The grammatical form is the external linguistic expression of the grammatical meaning. Types and features of grammatical forms

All words in the Russian language one way or another obey the rules and concepts associated with it. One such concept is the grammatical form. Each of us, starting to study the Russian language, always faces the rule in question.

grammatical form is

The grammatical form of a word is characterized by the presence of several definitions. In particular, the definition is broad or narrower. Considering the concept in a narrow sense, it can be argued that the grammatical form is a designation of a word form or a special state of a word, its form. And at the same time, in a broader sense, the form of a word in Russian is a lexically identical state of identical expressions.

Word forms can differ in grammatical meanings (machine - machine, grandmother - grandmother, etc.). However, they are not considered separate tokens (new words). And vice versa. It is believed that they form one of the paradigms of the great and mighty, the essence of which is that the above examples are word forms of one token. The formal unity of the token lies in the unity of the inflectional basis of its word forms. Although in practice, one may encounter exceptions in the form of phonetic and morphological "doublets" (galoshes - galoshes, read - read). But here it is important to remember that lexical and grammatical meanings do not exist separately, but constantly interact.


A paradigm is a system that reflects a modification of the same word under the influence of grammatical categories. There are four main varieties of paradigm:

  • morphological with an invariable part, which is called the root;
  • lexical (homonyms, synonyms, antonyms and so on);
  • word-formation - a system of word formation from one basis;
  • syntactic - a group of structures of various structures expressing new syntactic meanings.

Language tools

And the grammatical form is a kind of language tool, thanks to which the meaning of words is built. Instrumentation, considering it as a semantic medium, can be expressed using special forms: suffixes, affixes, endings, stress, prefixes.

grammatical form of the verb

Thus, one can designate the gender, case and number of nouns, adjectives, participles and pronouns. Suffixes, in turn, are intended to reflect the past tense verb form, the participle form and participle form. Stress shows the gender, the number of nouns, the forms of the types of verb. Prepositions are needed to indicate cases of nouns, numerals and pronouns.


If we talk about grammatical form in the narrow sense, then in this case we are talking about the variability of words. By this, in the Russian language it is customary to understand the differences in the changed words, but only in the details (endings, individual words, etc.). For example, tea - tea, if only. Or the words duplicate each other semantically: cakes - cakes (different emphasis), accountants - accountants, in the workshop - in the workshop.

Units of speech

If you combine concepts, then the grammatical form is the union of the grammatical meaning with the means of its expression. The grammatical form is able to reflect several meanings at once.

Just as a house is built from bricks, so speech is formed from words. They have their own phonetic structure and grammatical meaning. Sometimes they are pronounced the same way, but have completely different meanings.

grammatical form of the word examples

The grammatical meaning of a word is the inherent meanings of all words that are not related to the specific lexical meanings of these words. That is, it is an abstract, generalized understanding of words.

The grammatical form is, as already noted a little above, the concept of broad and voluminous. The categorical difference of a word may vary by case. For example, Madagascar, Madagascar, Madagascar. In the following case, a change in time category is considered. For example, let's go, let's go, I’ll go. The following is a change in the category of person. For example, it was blooming, blooming, blooming. Also in the Russian language permissible changes in the grammatical form of the word by category of mood. For example, worked, work, would work.

The grammatical meaning of the words has a different degree of abstraction. So, nouns can have differences in cases. However, there are exceptions, since not every noun can change the form by gender. For example, you can say an altruist is an altruist, a climber is a climber, a teacher is a teacher, an actor is an actress. But the words director, professor, conductor, musician are always of a single (masculine) gender. In this case case, the considered exceptions have, like all other words.

Grammatical content

The grammatical form is a strictly defined grammatical content peculiar only to this word. What is meant by this? For example, the word "restored" denotes a verb in its past form, an action against a singular masculine noun . The meaning of the word is conveyed by language tools. To write the word form “window sill” in the instrumental case of the singular, you must use the ending -th.

basis of grammatical forms

A grammatical form of the verb the singular of the present tense “crash” is transformed with the help of the ending –y. Another example: the verb “take risks” with the ending –at indicates a verb of imperfect form, and the noun “machine” with the help of the ending –a indicates that this word is necessarily feminine and has a singular.

Action words

The grammatical form of the verb in Russian is characterized by six categories: voice, mood, number, time, person, gender. In addition, the language uses three types of mood of verbs:

  • imperative (eat, go, quit), that is, it is a will;
  • an indicative, committed act in the current time, admissible, both in the present and in the planned (We are repairing. He will come tomorrow. Journalists did not find anyone);
  • the subjunctive indicates the desired action, which is quite possible and permissible (I wish she called. Could stay at home. I would like to believe).

The pledge category of a verb is expressed by certain language tools. Example: "hear - heard, water - water".

Only verbs in the past tense have a designation. Here, for example, strictly defined endings act as a grammatical form of a word. For the masculine, it is absent. For the female, –a, and for the neuter gender ––. For example, he ran, ran, ran.

Foundation basis

The basis of grammatical forms are considered linguistic signs necessary to indicate the grammatical meaning of the word. Grammar forms are divided into word-formation and inflectional. Forms are lexical and grammatical. But in no case should you confuse related words with the grammatical forms of words. These are different things.

grammatical meaning

Related words are united by a common root, but still they are different words! Home, homeless, homeless. If we talk about the correct grammatical form of the word "home", it will be, for example, at home, at home, at home, at home.

Forms with complexity

Grammatical forms differ in complex and simple. As a rule, grammatical forms are created using linguistic signs - affixes, endings. Or are repetitive language tools that are stable in certain cases. For example, the diminutive form is indicated by the suffixes –ok, –ek, –points. For example, a pot, son, granddaughter, flower.

regular grammatical form

Creating and converting words is a complex and complex process. The paradigms of some words are considered complex. Such grammatical forms, both in language learning and in practice, are quite common. For example, the case paradigm of the noun is a symbiosis of case words of the singular and plural. A complete paradigm consists of no less than five particular paradigms.

It is written differently than it is heard

It is worth knowing some features of grammatical forms . The letter “g” sounds like “in” in the endings of the genitive case of masculine and neuter adjectives and pronouns. For example, mine, spicy, strong, fast. Or - in total, today. In ordinary conversation, some numerals are also pronounced differently than they are written. For example, a thousand (thousand), sixty (sheysyat), fifty (paisyat).

complex grammatical forms

There are also special forms of words starting with two, two, or two. It is necessary to remember how to write correctly: two-headed, two-horned, couplet, two-year-old, two-volume, two-humped, two-volume, two-armed, two-horned. It is also worth remembering the correct pronunciation of such words as paid, paid, paid. And not paid, paid, paid.

Different forms

The following types of grammatical forms are presented in Russian:

  • Syntactic. The syntactic word form was formed in antiquity. It is characterized by not one, but several ways of word formation, taking into account the wide variety of sound and spelling of words. Often, synthetic forms of words are used in an artistic style, as they are considered more poetic, with a vivid image. Least used in a scientific language. Sometimes, being transformed according to all the rules of the Russian language, words of a syntactic form acquire an unsound or unpronounceable state, or excessively long words are obtained .
  • Morphological. They, in turn, are divided into lexical and grammatical and inflectional forms.

Features of grammatical categories directly depend on what part of speech they belong to. So, for example, only change in cases is characteristic of numerals. Comparative degrees are the names of adjectives, adverbs, and words meaning states. Almost all categories are inherent in verbs. Pronouns are exclusively gender, number, and case.


According to the rules of our rather complex language, the grammatical structure of speech is based, first of all, on certain laws and rules for the formation and transformation of words. To know these rules, it is necessary to study morphology, that is, everything related to the paradigm of words, to know the abstract meanings of words. After all, the word is the basic unit of grammar. It combines the sound component, lexical meaning and formal grammatical specifics. And the grammatical form is nothing more than a linguistic sign that combines the material side and abstract meaning. And the semantic form is the grammatical meaning.


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