What is a tunic? On ancient clothing, shellfish and other interpretations of the word

Quite often when watching historical films about Ancient Greece or the Roman Empire, you can hear the word "tunic". This term was used to name women's and men's clothing, common in ancient times. However, this word has other meanings that will be considered in the article.


First of all, a tunic is a common type of clothing among the ancient Greeks and Romans. He looked like a long shirt, but without sleeves. Sleeveless tunics were worn only by actors performing in a theater. They were made from wool or linen.

Types of tunics

Chitons were made for both men and women. The male version was made from a piece of fabric that had a rectangular shape, approximately 1 m in width and about 1.7 m in length. This section was folded vertically in half, and then chipped with special buckles in the shoulder area. As a belt, a special garter was put on to maintain clothing. During military or sports exercises, one of the buckles was removed to provide greater freedom of movement.

The bottom of the apparel should have been hemmed. This was very significant. So, for example, the unfinished bottom was a sign that the owner of the tunic is in mourning or he is a slave.

It is also called a costume made of thin fabric with side cuts and without sleeves, in which the dancers perform. Today it can be seen, for example, in ballet.


A tunic is clothing that at first glance was casual and ordinary. However, this is not quite true. Its length directly depended on the social status, as well as the age of the owner. Mostly among the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, the tunic reached the knees.

Soldier's tunic

Priests, politicians, and important officials wore long ankle-length tunics while performing their duties. Soldiers and senior military personnel, by contrast, wore a short version of this clothing - above the knees. This was due to the fact that in the battle the fighters needed maximum freedom of movement. Also, a long tunic could create various interferences.

Workers wore shortened clothes, like soldiers, but only one shoulder was passed and belted. One of the main differences between the tunic of workers is the fabric itself from which it was made. Usually it was coarse and dense matter, devoid of any frills.

Robe of the Lord

Continuing to consider what a tunic means, it should be said about the Robe of the Lord. Christians know about it, since the Gospel describes in detail how it appeared. According to legend, the Robe of the Lord, which is essentially a tunic, was received by one of the soldiers by lot after they removed it from Jesus Christ before his crucifixion.

Robe of the Lord

However, there is a version that in addition to the tunic, Christ also had a robe divided into parts, one of which is stored in the treasury of one of the monasteries in Iveria (the territory of present-day Georgia). It should be noted that there are several different traditions (Syrian, Armenian and Georgian) that do not agree with each other on what is considered to be a robe and what is a tunic. In these conflicting versions, it is difficult to take sides, since it is not possible to verify them.


Studying the meaning of the word "tunic", you should definitely pay attention to the shell-mollusk. These underwater inhabitants belong to the class of marine mollusks. They are called "bomber" or "tunics." To date, about 1000 species of these underwater representatives are known. They reach sizes from 1 to 40 cm and vary greatly in shape.

Chitons stuck to the stone

Chitons are inhabitants of almost all seas and oceans. Mostly they live at shallow depths of up to 30 m, however there are representatives who live at a depth of 2,500 m, where there is a lot of pressure.

They have an oval body, completely covered on top by a sink consisting of 8 plates. The rings around the latter can determine the age of the tunic. Scientists claim that these are the descendants of mollusks that lived millions of years ago and, in fact, changed slightly.

These creatures attach themselves to various objects, and their shell serves as a kind of shield from everyone who wants to feast on them. The main enemies of mollusks are fish, crabs, as well as starfish.

Other values

In addition to clothing and marine life, Heaton is a city in Britain. It is located next to Newcastle and in fact is a suburb of the latter. The town of Heaton is quite small. The bulk of the population are workers working in factories located in the city and miners who mine coal in numerous mines.

In addition to the listed values, Heaton is an English surname. Among its representatives there are quite famous people: actors, musicians and athletes. Today, one of the most popular Heatons can be considered an actor from Britain - Charlie. He gained considerable popularity in the West, starring in various television series.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38020/

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