Ayurvedic shampoo from Indian herbs. Overview, features, applications and reviews

The beauty industry came from medicine - now a proven and indestructible fact. And if the knowledge of our Slavic ancestors, many European ethnic groups and Indians is almost all lost, then we can still use such historical heritage as Ayurveda. Indian medicine was one of the most developed in the world, and now cosmetics are made based on ancient recipes. In the center of our attention is Ayurvedic shampoo with all its features and delights.

What it is?

At its core, Ayurvedic shampoo is a standard hair care product that can be used in the same way as its store-based counterparts that we are all used to. The difference lies in the composition and in the effect, which we can observe as a result of the impact of this very composition. Most often, Ayurvedic shampoos are made from Indian herbs, that is, according to the most ancient recipes that were created and documented by the distant ancestors of modern Indians. It is in this that lies the healing and cosmetic power of these drugs. They do not just wash their hair, but restore them, nourish them with useful substances, give them shine and bake about a healthy appearance.

Beauty indian hair

The main difference from store products

Many fans of natural cosmetics have encountered such a problem as the harm caused by Ayurvedic shampoo. Women noted that the hair was not completely washed off, it became not so shiny and silky as after any other product from some professional line. After a couple of applications, they left a jar of Indian drugs in the far corner and returned to their usual hair cosmetics.

But this is the most common mistake that makes it difficult to understand the essence of Ayurvedic shampoo. For hair, this product is a real medicine that initially can cause some adverse reactions, but subsequently lead to the path of true health. That's right, such a shampoo will not from the first use create the effect of lamination and mirror shine. On the contrary, he will wash off all the silicones and parabens with which the curls have been soaked for many years and show you what they really are.

After the hairs are completely cleaned, the restoration process starts. And only after months you will be able to be content with a chic hairstyle again, and this will be due to your own health, and not due to the camouflage properties of silicones.

Ayurvedic shampoo and conditioner


For almost all Ayurvedic shampoos, the composition remains the same. It is based on oils, mineral components, natural fragrances and natural dyes, as well as on phytocomplexes, essential oils, extracts and powders from more than hundreds of plants. The combination of some components may vary from brand to brand, but the essence remains the same - this is naturalness. There is also a so-called constant base. It consists of those components that are added to all Ayurvedic shampoos: amla, shikakai and soap nut.

It is also important to note that the composition of ordinary Indian shampoo, made according to Ayurveda recipes, includes both dry and liquid components. The result is a familiar foaming mixture that is sold in jars. If we are talking about dry Ayurvedic shampoos, then the liquid components are eliminated, and as a result we get the powder. Well, let's look at the most common dry components and liquid components in the creation of these products separately.

Ayurvedic shampoo

Dry components

  • Amla is an Indian green fruit that dries and is ground into a powder. Saturated with vitamin C, prevents premature graying, stimulates the growth of sleeping hairs.
amla or emblem
  • Shikakai - from this exotic shrub make an amazing soap base for shampoo. It cleanses the hair and scalp, exfoliates dead cells, moisturizes.
  • Soap nut is a foam former and a hair cleaner in parallel.
  • Fenugreek - prevents hair loss and stimulates their growth.
  • Brahmi - speeds up metabolism, normalizes blood circulation under the scalp.
  • Hibiscus - strengthens the hair roots and their structure, makes them more durable and less porous.
  • Neem is the very component due to which the hair remains clean longer. It normalizes the production of fat, and also has antibacterial properties, relieving itching, dandruff and other troubles.
  • Cinnamon is a natural antioxidant, as well as an excellent flavor.

Liquid ingredients

  • Lemon or lime juice - is added in various proportions and depends on what hair shampoo is intended for. If for fat - then there is a lot of it, if for dry - then a minimum.
  • Mustard oil - necessary to combat dandruff and to stimulate hair growth.
  • Almond oil - nourishes the scalp and hair, makes it soft, shiny and delicate.

There is also a mass of liquid components that saturate Ayurvedic shampoos - coconut milk, flaxseed oil, avocado, cocoa, shea, etc. Extracts from various essential oils are added. All this already depends on the orientation of the shampoo and its properties (for curly hair, for weakened, dry, oily, damaged, etc.).

Shikakai - shampoo ingredient

Key Features

All Ayurvedic shampoos have similar functionality. It is only important to choose the one that will deal specifically with your problem, and in a short time you can completely restore the hair and give it a healthy look in a natural way. As you already understood, these funds are the first thing to wash off all the chemistry from the hair. Parabens, silicones, sulfates and other chemical compounds, which are saturated with goods purchased in simple stores, will be expelled from the scales.

At the second stage, treatment will begin. Active natural components will nourish the curls as much as possible, fill them with minerals, as a result of which they will become more dense and silky, growth will accelerate, volume and strength will appear. Well, in conclusion, it is worth adding that using an Ayurvedic shampoo with conditioner, you will begin to wash your hair less and less. Hair will cease to be quickly polluted, they will retain their beauty and purity for a longer period - up to a week. Is it not happiness in caring for a haircut.

And now let's find out, exactly kaike brands are considered the best in the framework of Ayurvedic shampoos. Reviews for each product are attached.

Devangari thali podi

This is a dry Ayurvedic shampoo mask that can be used simultaneously in two qualities. The first option is to dilute with a small amount of warm water, apply to the roots and length of the hair, rinse with hair and rinse with cool water. The second option - after applying another liquid Indian shampoo, dilute the dry mixture with the same amount of warm water and apply to the entire hair sheet for 10-15 minutes. Then we also wash off and enjoy the amazing result and brilliance.

This is one of the few Indian remedies that allows you to see the effect after the first application (especially as a mask). Girls claim that they purchased this shampoo according to the recommendations of Bollywood stars and did not fail - this is really a SPA for hair.

Ayur Plus

A liquid shampoo that is sold in a volume of 200 ml, but is very economically consumed. A tool designed to restore health and shine to hair, while maintaining their color and even if it is obtained as a result of dyeing. A positive result becomes noticeable after two weeks of use - the hairstyle acquires volume, mirror shine and strength.

What do users say about this tool? All the manufacturer's promises are fully justified, but there are several nuances. First, the hair is a little fluffy, so before washing your hair it is worth making an oil mask to smooth this defect. The second is the price, because for 200 ml you have to give more than 300 rubles, but the economical consumption is pleasing.


Shampoo that is filled with neem - a component that gives a feeling of freshness and purity for a long time. This means that it is intended for oily hair. The tool tightly controls the secretion of subcutaneous fat, cleans the hairs literally to a squeak and gives them an unprecedented volume. At the same time, its democratic price and cost-effectiveness in application are pleasing.

Auromere shampoo for oily hair

It is important to remember that for dry and weakened curls, this tool is not suitable. Some believe that if this shampoo is used for other purposes, it can also wash hair dye and cause dandruff - overdrying an already dry scalp. But for owners of oily hair, this is just a find - you can forget about the terrible dirty shine and about daily shampooing.

Khadi Amla Reetha Herbal Shampoo with almond oil

Universal remedy for all types of hair. Shampoo as if adapts specifically to your problems and eliminates them. There is dandruff - after several uses it is not there, a greasy shine appeared - a week later it turned into a healthy glow, the ends were cut and dried - now they look alive, healthy and silky. The tool has a beneficial effect on the hair roots, strengthening them and encouraging growth, and on the overall fabric, making it well-groomed and unrealistically shiny, while maintaining volume.

Users did not find negative reviews and any shortcomings in this shampoo. The tool is awesome, but expensive.

Khadi Amla Reetha Herbal Shampoo

Day 2 day care

Again in our rating dry shampoo. You can use it as a washing agent, applying to curls for several minutes, and as a mask. The tool is universal, suitable for various types of hair, but if there are serious problems (increased fat content, dandruff, excessive dryness, etc.), then it can not cope. In order to restore shine and strength to hair, it is best to apply it on curls as a mask and leave for 30 minutes. After this, balms and rinses can not be used - the hair will be washed and nourished, while not starting to fluff.

Great tool, according to user reviews, which is suitable for normal hair. With it, you can quickly forget about shampoos with silicones and enjoy the positive effect of natural ingredients.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38033/

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