Favorable days in November for cutting hair on the lunar calendar

Even the ancients noticed: a haircut is not just a hair care procedure. For many centuries, it is an integral part of some magical and church rituals.

auspicious days in November for lunar hair cutting

Do you believe the traditions?

Legends say that before the fall, a person had not real hair on his head, but a soft infant fluff. But above his head a spherical halo shone, connecting the biofield with space. After the fall, the energetic luminous rays above the person’s head disappeared, and hair grew in their place. Now it’s not a halo, but hair that connects people with space. In essence, hair is a thread through which people draw the necessary energy from the universe.

the most successful days in November for hair cutting

You can not believe it, but still ...

Of course, legends can be regarded as a beautiful fairy tale. But still, in reality, probably, everyone had to notice how almost always after a visit to a beloved master the mood changed: an inexplicable lightness, a feeling of renewal appeared ... They say about this state: “a stone fell from your shoulders”. And it happens the other way around: after the haircut, dissatisfaction, fatigue, loss of spirit appear, and the quality of the hair deteriorates sharply - they begin to get confused and thin.

Why is this happening?

If you're sick, trim your hair ...

The thing is that with cutting hair changes the human biofield. Ancient people knew that if, during ill health, the hair was slightly trimmed, the condition would improve. Cutting off the ends of the hair, cut off negative energy, which leads to a quick recovery of the body.

the best days in November for hair cutting

A haircut can both strengthen human health and cause illness.

So that the second does not happen, but, on the contrary, after the haircut, only the energy improves, and therefore health, so that the hair grows better, is thick and lush, you need to follow certain rules, and also cut your hair in accordance with the advice of astrologers, combining the recommendations in the lunar calendar .

What do astrologers recommend?

The lunar calendar claims that in 2016, the most favorable days in November for hair cutting are 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27.

good days in November for hair cutting
Astrologers advise not to forget that the phases of the moon significantly affect everything living on Earth. In order to determine favorable days for hair cutting in November, remember:

  • best for fast hair growth, cut your hair on the growing moon;
  • made in the full moon, the haircut will be the most beautiful;
  • the best time for hair cutting is when the Moon is located in the constellations of Leo, Taurus, Libra or Virgo;
  • the child needs to be cut for the first time precisely during the period of the growing moon, but not at the new moon - this will provide him with thick, silky hair in the future.

And further…

For those who have problematic hair, it is especially important to choose the most favorable days in November for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar. Of course, to improve hair quality is of great importance correctly selected cosmetic and care products, the use of masks and vitamins. But on depressed November days, it is equally important to remember the need to put your energy in order. But she, as everyone remembers, is inextricably linked with the state of human hair.

Therefore, for lovers, it is more often to change hairstyles the best days in November for cutting hair on the lunar calendar - those that fall on the period of the first or second quarter of the moon. After all, with a frequent change of hairstyles, it is desirable that the hair grow faster, this will give an occasion to contact the master more often.

auspicious days for cutting hair in November

For those who do not like going to the hairdresser, the best days in November for cutting hair are those that account for the “aging” of the moon. If you cut your hair during this period, then your hair will become noticeably stronger, stop falling out, but their growth will slow down significantly. Consequently, the hairdresser can be visited less frequently.

Those who are seriously interested in the question “favorable days in November for cutting hair” should remember that you can’t cut your hair at the new moon at all - according to legend, a haircut made at that time can shorten a person’s life.

The most successful days in November for hair cutting: days of the week

On a haircut on Sunday and there can be no question. Sunday for Christians is considered a holy day on which to make a haircut is a sin. Astrologers say that having a haircut on Sunday, you can deprive yourself of prosperity and good luck.

the best days in November for haircuts according to the lunar calendar

Therefore, choosing favorable days in November for hair cutting, you should consider:

  • Monday is an auspicious day for all hair related treatments. Those who wish can boldly cut their hair or dye their hair that day. Changing the hairstyle will help remove negative energy, eliminate problems.
  • Tuesday is considered a good day for a haircut. If you cut your hair on Tuesday, there will be forces for important decisions, in life a lot will change for the better.
  • On Wednesday, you should have a haircut for those who want some kind of renewal in life: new friends, meeting old ones, traveling.
  • Having tonsured on Thursday, you can increase your popularity, change relationships with people, encourage the arrival of good luck and prosperity.
  • Friday is considered a neutral day.
  • Saturday is called a very good haircut day. The ancients claim that having cut hair on Saturday, you can free yourself from sins, restore the biofield, strengthen and improve your hair.

Favorable days in November for cutting hair on the lunar calendar

In order to properly cut hair in November, while receiving a charge of positive energy, which means that having improved mentally and physically, you need to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar. It presents both good days in November for hair cutting, and days on which it is highly recommended not to cut your hair:

  • 1.11 (Tue.) This day haircut can lead to waste. When dyeing hair, exclusively natural dyes should be used, which may favor career growth.
  • 2.11 (cf.) An unfavorable day for haircuts and hair coloring: sad thoughts will prevail.
  • 3.11 (PT) Auspicious day: a haircut will lead to an increase in wealth.
  • 4.11 (st.) A very bad day for cutting and dyeing: procedures can lead to malaise.
  • 5.11 (Sub.) It is highly recommended that you not cut your hair and dye your hair: problems may arise and your health will worsen.
  • 6.11 (Sunday) Strangely enough, this is a good day: health can be a consequence of cutting.
  • 7.11 (Mon). It is a bad day for any action with the hair: health may worsen.
  • 8.11 (Tue) Bad day: a haircut can cause a loss of well-being. When dyeing hair with henna, authority can increase, immunity can be strengthened.
  • 9.11 (Wed). A haircut can increase intuition and wit; dyeing in copper or gold leads to profit.
  • 10.11 (Thurs.). Hair cutting and hair coloring can attract misfortune. But when dyeing hair with natural dyes, status can rise.
  • 11.11 (st.) A haircut will bring happiness, and hair coloring should be abandoned.
  • 12.11 (sub.). Hair treatments will attract stabilization in financial matters.
  • 13.11 (Sunday) A haircut will lead to a deterioration in well-being. When staining, it is recommended to use dark natural dyes.
  • 14.11 (pon) A haircut is fraught with attraction of mental confusion. Hair coloring is advised to be done exclusively in dark colors.
  • 15.11 (Tue) Astrologers do not advise getting a haircut; this will cause obstacles in the implementation of business plans. Dye your hair in light or red tones.
  • 11.16 (cf.) Haircuts can cause trouble. You need to dye your hair in tones that enhance self-confidence.
  • 17.11 (Thu.) A haircut will extend life, will lead to success in business.
  • 18.11 (st.) It is recommended to refrain from any manipulation of hair.
  • 19.11 (Sub.) Haircut and hair coloring in red and light colors will lead to luck and increase attractiveness.
  • 20.11 (Sunday) It is considered a neutral day. There will be acquisitions, but also gain weight. It should be painted in natural colors.
  • 21.11 (Mon) Astrologers call a neutral day, leading to gains and weight gain.
  • 22.11 (Tue) It is considered a favorable day. Haircuts can make you feel better. When staining, you can use any dyes.
  • 11.23 (Wed) A very bad day for cutting and coloring hair: you can lose health. Dyeing hair in dark colors can attract success in business.
  • 24.11 (Thu.) Hair cutting and hair coloring can lead to poor health and provoke conflict situations.
  • 11.25 (st.) Any procedures on the hair will attract good changes. It is recommended to restore the natural color of the hair. A significant increase in social status is possible.
  • 26.11 (sub.). Manipulations with hair will attract gaining warmth, strengthening health, increasing profits.
  • November 27 (Sunday) A haircut will increase charm and lead to an improvement in relationships with others. But astrologers do not advise conducting hair dyeing.
  • November 28 (Mon) Astrologers warn: having done a haircut that day, you can lose positive energy and complicate financial matters.
  • 11.29 (Tue) Hair treatments will lead to conflicts. But if you dye your hair with natural dyes, it will increase income.
  • 30.11 (Wed) Any procedures are fraught with the loss of positive energy and the receipt of financial problems. You can try to improve the situation by using a tint balm for hair coloring.

auspicious days in November for hair cutting

And let everything change for the better!

Those who are serious about the recommendations of astrologers really believe that an ordinary haircut can radically change their fate, and therefore, going to a salon or a hairdresser, carefully selects favorable days for a haircut in November or in any other month, I want to caution: numbers 9 , 15, 23, and 29 are popularly called "satanic." Any undertakings these days, according to beliefs, do not lead to anything good. The days of a solar or lunar eclipse are also doubtful for cutting hair. A visit to a stylist these days can lead to unhealthy conditions or to obstruction in the flow of positive energy. Astrologers also do not recommend cutting hair on the days of the moon in Fish and Cancer.

By the way, not only the location of the planets affects the biofield. Of great importance is the kind of person the master who makes the haircut is. A haircut by a benevolent, friendly master will attract happy changes, success and joyful events into a person's life. If the master is nervous during work, criticizes the client’s hair, expresses dissatisfaction with his life, the haircut will not go in vain, regardless of what day it was performed.

To meet as many good people on your way as possible - what else is needed to consider yourself happy and your life a success?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37993/

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