the appetite of guests. But for some dishes of the main table, the drink will be appropriate.

It is served mainly with fish and seafood - sashimi, sushi and similar snacks. In Italy, Pfefferer wine is washed down with pizza. The strength of the drink is 12.5 percent of alcohol, so it is quite appropriate at lunch. The wine is served chilled to 8-10 degrees - so its gastronomic characteristics are more fully revealed.

Pfefferer wine description


Wine "Pfefferer" (Italy) in stores in Russia costs about one thousand one hundred rubles per bottle in 0.75 liters. High enough price to palm off fakes on customers. Therefore, when purchasing wine from Italy, you should carefully study the label. Pfefferer is bottled in the most ordinary bottles of green glass, so it is unlikely to enjoy the golden straw color of the drink. The design of the bottles by the manufacturer "Colterencio" is very concise. The neck is “rolled” in green plastic with a white silhouette of alpine grasses. The front label is even laconic. On a light green background is written Pfefferer and that's it.

Basic information should be drawn from a label affixed to the back of a round bottle. There should be Weinberg Dolomiten IGT. This is a sign that the crop for the drink is harvested in the best appellation. However, in some parties of Pfefferer, the ruins of the castle are allowed on the front label below. This is Firmiano, home of Archduke Sigismund, who did a lot for the prosperity of winemaking in the South Tyrol region.

Wine "Pfefferer": reviews

Users consider the price of more than a thousand rubles per bottle acceptable for a drink of this quality. Thin, elegant, lightweight, at the same time it has a solid, unbending character. He has a rich and rich bouquet that cannot be confused with any other wines. The taste of the drink fully reflects the character of South Tyrol: to the best of citrus and alpine herbs, a certain nuance of creaminess. Everything is balanced, strictly in German, but measured by a generous spoon, with the breadth of the Italian soul. The wine is very soft, does not cause intoxication, but only a state of high spirits.


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