Is honey for diabetes?

According to experts, at the moment, among all known endocrine diseases, diabetes is the leader. Unfortunately, today in our country the number of patients every year only increases. However, on the other hand, medicine, of course, also does not stand still in its research and offers a number of very successful methods, thanks to which you can control the level of glucose in the blood. Of course, traditional medicine also provides significant assistance in the fight against this disease, referring to the so-called "apitherapy" (treatment through bee products).

honey for diabetes
How is honey useful for diabetes?

First of all, it should be noted that this product contains the so-called "simple sugars", fructose and glucose, which are rapidly and relatively successfully absorbed by the body in the absence of insulin. That is why honey in diabetes is an ideal energy product. Catalysts also have no less value - special substances that accelerate the process of assimilation of food. In addition, this beloved delicacy contains about 30 minerals and all kinds of trace elements that are similar in concentration to the chemical composition of the blood. Honey for diabetes is also useful in that it has a large number of the most diverse vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This truly healing product is characterized by antibacterial properties. This means that it is able to destroy various pathogenic fungi and microorganisms.

the use of honey for diabetes
How to take honey for diabetes?

    • First of all, it should be noted that before including such a useful product in the diet, you still need to consult a doctor. He, in turn, based on the stage of the disease, individual health indicators, some clinical tests, will be able to advise the approximate dose and the specific form that should be consumed.
    • Patients suffering from serious diseases of the endocrine system itself are better to use spring varieties (flower or acacia). Also, with special attention it is necessary to approach the acquisition of goodies in the market. It is better to shop with already verified sellers. Otherwise, it is still likely to buy a surrogate, which will entail a lot of health problems.
    • Note that the use of honey for diabetes should be dosed. Experts recommend no more than two tablespoons per day. It is allowed to add to cereals, salads, eat with low-calorie varieties of bread. Also an excellent option is considered to be eating on an empty stomach with a glass of warm water.
      with diabetes can honey


Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that with diabetes can honey. Note that at present, in almost all developed countries, numerous experiments are conducted on the benefits of this product for patients suffering from endocrine diseases. So scientists came to an interesting conclusion that in the right dose, honey is not only useful, but also necessary, since it significantly improves blood composition. In addition, volunteers who were directly involved in the experiments spoke about a sharp improvement in overall health.


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