Stroller Walking Stick Geoby D888: reviews

Today, a stroller called Geoby D888 will be presented to our attention. This is a cane, which is increasingly receiving various reviews from parents. And with their help, it remains to be seen whether it is worth spending money on this product. What are the pros and cons of it? How convenient is it to use this cane? Is it worth considering this option as a stroller for walks, or is it better to see some other analogs? Numerous opinions of parents who have already dealt with our current product tell about all this. What they're saying? Get ready right away - there will definitely not be a consensus. After all, everyone has their own evaluation criteria. So, conclusions will have to be done independently for yourself.

geoby d888


To begin with, the Geoby D888 is a cane stroller. This is what is called a "walk" for children. That is, this product is not a cradle for a newborn, but a "saddle" on which you can move around.

In other words, this model is a typical "walk", which is actively used by kids and their parents. Suitable not for a newborn, but for a child who already knows how to sit. After all, walking canes are designed for this. In principle, the Geoby D888 stroller in this regard has no complaints so far - the most common cane, which is ideal for a grown up baby!


Special attention is paid to the wheels of the structure. It's no secret that, in principle, a stroller should have 4 of these components. This is necessary to ensure the most convenient and smooth movement.

Only now Geoby D888, reviews of which are presented to our attention, is considered a little non-standard in this area. The thing is that such models have only 3 wheels. Moreover, one front, 2 rear.

stroller geoby d888

This decision scares many. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to refuse to purchase. An original approach that does not adversely affect movement is not at all as bad as it seems. Parents claim that 3 wheels instead of 4 for a "walk" are perfect. The movement is smooth even on the most bumpy roads. Only such a device will have to get used to.

The wheels themselves are swivel, double and plastic. That is, in practice, we have 2 small wheels in front and 4 in the back. Among the shortcomings of the Geoby D888, parents often highlight the fact that the designs are made of plastic. Many prefer inflatable wheels, but on "walks" to meet them is extremely difficult. In terms of quality, these components are good, they do not crack and do not break. And replaced without any problems.


Geoby D888 (photo below) earns individual reviews from their parents for their "grandfather". It is the main feature of the design, plays an important role. Indeed, for any β€œwalk”, the place where the child sits is what you need to pay attention to.

geoby d888 reviews

If we talk about the characteristics, then this component is upholstered with a soft water-repellent fabric. In addition, the seat is equipped with five-point seat belts for the child. They provide complete safety and stability of the baby. Yes, over time, with active use, the straps can be wiped, but in practice this almost never happened.

There are no crossbars in front of the baby so that he can hold on to her. This is not such a drawback, but it is often paid attention to. The back has no adjustment, which upsets some. However, this is not a reason to abandon the Geoby D888.

Exterior style

For some parents, the appearance of any child's design plays an important role. And this is a normal phenomenon - I do not want to buy goods with which it is a shame to go out! Therefore, design is given special attention. Not the same, of course, as the characteristics, but still.

And here the Geoby D888 stroller cane gets a variety of reviews. But most parents are not too happy with the "design." The cane is a kind of soft seat on 6 wheels for the baby. And nothing more. It's hard to call it a stroller. Rather, a children's soft chair on wheels.

But with regard to the color scheme, everyone is satisfied. You can find options for boys, and for girls, and universal models. So, we can say so - Geoby D888 looks unconventional, but stylish. Unfortunately, not everyone likes this originality. And not the best reviews come from here.

stroller walking stick geoby d888 reviews

Functionality and Care

Further it is worth taking a closer look at the functionality of the stroller, as well as to the care of the structure. It is these moments that are often decisive. And the stroller Geoby D888 earns mixed reviews in these areas.

Firstly, it should be noted right away - this option is exclusively summer. So, it is no longer possible to consider Geobi a multifunctional device. For winter walks you will have to look for some other stroller.

Secondly, the joy in parents is caused by the height-adjustable handles. You can "fit" them under the growth of both mothers and fathers. Especially this moment stands out when the parents are seriously different in growth.

Thirdly, caring for the design of the "Geobi" is easy and simple! The mechanism-book, which is equipped with a stroller, helps to quickly and easily store a baby product in a compact form for walking. And the fabric is easy to clean with the most ordinary wet rags. In addition, given that the Geobi is a cane, it will not take up much space when assembled or disassembled. Of course, all this pleases parents. Indeed, as a summer "walk" this option is perfect. One cannot but emphasize the lightness of the design. Only 4 kilograms of weight! To make such a device is a pleasure!

Disadvantages and outcomes

But not everything is as good as it seems. The Geoby D888 has its drawbacks. For example, some parents say that they do not really like custom design and style. It will take a long time to get used to.

geoby d888 photo

In addition, non-standard chassis - this is something that also can not immediately get used to. Need training and dexterity. "Geobi" has a visor, which, according to the manufacturer, should protect the child from the sun. In practice, he plays only a decorative role - zero protection for the baby.

But the stroller cane Geoby D888 receives positive reviews for its value. The summer "walk" will cost only about 4-4.5 thousand rubles. For such money, paying attention to the design is worth it. But if you don’t really want to buy a purely summer stroller, you do not need to spend money on it again.


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