Cleaning moonshine with egg white: technological process, step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Judging by the numerous reviews of home alcohol lovers, often the smell and color of the cooked โ€œSamโ€ leave much to be desired. What to do in this case?

There are several artisanal ways to clean this alcoholic beverage. According to experts, the most effective is the purification of moonshine with egg white. If the procedure is performed correctly, alcohol will lose its unpleasant odor and hazardous substances. In addition, this method is considered environmentally friendly and safe. You will learn about how to purify moonshine at home with egg white from this article.

home-brew cleaning with egg white at home

What is the essence of the process?

Before proceeding with the purification of moonshine with egg white, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of this product. The protein contains 85% water and 15% vitamins, fats, glucose and enzymes. Due to its albumin and casein content, an egg is considered a very good absorbent. These enzymes are absorbed from the "Sam" from harmful fusel oils and various impurities.

The cleaning process begins as soon as the connection of egg white with moonshine occurs. It lasts for one week. According to experts, purification of moonshine with egg white is not inferior in quality to purification by means of charcoal. The latter is considered a more familiar method. However, judging by numerous reviews, the purification of moonshine with egg white has recently gained great popularity. The only drawback of this method is that it is quite long. Judging by the reviews, it takes several days to clean the moonshine with egg white. This method is mainly used with cereal and sugar distillates. Fruit "Sam" they do not peel.

What do you need for work?

clarification of moonshine

To clean the moonshine with egg white, you should get the following:

  1. A few eggs, namely egg whites. For 3 liters of moonshine you need 3 protein. You can go to the grocery store for chicken eggs. However, proteins may contain impurities and additives. Therefore, experts recommend that it is better to work with home eggs.
  2. Boiled water. She will need 100 g per 1 liter of "sam."
  3. Whisk. You can also do with a mixer.
  4. Three liter jar.
  5. Watering can.
  6. Marley and cotton.
  7. Two containers in which it will be convenient to separate the yolks from the proteins.
  8. Moonshine. It is best to work with undiluted product, whose strength is 70-80 degrees. Judging by the reviews, the 40-degree Sam is no worse cleaned.

After everything you need is ready, you can proceed directly to the procedure. Read more about how to clean moonshine with egg white, next.

Where to begin?

This procedure consists of several stages. Initially, a clean container is filled with moonshine so that 85% of its volume is occupied. Then, egg whites are separated in a separate container. At this stage, it is important to prevent even the smallest particles of yolks from entering the distillate. Otherwise, moonshine will turn out with an unpleasant egg smell and taste, which, according to experts, is impossible to eliminate.

moonshine cleaning reviews

Working process

Now the proteins need to be filled with water. Then, using a whisk or mixer, beat the contents until a homogeneous mass is formed. White foam should appear on the surface.

how to clean moonshine with egg white

The resulting mixture is added to the jar with "Sam." Then the distillate is thoroughly mixed and tightly closed. After performing these steps, the distillate must be put in a warm, dark place for one week. Experts recommend shaking it twice daily. The exception is the day before the filtering procedure. If on the second day the egg does not curl with the formation of white flakes, then the masters recommend filling the container with alcohol with citric acid. For better folding, some distillate is heated. It is desirable that the temperature does not exceed 60 degrees. These two methods are not mutually exclusive.

Final stage

A week after the start of cleaning, the moonshine should be filtered. For this purpose, you can use a homemade filter from cotton wool and a watering can. After the โ€œsamโ€ is passed through this device, the cotton wool should be removed and a new one should be put in its place. In addition, an additional watering can is covered with a piece of gauze. This measure is necessary so that foreign objects do not get into the alcohol product. Now the procedure should be repeated again.

Judging by the numerous reviews, filters very often clog up protein flakes. This explains why the process takes a lot of time. Experienced distillers are advised to practice double filtering. However, it all depends on how cloudy the distillate is. If everything was done correctly, then the moonshine is very clean. Despite the fact that such a product can already be consumed, some masters dilute it with water up to 10 revolutions, and then distill it. However, this is not necessary. Some distilleries claim that repeated distillation of moonshine can do much harm. The fact is that as a result of heating, hydrogen sulfide will be released. As a result, the products will turn out to be smelly and completely unsuitable for drinking. "Sam" is considered ready immediately after passing through the filter.

Alternative cleaning

Some masters clean moonshine with quail eggs, which have a greater nutritional value than chicken. Nevertheless, according to experts, this does not affect the quality of cleaning. In addition, quail eggs, when compared with the cost of chicken, are much more expensive.

Quail eggs.

In addition, they contain less protein. In this regard, it is impractical to clean the distillate with such products.


This cleaning method is not the only one. Many dilute distillate from fusel oils and harmful substances with oil and coal. To make moonshine softer, it is processed through milk. In order to improve the organoleptic properties of "sam", experts recommend cleaning with egg white. Judging by the reviews, the output of alcohol does not have a sharp fusel smell. This method has established itself as quite effective, although it will take some effort and time.


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