Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov to improve vision: reviews

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world suffer from eye problems. Myopia, hyperopia, cataracts, glaucoma, strabismus, astigmatism - these are the diagnoses ophthalmologists put all the time. Official medicine claims that it is impossible to reverse the degenerative processes of the fundus. Only surgery will help. But traditional medicine does not agree! A unique set of exercises and simple rules from the guru of alternative medicine M. S. Norbekov will help to heal many eye diseases. Reviews of his unique technique leave no doubt about its benefits.

Who is M. S. Norbekov?

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov was born in Uzbekistan (Samarkand) on November 17, 1957. He became famous after writing a number of books on alternative medicine. He also gained fame because of his wellness seminars, in which he used unusual techniques (something similar to the methods of neurolinguistic programming).

Norbekov forced many to talk about himself, proclaiming a unique idea in a series of his books - to restore vision (with any diagnosis) to one diopter in three to six days. The patient was not required to carry the money to the master of alternative medicine: it was enough to buy a book and follow all the rules and instructions on the internal mood.

Life-changing bestseller

The first book of the series "The Experience of a Fool or the Key to Insight" was sold out in millions of copies. And the guru himself became a well-known and discussed figure in the midst of medical and broadcasting.

Reliable information from verified sources about childhood, education and the Norbekov family is missing. In 1991, Norbekov was awarded with Diploma No. 49 "The pattern of changes in the catalytic activity of the membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase of erythrocytes and chloroplasts of biological systems when they adapt to the external and internal environment."

In his numerous publications, he calls himself "a doctor of psychology, pedagogy, philosophy in medicine, professor, full member and corresponding member of a number of Russian and foreign academies."

restore vision

The most popular books of the author

Despite the white spots in the biography of Norbekov, he has many followers in Russia. This person has charisma and positive energy - this is stupid to deny. People liked the gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov. Reviews about it went beyond the borders of the Russian Federation: in the former CIS countries, copies of the first part of The Experience of the Fool were also actively sold out.

Here is a list of the author’s most popular books (by the way, not all of them are about treating eye diseases):

  • "The experience of a fool, or the key to insight (how to get rid of glasses)" is a cult book that brought real fame to the writer. It describes a unique system recognized by the International Association of Experts as the most effective among the alternative healing systems known in 1998. According to the promises of Norbekov, it allows you to improve vision by one or two diopters in a week!
  • "Arcanum for mad herring, or All methods of energy protection according to the Bench Lam system" - will reveal the secrets of nature and fate. It will help you manage your material and financial well-being, get rid of almost any disease, and establish relationships with your loved one.
  • “Where does Kuzkin’s mother spend the winter, or how to get a free million decisions” - tips on how to get out of the financial hole and establish your business for indecisive people.
  • “Life without pills” - will teach you special techniques, thanks to which you can get rid of almost any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, lungs. Special exercises will help restore youth and well-being without expensive procedures.
  • "The Psychology of a Fool" - in this work, the author urges readers not to philosophize crafty and to recognize themselves as "fools." What could be simpler and more fun than indulging in idle fun, laughter and relaxation? It is this approach to life, according to the author, that will make a person truly happy.
books of Norbekov

"The experience of a fool, or the key to insight (how to get rid of glasses)"

It is in this book that gymnastics for the eyes is described in detail according to the Norbekov method. Over the years, this book has been the most talked about guide to vision restoration among ophthalmologists and patients. Gymnastics for Norbekov’s eyes with glaucoma, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism - with any diagnosis, it’s not just a relief of the patient’s condition, but a real recovery.

The circulation exceeded all reasonable limits - in all, about 40 million copies were sold out! To date, there is a second revised edition on sale. The cost of a paper book is about 150 rubles.

The principles of the unique Norbekov technique

The book has a psychological effect on the reader, calls once and for all to abandon boredom and despondency. Do exercises with a smile on his lips. Anyway, just constantly smile for prevention!

The author eloquently indicates the psychosomatic causes of any disease. The book uses vivid, memorable (for someone offensive and provocative) metaphors and stories. In some chapters, the reader is invited by direct text to recognize himself as a stupid person, fixated on his person. Allegedly, only through self-irony and liberation from complexes can one get the key to healing.

eye exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov: reviews

Ophthalmologists have questioned all of the author’s promises of healing: it is simply impossible to correct the fundus of the eye with the power of thought and exercises. Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov can maximize blood circulation and relieve spasm of the optic nerve. And the return of clarity and diopter is something from the realm of fantasy.

But the reviews of gymnastics for the eyes of Norbekov ordinary inhabitants are more rosy. Thousands of people claim that they were able to return clarity and two or three diopters. The best technique proved to be in the work of people with myopia and farsightedness. Despite the difference in these diseases, the author proposes to use almost the same approach in both cases. Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov perfectly fit for patients with astigmatism.

The spine and vision: a constant relationship

The red line through the entire book is information about the importance of proper posture and building a muscular back corset. The author includes classes for the cervical spine in his system.

Every day it is necessary to stretch the spine and strengthen the muscles around it with special exercises. For this, it is not necessary to attend the gym: it is enough to devote fifteen minutes to the health of your back at home.

exercise Norbekova

Five iconic eye exercises for myopia and astigmatism

Excluding psychological seed and generous seasoning from neuro-linguistic programming, the most effective tips from the book can be distinguished. This is a description of the special exercise technique. There are eight of them, and you need to perform them daily in the morning and evening:

  1. The spine is relaxed, the head is straight (not tilted and not lowered). Eyes open. Look as high as possible, imagine that you can consider your own crown. Then lower the eyeballs down, looking as low as possible. Imagine that you can consider your own throat and neck.
  2. The position of the spine does not change - it is even and relaxed. Turn your eyes to the left as much as you can. imagine that you can reach your left ear with your eyes. In this case, the head should not move! It should be fixed straight, motionless. Then move the eyeballs to the right, try to look as far as possible towards the right ear.
  3. The Butterfly exercise is especially effective for astigmatism. We look in the upper right corner, lower our gaze into the lower right corner. We translate to the upper left corner, then to the lower left corner. We draw the direction of our eyes “butterflies” - hence the name of this effective gymnastics exercise for the eyes to improve Norbekov’s vision.
  4. The head and spine remain relaxed, motionless. With a look you need to draw the "eight" - two loops alternately to the right and left side. In this case, the size of the contours outlined by the look of the figure should be as large as possible, as wide and long as possible.
  5. This exercise perfectly strengthens and trains the muscles of the eyeball. We look at the point in the bridge of the nose. To do this, you will have to mow them a little. Make sure that no one suddenly enters the room and scares you during the exercise (muscle spasm may occur). Then, on the contrary, defocus your eyes as much as possible and try with both eyes to examine objects on the sides.
myopia treatment

Gymnastics for the eyes with cataract according to Norbekov

Are the author’s findings supported by concrete results? If gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov with farsightedness and myopia gives good results, then with other eye diseases everything is not so clear. With the degenerative processes that have already occurred in the lens, self-hypnosis methods will not help. The positive attitude inspired by the Norbekov reader will be absolutely powerless with atrophy of the optic nerve.

As for strengthening the muscle corset (which the author mentions in almost every chapter of his best-selling book), this is certainly a good practice. But it bears a direct influence on the organs of vision. In addition, excessive physical activity can lead to the progression of myopia.

Gymnastics for the eyes after a stroke according to Norbekov, according to doctors, will not bring much benefit either. Do not blindly trust what is written and refuse the professional help of ophthalmologists. For maximum benefit, it is better to combine alternative treatment and the methods of modern official medicine.


Exercises for the Lazy by M. S. Norbekov

The author does not recommend to strain and force yourself, forcing you to fulfill tasks from the book through force. On the contrary, all exercises should bring joy. Do not forget that you need to perform them with a smile on your face. Cheerfulness should not be artificial - it should become the basis of the patient's worldview.

The author himself calls all the exercises - "for the lazy", "for the fools." They can be performed lying on a hard surface (the main thing is that the spine remains straight and motionless).

You can indulge in pleasant classical, relaxing music. Exercise should be a source of positive and joy - this is important. If you force yourself to engage in force and irritation, you can’t expect benefits.

eye exercises

The opinion of doctors about this author’s technique

Critics of Russian medicine distrust the loud statements and promises of the self-proclaimed guru. Also questioned is the authorship of his thesis. It was possible to obtain unconfirmed information that in the Soviet years Mirzakarim Sanakulovich was expelled for poor progress from the third year of the Institute of Cotton Production in Tashkent. This fact undermines the credibility of his books.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov with myopia is really useful. But doctors unanimously argue that it is simply physically impossible to improve vision for diopter in one week! Moreover, it is unrealistic to do this even after six months of continuous exercises. Without surgical intervention (modern laser technology) it is simply impossible to return one hundred percent vision to a patient with myopia. The maximum that can be achieved with exercises is rest and relaxation of the eye muscles.

Useful tips from the author

After performing a set of exercises, it is advisable to proceed to massage the active points on the face. This is the place between the eyebrows on the forehead, the edges of the wings of the nose, the area between the lips and the chin in the middle, and the temples. Soft, painless massage of these places will help to improve blood supply to the brain and eyes.

The psychological attitude is important - any life hardships must be met with a smile on your face and a sense of humor. Such a person will be able to maintain excellent physical and mental health until old age.

Include as many fresh vegetables, berries and fruits as possible in your daily diet. Blueberries have a miraculous effect on clarity of vision. Eat this berry, compotes and fruit drinks from it every day.

Strengthening the muscle corset is very important. Pay particular attention to your back. Due to improper posture, nerves and arteries are compressed, this is the cause of many diseases and directly affects the organs of vision and hearing.


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