I wonder what they write about themselves in the resume?

Many of us have encountered problems such as writing resumes. How to do it right and how to maximize all the information to interest the employer - that’s the question!

what they write about themselves in a resume

About the concept

It should be noted that the resume itself is a short list of all the basic labor skills of a person who applies for a certain position. When compiling this document, it is also necessary to adhere to the basic principles: brevity (maximum information must be enclosed in the minimum amount of text), specificity (all the most important thing, no water), truthfulness (exclusively truthful data must be indicated).

Basic Rules

Before you get to work, it is very important to figure out how to write a resume correctly . An example of this document can help a lot. But you just need to correctly select a sample so as not to make other people's mistakes. If you want to draw up this document, it is better to seek the help of qualified specialists. After all, it is evaluated on two main points: the correct design and content.

how to write resume samples correctly


So what do they write about themselves in the resume? The document itself consists of several blocks. The first one is personal data, where the potential employee must indicate his first name, middle name and last name, date of birth, home address and telephone number.


When compiling a resume, it is also important to indicate which position a person is applying for. So, it may be something specific when the applicant accurately indicates the name of the vacancy. But you can do a little trickier by indicating the area of ​​work in which there are certain skills for work. This paragraph of the resume is very important, because a person who has a specific goal looks more confident and stands out from the crowd.


When understanding what they write about themselves in the resume, it should be borne in mind: it is important to indicate the education that the applicant for the position received. Of course, it’s not worth remembering the school years, but it’s important to write which institute or school was completed, with which marks. If you have a degree, this also needs to be mentioned. Information on various grants, awards and certificates will be useful. It is also necessary to indicate continuing education courses, if any.

how to write a resume example


What else do they write about themselves in the resume? It is important not to forget about such a point as work experience. After all, this means that a person has an idea of ​​what he has to do. If there is no work experience in this specialty, you can indicate other aspects of labor activity, if at least some of them will concern the future place of work.

Personal qualities

Understanding what they write about themselves in a resume, it is important to pay attention to such a point as personal qualities. Here it’s good to indicate all the positive aspects of your character that will help in labor activity.


A few more nuances in how to write a resume correctly. Samples in this matter are first assistants. After all, having an example in front of you, you can quickly figure out what's what. However, remember that you do not need to give the employer extra information. So, you should not talk about your family, hobbies. The text must be stated without negativity. Summary - an official document, which can sometimes solve a lot in the career of a particular person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3801/

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