How to become an astronaut?

How to become an astronaut? The question comes from childhood. Everyone had such a period in life when it was he who came to mind. But soon everything changed, we became doctors, sellers, businessmen, anyone, but not cosmonauts. To be in such a profession, oh, how difficult. Of course, if you have an extra 25 million dollars, then becoming an astronaut will not be difficult, or rather, a space tourist, but with excellent health, mind you. Yeah, what the rich do not come up with ...

In fact, the astronaut’s profession is heroic, the people who master it are real brave men. After all, it’s only in pictures of books and in films that flights into space look like something ordinary. In fact, answering the question of how to become an astronaut, it is worth saying: it is almost impossible. Everyone who decides to such an enterprise, waiting for the most severe selection.

At the moment in Russia there are only four centers that are engaged in the selection of astronauts. They are located in Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. And before contacting one of them, think about whether you meet the requirements. One desire to find the answer to the question of how to become an astronaut is not enough.

So, if you are a military aviation pilot (moreover, active), who has a flying time of over 350 hours, as well as 160 parachute jumps, then you have a chance. But that is not all. The future astronaut is a person aged 27 to 30 years (agree, this gap is negligible), having a height of over 175 centimeters, and its weight should not exceed 75 kilograms. Of course, passionate desire is needed, which is really huge. There is nothing to say about an impeccable reputation. Mental poise, lack of criminal record, as well as any negative records in the personal file - these are the requirements that are imposed on future astronauts.

At the stage of viewing personal files and questionnaires, the specialists of the selection center leave about 350 of all who wish to undergo a medical examination. It is so strict that after it remains no more than 150 applicants. Then they conduct another medical examination with other doctors, suddenly someone especially entrepreneurial in the first case gave a bribe or was able to withhold any ailments. Now about 100 people remain. They have to go through all the "circles of hell" psychological tests. They will find out, for example, whether the applicant will break if he is locked up for five days indoors. Naturally - no connection with the outside world, moreover, a person should not sleep a wink.

As a result, such "torture" (to which they themselves, as they say, have signed up) goes through no more than 8 applicants. They get the right to study at the training center. It is also called Star City. This is a whole area that is separated from the outside world by barbed wire. Not only cosmonauts live there, but also their families, as well as all the attendants.

As for the wages that astronauts can count on, officially it is about 60 thousand rubles. But do not forget that after the first entry into orbit, gradually a person begins to receive all kinds of bonuses and allowances. The final amount is kept in strict confidence.

And what do you have to learn if you find yourself as a student in Star City? Put on and wear a spacesuit, survive in zero gravity, including using the toilet, eating food from tubes, and working on a huge model of a space station.

How to become an astronaut if you do not go through the most extreme stage of training? We are talking about rotation in a huge centrifuge, designed to create the effect of overloads that affect the human body at the time of launch or in the process of returning to the ground. A rocket enters orbit in about 9 minutes. At the same time, it travels about 7 kilometers per second. The load on the human body will be colossal, and as a result of one wrong movement, it will simply flatten it.

Before you say: β€œI want to become an astronaut,” remember that these people are a special caste, despite their risk, they do their job. Can you handle it?


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