Frontitis: treatment at home

Perhaps no one likes to be sick, because you will definitely have to go to the doctors and take nasty medicines for a long time, the price of which can substantially hit your pocket. And if a banal runny nose began to disturb, then we do not pay attention to it at all. Meanwhile, our neglect of our health can turn into a frontal sinusitis.

Frontitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the nasal region, namely in the frontal sinus of the olfactory organ. The symptomatic picture of this disease is similar to other sinusitis and manifests itself in the form of a headache, nasal congestion, pain over the nose. Frontitis, the treatment at home of which is quite possible, must first be diagnosed with an ENT (otolaryngologist). And then you can use one of the recipes below.

Frontite. Treatment with folk remedies: inhalation

Recipe 1. Boil water in a small saucepan with 7-10 bay leaves. This spice, which we used to add to soups for aroma, has a lot of useful properties, in particular antiviral and antibacterial action. Reduce the heat to a minimum, tilt your head over the pan and cover with a towel. Inhale the vapors for 5 minutes. Since it is likely that the symptoms of frontal sinusitis will return after a few days, this procedure should not be done once, but repeated throughout the week. It is advisable to do warming up in the evenings, when you no longer need to go outside.

Recipe 2. Effective in the treatment of frontal sinusitis and the following inhalation. Boil water in a pan and pour camomile flowers there (this remedy can be purchased at any pharmacy literally for a penny) and remove from heat. Dilute chamomile infusion with drops of tea tree essential oil or eucalyptus. Then proceed as in the previous recipe. Bend over the pan, wrap your head in a towel and inhale the composition with your nose for 5 minutes.

Frontite. Home Treatment: Lavage

Recipe 1. Rinse your nose with sea water. If you donโ€™t have one at hand and havenโ€™t found it in the pharmacy, then just make a salt solution yourself from water and ordinary salt. Although the effect of this will be much smaller.

Recipe 2. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm boiled water (but not hot). On a fine grater, rub one small onion, squeeze the onion juice and pour it into the honey solution. Rinse your nose with this compound four times a day.

Frontite. Home treatment: massage

This therapeutic massage is comprehensive and should be started from the feet below the knee. Massage your feet and calves, then hands to the elbows, paying special attention to the hands and forearms. Such actions are designed to help strengthen the body's immune forces. Now massage your frontal lobe to improve blood flow in this area. If you experience pain, do not be afraid - it should be so. First, massage with light touches, and then gradually increase the pressure just on the painful areas. Do this until the pain begins to subside.

The next stage is a massage of the periosteum. It is done on the same principle. It is very good if at the same time you will sneeze, thereby clearing the frontal sinus from accumulated pus. To do this, you can tickle your nose with a cotton swab.

Massage 3-5 times a day until you recover completely.

Acute frontitis: treatment

Like any disease that people often turn a blind eye to as frivolous, frontal sinusitis can soon develop into a real problem. Never forget that frontal sinusitis is not a cold at all, and its treatment requires the patient to comply with bed rest. Inadequate and incorrect treatment of this disease can develop into a chronic or acute form. Acute frontitis is characterized not only by such symptoms as headaches and tearing of the eyes, but by serous (and if started, serous-purulent) discharge from the nose. And if mild frontitis allows treatment at home, then with the acute form, you should seek help only from traditional (i.e. medication) methods of treatment.

In no case do not listen to stupid advisers who have only one answer to seven troubles, namely, treatment of rhinitis and other similar sores should be warmed up. Thermal procedures for acute frontitis will certainly contribute to the spread of purulent processes from the nasal sinus to neighboring organs and tissues. But there is already very close to the brain! This could very well threaten meningitis, brain abscess, and other intracranial complications.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Be healthy!


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