Barley groats: everything you need to know

Most nutritionists, as well as people who monitor their own health, are well aware of how important a proper diet is to the normal functioning of the body. They all agree that most cereals are a very useful product, which is not only possible but also necessary to eat.

Each cereal to varying degrees contains a certain amount of vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances. At the same time, you need to choose those cereals that are more suitable for you both in terms of nutrition and energy value, and according to your taste preferences.

The main "hero" of this article will be barley groats, which, unlike buckwheat, rice and even wheat, is undeservedly left aside and is quite unpopular. It is worth saying that this is a very wrong decision, because the energy and nutritional value of this product, as well as the amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements present in it, can cause respect for any culinary skeptic.

At its core, barley groats are crushed, unpolished barley grains that have a different shape and are peeled. Unlike pearl barley, barley is not subjected to grinding and polishing during processing, which allows you to save more fiber in this cereal. This cereal is not divided by variety, but it is divided into numbers one, two and three by the size of grains. However, it is worth saying that most of the goods offered to us in stores are mixed cereals, in which grains of all numbers are found.

If we consider the chemical composition of barley grains, we can see that it is quite diverse. It includes vitamins of group B, vitamins A, D, E, PP. Considering the nutritional value of this cereal, you can see the following: the amount of saturated fatty acids is 0.4 grams per hundred grams of the product, ash - 1.2 grams, water - fourteen grams, di- and monosaccharides - 1.1 grams, fat - 1, 3 grams per hundred grams of cereal, dietary fiber - 8.1 grams, protein - ten grams. The first places in content are occupied by carbohydrates - sixty-five and a half grams, and starch - sixty-four grams per hundred grams of cereal. It is worth pointing out that carbohydrates in this cereal are slow-digesting.

In addition, barley groats contain a lot of microelements: normalizing the metabolism in the body and ensuring the full brain activity of phosphorus, as well as boron, zinc, silicon and fluorine, which are also significant biological elements. Do not forget about the presence of calcium and potassium, manganese and iron in barley. Due to the similar composition and content of such important elements, barley groats must be present in the diet of elderly people, aged, because natural elements are absorbed better, and in fact more useful than any medications.

Now itโ€™s worth talking about the processing methods that barley groats are subjected to. How to cook it is usually written on the packaging. In order to cook a delicious barley porridge, you need to rinse it well, and then pour two glasses of water per one cup of cereal at the rate of water. Barley groats filled with water should be tightly covered and either put in the microwave or on the stove. And now a logical question arises: "How much to cook barley groats?" It's simple: the cooking time takes from twenty minutes to half an hour.

There is nothing complicated in making barley grits, so anyone can handle the cooking. To improve the taste of the finished dish, it is recommended to season the porridge with sauces, it is also possible to eat it with milk, sugar or fruit. Many housewives offer recipes for high-grade dishes, which are based on barley groats. Such dishes can even be put on the festive table, for example, barley porridge with chicken and mushrooms. Remember: when it comes to such simple dishes as cereals, there is always room for imagination and a place for improvisation.

Forward! Surprise your household with delicious and healthy dishes!


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