Men to escape from: description, research, character traits and recommendations of a psychologist

Lawless Heart. It’s a pity, because sometimes it’s not at all superfluous. For example, in cases where a girl, being in a state of light euphoria from surging sympathy for a particular young man, completely refuses to see his shortcomings.

Indeed, very often “chemistry” occurs between people who in the future will by no means be able to be a full-fledged happy couple. Due to incompatibility, dissimilarity of views or due to the fact that one is not worthy of the other. Now I would like to consider the last case. And do it from a female point of view. So - the types of men to escape from.

men to escape from


One with whom a calm relationship will never work out. He was deceived and betrayed in past relationships, and after that he is sure that every woman is a false creature. And it doesn’t matter at all how she behaves and what actions she does for the sake of her beloved. Even if she flies to him to the ends of the world or gives a house on the ocean - he will still doubt deep down in her mind whether she has anyone else.

It is useless to prove something about loyalty to him. The trust? It is unlikely that someday it will become familiar to him. Therefore, he will control every step of his partner, memorize all her words and actions to the smallest detail and indicate what to wear, where to go and how long she lingers.

men from whom it is necessary to run research psychologist


Another type of men to escape from. Tattered nerves - this is how a girl usually ends in a relationship with a tantrum. And there are several signs by which you can determine that the guy belongs to this particular type.

First, he perceives criticism as a personal insult. If a girl suddenly decides to correct his shirt collar, then such a guy may well cause a scandal because of this, believing that with this gesture she tells him: "You are a sloppy pig." And of course, everything is sad with the perception of jokes. He cannot laugh at himself.

Secondly, the hysterical guy does not know how to be responsible for his actions and actions. It is easier for him to find the guilty than to admit his wrong or mistake. He is not used to acting independently either.

Thirdly, the hysterical guy is the one who brings chaos. He has the real gift of making one hundred global problems out of one tiny problem.

Fourthly, he cannot listen and hear. Such a person always interrupts, even if he asks his partner to tell something. A minute passes from the beginning of communication, and the girl becomes perplexed: how did it happen that he proves her wrong and insulted the topic under discussion in elevated tones? By the way, he himself is not able to answer even simple direct questions.

Fifth, the hysterical guy is categorical. Accept someone else's opinion or look at the situation from a different angle? No, better he will pour a tub of dull and emotional denial on the interlocutor.

And finally the last. The hysterical guy is constantly complaining. To everyone and everyone. According to him, he is friendly, sociable and kind, and all around wish him only the bad. From this it is necessary to take away the legs instantly.

men from whom to run research


Now we will talk about the "sofa" type. To which, as practice shows, usually male Pisces. Why is it necessary to run away from such? Because otherwise you will have to bury your life in routine and boredom.

The motto of these guys is: “Why leave the house if it has everything?” Of course, sometimes we all need a couple of “no-show” days that go to sleep until noon, watching TV shows in bed and eating ordered pizza. But for such a guy, this is a way of life. It is difficult to pull it out even at the cinema or at some exhibition. And if a girl loves an active life, then she should avoid Homework.


A man from whom every girl who does not cherish the dream of a relationship with an evaluative character needs to run away.

How to recognize him? Very simple! He knows everything better than others. And meeting with such means always being “wrong.” The girl will have to listen that she doesn’t cook the pie according to her own recipe, picks up handbags for dresses unsuccessfully, squats with the bar illiterate, draws arrows crookedly, does her hair wash incorrectly, doesn’t hold the knife, etc. Anyway, she’s nothing without it does not know and is not capable of anything.

And of course, it will become the cause of all its complexes, which previously were not even in sight. And getting rid of them will be much harder than getting criticized.

which men should I run from


It should also be noted with attention, continuing the study of men from whom it is necessary to run. Psychologists say that their relationship with girls is very rare. And it's too late. Naturally, these guys are always busy! It seems to their girls (who nevertheless appear in some miraculous way) that these workaholics have a regimen of 24/7, and 25/8.

It is very difficult for him to find time for his chosen one. Learning ends - work begins. Weekends? He doesn’t have them, even Sunday is scheduled in minutes - to help someone, to go somewhere or sleep, in the end.

Even an hour for a date seems unrealistic. Often because he becomes embarrassed by such a situation - he may simply be afraid to offend the girl with such a short meeting. Suddenly she will say: "On the only day when we finally met, you leave in an hour"? Therefore, if she is interested in regular meetings, it is better not to mess with the Busy.


This is a classic type of men who must be run away without looking back. At first, such a guy may seem attentive, courteous, polite, and everything will be fine, but ... sooner or later a third superfluous will appear in the relationship - his mother, who will take a strong position in them.

She is the most important person for him. And okay, if she likes the girl. Mom will constantly protect her in front of her own son and demand the best for her daughter-in-law. But if she considers the girl an unworthy party for the "son, whom she raised and did not sleep at night," then you will not end up in trouble. Therefore, which men should I run from? It is from these - those that rush between two fires and cannot independently build their own relations.

types of men to escape from


One who seeks constant power and control over his chosen one. A person who brings anxiety to life, the expectation of a constant shake-up, unjustified aggression, anger. One who, over time, binds himself emotionally, physically, financially, financially. Here are some men to run away from.

Psychologist's advice: remember a couple of signs by which a tyrant is detected at the initial stage of relations, and interrupt communication. Here is some of them:

  • Humiliating attitude disguised as a joke. Did the girl forget or make a mistake? Then she will arrive with the following wording: "No wonder, you're stupid."
  • Bullying, also disguised as a joke.
  • Not a request, but a requirement. Do not hear the words "please" from him. He believes that they owe him. To the timid: “Could you politely ask?” - will answer with aggression or perplexed, said in raised tones: “Did I really be rude?”
  • Trying to find a pain point is an unpleasant topic for a girl, event, fact. What for? To then press and manipulate it.
  • Sudden aggression towards strangers. The waiter in the restaurant did not remove the crumpled napkin from the table, and he made a scandal with threats of violence? There is clearly something wrong here. How soon a girl will bring him to such a state with a trifle is a matter of time.

what kind of men do you need to run from

Alpha male

Womanizer women are men from whom any girl interested in a serious relationship needs to run away from. This is too commonplace. The womanizer believes that since he is a “man”, then monogamy is not for him and to be in a relationship with several girls at once is absolutely normal.

But what is the true alpha male admitting to this? If this is really his approach to relationships, then he will not admit for anything - it is not profitable for him to lose his girlfriend. But there are other signs, the totality of which will give him out with his head. Here are the most common ones:

  • He too often says compliments, banal and stereotyped, ignoring the unique nuances that make his companion beautiful.
  • Does not start and does not support conversations on constructive topics, constantly trying to reduce the conversation to something more personal.
  • It is constantly corresponded in social networks or SMS. Firstly, this is disrespect for the companion. Secondly - what was so fascinating to him there, since he forgot about his girlfriend?
  • She doesn’t want to introduce the girl to friends (she’s not talking about relatives).
  • Seeks to quickly get closer and go to intimacy.
  • After each meeting, it disappears - it does not call or write, only if you need to make another appointment.

In general, everyone knows that womanizer women are men to escape from. Studies, however, have shown that many girls, even knowing this, are still “being conducted” to them. For they know how to make them feel attractive and beautifully pay attention, which is a necessity for most women.

why fish should be run from men


Several types of men from whom it is necessary to run have already been listed above. Psychologist’s studies, however, prove that they all attract women with something, attract with something — attention, conversation, a rich inner world, etc. But egoists ... everything escapes them. And faster than from someone else.

He loves only himself. He is worried about his own problems and deeds. He speaks only of himself. One cannot wait for compliments, questions about the past day, pleasant surprises from this. Why does a girl need him at all? And everything is simple. Statistics show that egoists (they are also daffodils) have a very attractive appearance. Some girls are "being" on the cover, and then they suffer.

However, not always a handsome guy is an egoist. All of the above can manifest itself over time, here are the signs that will give it out at the initial stage:

  • He makes empty promises.
  • Inadequately reacts if the girl does not manage to meet.
  • Boasts and boasts.
  • Considers himself ideal, but always finds flaws in others.
  • He pretends to know how to listen.
  • He appropriates his partner’s successful ideas.

And this is just a small list of signs. But even they characterize such a character negatively, not even as a guy, but as a person. There is only one conclusion - if you need to stay away from any men, it’s from the Egoists.


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