We grow a vegetable marrow. White-fruited zucchini - variety description, cultivation, reviews

Due to sharp changes in climatic conditions, it becomes increasingly difficult to grow seemingly unpretentious vegetables such as zucchini. Every year, thanks to the efforts of breeders, new varieties of pumpkin crops appear on the market.

But there are already proven and reliable varieties that should not be forgotten. One of them will be discussed in this article. Zucchini Beloplodny has its own distinctive features, which you need to pay attention to fans of the garden. It is worth noting that for several decades the variety has been known and cultivated in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

White squash: description

The variety is intended for processing and canning. The first fruits are removed 35 days after sowing the seeds.

Like most white-fruited, domestic zucchini is a single-ply culture. A compact bush with a short main lash allows you to rationally use the area reserved for zucchini.

The fruits of pumpkin culture have a cylindrical shape, the surface is smooth, the skin is thin. The flesh is moderately dense, cream-colored with excellent taste. At the last stage of ripening, the fruits acquire a whitish color, whence the name implies - Beloplodny zucchini. The photo attached to the article illustrates this feature well. The mass of the fetus is from 0.5 to 0.9 kg.


Grade Features

Many gardeners practice growing zucchini in a greenhouse. This variety is intended both for growing zucchini in the open ground, and in a greenhouse. In greenhouse conditions, zucchini fruit even better than in the garden. This feature makes it possible for the gardener to choose where it will be more convenient to plant Beloplodny zucchini. The following distinguishing characteristics are listed in the variety description:

  1. Early ripe.
  2. Fruits have excellent keeping quality.
  3. Zucchini have good transportability.
  4. Bacteriosis resistant variety. It is also not affected by powdery mildew and gray rot.
  5. Very productive, fruitful amicable. From one square meter, you can collect 10 kg of zucchini. However, those who like to work hard get a rich harvest.

zucchini white fruit reviews

Preparation for landing

Weather conditions are an important factor for sowing zucchini seeds. Despite the fact that pumpkin cultures are considered cold-resistant, they develop better at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Small shoots die even with small frosts.

For planting zucchini choose well-lit places. Shading of the site is allowed on the one hand.

Squash White-fronted feels good on neutral soils. Loamy and sandy loamy soil will be a suitable “home” for pumpkin culture.

Zucchini does not like to return to their old place. It is better to plant them where a year ago such crops as cabbage, legumes, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and root crops grew. You can not grow zucchini after cucumbers and pumpkins. This will significantly affect their harvest.

It is necessary to prepare planting material. In order not to have to plant new seeds, they need to be checked for germination. The seeds are moistened and wrapped in a cloth, which is placed in a plastic bag. It is important to ensure that moisture persists in them. Some gardeners hold seeds in solution before this procedure to stimulate growth. When the seeds germinate, select suitable ones and plant directly in the wells.

zucchini Fertile description

Sowing seeds

It is better to prepare the holes in advance, with a distance of 70 to 100 cm. If humus or other fertilizers are laid in them, then they must be thoroughly mixed with the ground, and then sprinkled a little more so as not to burn the sprouts.

2 seeds with a distance of 6 cm are placed in each hole. Sprinkle with 3-4 cm of light soil on top. If necessary, the bed can be covered with a film. After germination, leave one bush, which is stronger. Seeds are sown in two stages. To get an early harvest, planting is carried out from May 1 to June 15. The second stage of sowing seeds is provided for winter storage of fruits. To this end, zucchini can be planted throughout the first half of summer.

zucchini White fruit photo

Seedling method

In cold regions, Squash Belonodny is grown with seedlings. In April, the seeds are sown in cups. In order for seedlings to grow faster, it is important to create suitable soil. At the bottom of the glass put a mixture of humus and peat in a ratio of 1: 1.

After the emergence of seedlings, you need to regularly water the plants and maintain the temperature regime. It needs more scrupulous care, because plants in a room develop worse than in open ground. Watering is done once a week.

Seedlings of Beloplodny squash should be fed 2 times before planting in the garden, with an interval of 10 days. Use ready-made mixtures, which are in specialized stores. After the formation of 4 real leaves, the bushes are transplanted to the land.

It should be noted that white-fruited zucchini do not tolerate a transplant. Therefore, in a glass or pot you need to plant two seeds (the second in stock). If one plant is in one container, it will be easier to transplant. This must be done together with a lump of land in which a young bush developed.

sort of vegetable marrow


For a gardener, there is nothing easier than to grow a white squash. Cultivation consists in watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing.

1. Watering. Pumpkin culture develops well with moderate watering. You can’t get carried away too much, as this will contribute to the decay of the fruit. It is important to ensure that the roots are not exposed. During fruiting, the plant is especially in need of moisture.

Zucchini has powerful roots that branch and go 40 cm deep. To water them, you need to water the bushes abundantly, but rarely.

In hot weather, water should be poured under the root without falling onto the leaves. Otherwise, the bushes will begin to turn yellow and this will shorten the fruiting period of zucchini.

2. Loosening the soil. As already mentioned, zucchini do not tolerate heavy soil. To ensure soil permeability, it is regularly fluffed. But in order not to disturb the root system again, the bushes of zucchini are covered with mulch. As the mulching material, humus, straw and peat are used. If fresh grass is used, then it needs to be dried a little. Such a protective layer will prevent the fruits from decaying, as they will not come into contact with wet soil.

3. Feeding. It is best to introduce complex fertilizers, because the necessary trace elements are not always enough in organic substances. For the entire period, three main dressings are done.

  • Pour 1 liter of fermented mullein into a bucket of water. Dissolve 15 g of potassium sulfate or 30 g of superphosphate in a second bucket. Mix the mixture and pour per liter under each bush. Superphosphate is fully diluted only in warm water.
  • For 10 liters, take 0.5 liters of mullein and 30 g of nitrophosphate. Before top dressing, the bushes should be pre-watered.
  • During flowering and fruiting, top dressing is carried out using wood ash. You can add 30 g of nitrophoska to it.

To get the maximum yield, the fruits should be picked 2 times a week. If you leave large zucchini on the bushes, they will absorb nutrients, which in turn will be an obstacle to the formation of new fruits.

It is necessary to remove old leaves in a timely manner. This method will extend the fruiting period and increase the amount of yield.

vegetable marrow

Fruit application

Zucchini is great for conservation. Unlike zucchini, it has a firmer pulp and during heat treatment it remains elastic and crispy. The fruits of zucchini are used for various salads and caviar, which are prepared for the winter.

In the summer, zucchini are indispensable vegetables, especially at the beginning of the season, until other vegetables are ripe. Variety of vegetable marrow Beloplodny in this respect differs from its "counterparts" by an early harvest. As a rule, all other varieties of white zucchini produce fruits later than this. Taking advantage of this advantage of this variety, you can replenish your summer diet with a variety of dishes.

In the description of the variety of white squash Beloplodny, an interesting feature was mentioned that is important for the use of fruits. They can be stored in the winter. If you sow the seeds of zucchini in the summer, then the harvest will be later and such fruits increase the shelf life. To keep zucchini safely stored in the winter, they leave tails on them. Fruits must be laid out in one layer, in a cool dark place.

Overripe fruits harden seeds and the flesh becomes very dense. Due to the coarse peel, zucchini is not suitable for human consumption. But they serve as excellent animal feed.

vegetable marrow

What are useful zucchini

Zucchini mainly consists of water, but at the same time it has a large number of trace elements and vitamins that are useful for the human body. It is noteworthy that in the composition of the zucchini there are no cholesterol and trans fats, and there are few fatty acids. Because of these properties, vegetables have established themselves as a dietary product. But after eating dishes from zucchini, a feeling of satiety appears. Therefore, it is useful to use them for those who want to lose weight.

Zucchini cleanse the body, help fight constipation, improve digestion and microcirculation. They are useful for people with diabetes.

Ripe squash seeds are similar in composition to pumpkin seeds. They contain antioxidants and santonin. Seeds are an effective remedy for helminths. Unlike pulp, seeds contain a lot of calories.


Reviews of zucchini (White-fruited), crop photos allow us to conclude that the plant needs the right conditions to get the expected yield. In lighted areas, the bushes are more sprawling and powerful. Loosening the soil is also of great importance. On heavy soil, the bushes look oppressed. Fruits are tastier if they are picked young and consumed with peel and seeds. Some gardeners recommend this variety to anyone involved in growing vegetables.


The fact that the variety occupies a leading position among other zucchini allows us to judge its characteristics. Zucchini seeds are in many specialized stores. It’s easy to find out, as the photo is shown on the package. Zucchini Fertile reviews is positive. Gardeners say that if the seeds are pre-sowed, the yield will be significantly higher.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37995/

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