Homemade creamy beer: recipe and recommendations

Most people around the world learned about this drink from the Harry Potter films, deciding that creamy beer was just an author’s notion. In fact, his recipes existed in reality, and the drink was especially popular in England during the reign of the Tudors. Of course, when Joan Rowling provided dairy beer, as he is also called, worldwide popularity, his recipes became much more and the most common will be described below.

History fact

In a popular book about wizards, cream beer is positioned as a non-alcoholic drink, although it was originally prepared on the basis of ale, which is why it is called “beer”. The modern interpretation of the drink for children is more like a milkshake and is similar to beer only in color and persistent foam.

Recipe for children

There are so many cooking options that almost every English pub offers its customers an original recipe, and thanks to the Internet, not only English people know how to make creamy beer today. The advantage of the drink is that for its preparation the simplest products are used, which can be found in any supermarket, and if you decorate the children's party with an unusual foamy cocktail, you can keep pleasant impressions about it for a long time.

Non-alcoholic option

According to most fans of Harry Potter, it was this drink that young wizards drank. That is why, according to this recipe, non-alcoholic creamy beer is made today in the Hogsmeade amusement park, and it is made exclusively from natural products. To try the drink and not go to America, you can easily make it at home. To do this, you will need:

  • caramel sauce - 50 g;
  • liter of milk;
  • 500-600 g of ice cream.
    Ice Cream Recipe

All components simply need to be thoroughly mixed with a blender or mixer until a thick, uniform consistency is poured into glasses. Difficulties can arise only with the search for sauce, which is not sold in every store, but everywhere you can easily find the ingredients for its preparation in your kitchen.

To do this, pour a similar amount of sugar in 0.1 l of water and put the mixture on fire. After the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens a little, pour 20 ml of cream into it, add spices and boil for another couple of minutes. After this, the sauce must be cooled and used as intended. As spices, it is better to use aromatic cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper and salt.

Recipe from Google

A world-famous company has offered its recipe for the preparation of non-alcoholic creamy beer. Its base is carbonated vanilla water or Coca-Cola, which needs to be prepared with 0.5 l.

Recipe from Google

The caramel-creamy taste of the drink is given by a mixture of a tablespoon of melted salty butter and 100 g of Iris sweets. They also add 50-60 ml of cream, spices and a little grated pumpkin, after which everything is mixed and combined with heated sweet water. To form a beautiful foam, you can beat the drink a little with a mixer and serve.

Simple alcohol option

To make butter beer at home immediately for adults and children on a common holiday, you can simply add a little alcohol to any of the recipes described. What kind of strong drink to choose depends on personal preference.

What to add to the drink

It is very important in this feast not to confuse children's and adult glasses, so parents should be especially careful.

Universal option

In the original recipe of this drink, lager ale is used as the basis, but if you want to serve creamy beer at a children's holiday, it can easily be replaced with any sweet carbonated drink. So, you will need:

  • 0.5 l of ale;
  • 60 g of sugar;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • some butter;
  • spice.

For cooking, you need an enameled pan or stewpan. If this is not, then another will do, the main thing is that it has a thick bottom. So, ale or unfiltered beer is poured into the prepared dishes, and spices are sent there. Ideal in this case will be cinnamon, cardamom and ginger. They are able to give the drink a gingerbread and caramel flavor, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is enough to put in the pan 2 sticks of cinnamon, cardamom on the tip of a teaspoon and, if desired, you can add a couple of cloves. Ginger should be peeled and cut into plates. A spine 3-4 cm long will be enough.

Cooking stir

After that, future creamy beer is put on fire and brought to a boil. You need to boil the mixture over medium heat for about five minutes, stirring constantly, as the beer will definitely run away. Of course, most of the alcohols will disappear, but some of them will certainly remain and the drink will still be considered alcoholic.

While the brewed beer will cool, it is necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks. Only yolks will be used in the drink, since they curl up at higher temperatures, and milk beer is served in a warm form. From this moment you can go along two cooking routes.

Component Mixing

So, in the first, the yolks are whipped with sugar until white, after which they are mixed with slightly cooled spicy ale. Alcohol before combining should be filtered from spices. At the very end, butter is added to the pan, which, when melted, forms a film on the surface of the drink. It is necessary in order to separate the alcohol from the cream, because with direct contact with alcohol, the dairy product inevitably coagulates. Whipped cream is laid on top of the film for decoration and to give the taste softness. You can sprinkle cocoa cream or chocolate.

The second version of the recipe for alcoholic cream beer involves adding butter immediately to the yolks and sugar during whipping. Due to this, the need to decorate the drink with cream simply disappears, because when whipping the products further combined with alcohol, foam immediately forms on the beer surface.

Recipe with milk

Before you make creamy beer according to this recipe, you need to take:

  • equal amount of milk and beer (0.5 l each);
  • 4 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • spice;
  • 0.4 l of cream.

First of all, enameled dishes mix milk, sugar, beer and spices. Boil this mixture until the jelly is thick, stirring constantly. As spices, it is also recommended to take aromatic cinnamon, cardamom and so on. After boiling, the liquid should be filtered and cooled. When served, milk beer is garnished with cream, optionally grated chocolate or cocoa.

Old recipe

Since the reign of the English Tudor dynasty, the original recipe for creamy beer has been preserved. It is necessary to prepare 0.5 l of brown ale or at least unfiltered dark beer. In addition, you will need butter, sugar to taste, spices and a glass of cream. First of all, you need to beat the eggs with sugar, then put the beer on the fire and pour a beaten egg into it with a little heat. After that, spices, oil are added to the mixture and with constant stirring, the drink is brewed for about five minutes. Before use, it needs to be slightly cooled and filtered, if desired, add nutmeg to the mixture for piquancy. So that the protein does not curl into flakes, it must be thoroughly grinded before being added to the beer and stirring the beverage constantly. In order for foam to form on the surface of the beer, beat it with a mixer or blender.

Cooking Tips

It is very important to understand that although beer itself is a low-calorie product, the final drink has great energy value due to the addition of sugar, eggs, cream and other components. That is why when dieting, you will have to refuse any creamy beer recipe, even if there is no alcohol in it at all.

Modern options for making milk beer have long neglected the rule of adding only ale. The fact is that it is very difficult to find high-quality real ale in stores, and besides, such a drink can be quite expensive. Replacing it with unfiltered beer or even kvass does not spoil the taste of the final product, the main thing is that the alcohol used in the recipe is top fermented.

The undeniable advantage of the drink is that there are no strict rules on how to prepare creamy beer. Anyone who wants to experiment can create their own unique culinary masterpiece by adding their original spices, alcohol or other products to it.

Cooking options

If eggs are included in the drink, then the temperature of its serving should be monitored especially carefully. Protein collapses already at 65 0 , which means that beer should not be heated above this value, otherwise pieces of a boiled egg will float in beer. The yolk folds at higher temperatures, so it is used in recipes much more often.

It is important to remember that the final product may contain lactose and other allergenic components.

The shelf life of the drink is very short and after preparation it is recommended to drink it immediately.

Useful properties of the drink

The soft taste of creamy beer completely changes many people's ideas about intoxicating drinks. Initially, the drink was often consumed in cold weather, as it can warm a person well and at the same time leave his mind clear. Today, you can make beer even more healthy by adding brown sugar instead of white sugar, and enjoy the warmth spreading over the body on the coldest and cloudiest days.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38025/

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