Cafe "Barn" in Zelenogradsk. Detailed menu description, real reviews

Where to relax in Zelenogradsk? Cafe "Barn" is an ideal place for romantic dates, family gatherings, intimate conversations over a cup of coffee. It serves delicious European dishes, Lithuanian delicacies, Polish delicacies.

Business card of the institution: address, approximate account

The spacious cafe room is neatly covered with wooden tables, comfortable benches with plaid rugs hanging on the backs. Large windows offer fabulous sea views. The approximate account is 700-1500 rubles.

The facility is located on Volodarsky Street, 30. You can contact the cafe using the phone. Opening hours of the Barn Café in Zelenogradsk: from 11:00 to midnight. The doors of the cozy restaurant are open every day.

The place has an enviable location

Gastronomic journey: Lithuanian and Polish dishes

"Barn" is famous for its rich and varied menu, here you can heartily enjoy not only the usual treats, but also traditional dishes for Polish and Lithuanian culinary specialists. Try it worth it:

  • Polish-style pork medallions with wild mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes;
  • baked pork neck shmat with sauerkraut, home-made potato wedges;
  • baked chicken with potatoes, sweet-hot paprika and onions.

The attention of gourmets is also attracted by crispy pancakes with sour cream, warm wild mushroom sauce or home-made salmon salmon, rustic potatoes with brisket, meat and mushrooms.

Description of the menu of the cafe "Barn". Zelenogradsk Gourmet

Herring "Baltic Horseshoe"

The regulars of the restaurant do not skimp on compliments, describing the delights served in the institution. Even the most fastidious gourmets will not remain hungry, you can start your meal with light snacks and diet salads:

  • Cold appetizers: cold smoked mackerel with potato wedges, “grandmother's” pickles, Baltic Horseshoe herring, chicken pate, aspic with veal, bonito sliced ​​with lemon and olive dressing.
  • Hot starters: chicken fingers with garlic sauce, chicken wings in a honey marinade, julienne (with chicken and wild mushrooms, tiger shrimp and eggplant) stuffed with smoked potato brisket.
  • Salads: Czech with chicken thigh and baked bell pepper, Caesar with chicken or tiger prawns, Austrian potato appetizer, salad leaf mix with sour cream dressing, salmon and spicy sauce.

We arrange a gastronomic trip to Zelenogradsk! In the cafe "Barn" a great variety of various treats from meat components, fish and seafood.

Lithuanian cold borsch

Among the dishes served in the restaurant:

  • Soups: rich broth with veal meatballs, Lithuanian cold borsch, Am! Bar specialty hodgepodge, mashed potato soup with bacon, Hangover cabbage soup, Mexican stewing veal and bean soup.
  • Main dishes: rice noodles (with pork and vegetables, shrimp), Greek roast “Musaka”, Mexican pork, home-made veal cutlets, dumplings, Koenigsberg bedbugs with cream sauce, Spanish chicken.
  • Fish dishes: halibut steak on a vegetable pillow, Baltic pike perch cutlets, pike perch roll with spinach filling, cod with potatoes and onions, tiger prawns with spicy dressing made of chili, squid planes.

The restaurant prepares grilled treats, including pork or chicken skewers, a meat treat served with a light cabbage salad. An excellent beer snack will be spicy sausages: Bavarian, Hamburg, Vienna.

Drinks list: invigorating coffee and aromatic tea

Visitors to the Barn Café in Zelenogradsk praise the abundance of soft drinks. The menu has classic coffee items (espresso, americano, doppio) and variations of invigorating cocktails (raff and latte with syrup to choose from). The cafe serves tea:

  • Ivan tea with oregano, flowers;
  • a refreshing combination of mountain herbs;
  • a mixture of red berries, fruits and hibiscus;
  • ginseng with sweet apricot.

Do not forget about sweet desserts. A sugary company of tea or coffee will be made up of village cheesecakes, Belgian waffles, cakes (Honey cake, Sacher, Napoleon), strudel, profiteroles with chocolate cream.

Advantages of the Barn Cafe in Zelenogradsk. Customer reviews

From windows opens a view of the sea

Most of the reviews are positive, customers praise the cuisine, laid-back charm of the atmosphere, pleasant laconic interior. The room has a minimum of decorative elements, always clean and tidy. Among the advantages:

  • affordable pricing policy;
  • excellent cuisine, varied menu;
  • ideal location of the cafe;
  • high quality service.

Helpful waiters are always friendly, do not allow rudeness and rudeness. The work of the staff does not cause arguments, the service is quick. The restaurant management is always ready to compromise in case of conflict.

Cafe "Barn" in Zelenogradsk is popular with both residents and tourists. There are practically no negative reviews, visitors complain that it is difficult to get to the institution without an appointment. Many point to noise.


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