How to mine ZCash video card on Windows. Mining instruction

The Internet has long become a platform for passive additional or basic income. ZCash, one of the cryptocurrencies, can be mined using a processor or video card. Advanced users with a powerful computer or laptop can do this. The basics of mining are available for beginners. The main thing is to figure out what it is and how it works.

What is mining?

Mining is the process of mining cryptocurrency on the Web. Earned coins go to a wallet specially created for this purpose. How to mine ZCash on Nvidia? There are two ways to get cryptocurrency: using a processor and a video card. Many manufacturers produce special devices for mining, which increase the performance of the PC. Until recently, the most relevant cryptocurrencies were Bitcoin and Ethereum. Today it is profitable to mine ZCash. But not everyone knows about it.

how to mine zcash


How to mine ZCash on a processor? Mandatory mining conditions for any cryptocurrency: a powerful computer, one or more video cards, a mining pool and a special program. A year ago (in 2016), the world's first anonymous cryptocurrency ZCash was created. It is decentralized, open source. Due to the fact that innovative cryptography is used here, cryptocurrency is focused on setting the latest standards of anonymity. Its full name is Zerocash. Created by a team of scientists, engineers and consultants.

how to mine zcash on nvidia

Powered by ZCash on the blockchain. Cryptocurrency is supported by financially serious investors. It is based on mathematical evidence that has zero value. What makes it attractive is the total anonymity and the fact that ZCash was developed by the best specialists in this field. Transactions are also completely hidden. You can’t find out which wallet the money was debited from and where it was sent. No party information available. You can exchange this cryptocurrency on various automatic exchange services. From the miner is only required to choose the course and the minimum size of the commission. Cryptocurrency is usually introduced and withdrawn on the BitMEX exchange.


How to mine ZCash on Windows XP? In order to start mining a new cryptocurrency, it is necessary to take into account some points. Today, ZCash is the most attractive coin in terms of mining. For mining, you will need several video cards (possibly specialized), a pool and a program. It is also necessary to have a wallet where the extracted coins will go. If you want the mining process to turn out successful, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • buy an expensive graphics card if you decide to seriously engage in mining (give preference to new models of AMD graphics cards);
  • an important component in the mining process is the pool (the most famous are Suprnova, Coinmine, Coinotron, Flypool);
  • After the pool and video card are selected, search for the program. Calirmor's is considered suitable for mining, download it, unzip it and run it.

Some users ask the question: "Is it allowed to mine ZCash on Nvidia and the processor at the same time?". In fact, there is such an opportunity. Just have to find the right pool.

how to mine zcash on a processor

Pros and cons

How to mine ZCash on a CPU processor? More recently, it became possible to mine a new cryptocurrency called ZCash. The following are its benefits:

  1. Absolute anonymity. The receiver and sender of the transaction and the amount of earned cryptocurrency are encrypted. Information is available only to those who have received a special key-identifier for further transactions with the transaction.
  2. Slow start. It is in this mode that ZCash cryptocurrency mining is launched. This means that during the first thirty-four days, the block reward will increase linearly, that is, gradually.
  3. Reward. Miners receive ninety percent of the profits, the remaining ten - investors and founders, but not immediately. Two and a half coins (founders) and ten coins (miners) are received within four years.
  4. Investments. The cryptocurrency mining project is funded. The amount is three million dollars. This means that each coin costs fifteen dollars.
  5. Availability. The mining process is accessible to everyone, it is as open and transparent as possible.
  6. Protection. The algorithm is under reliable protection from ASIC. This makes it possible for ordinary people in the future to earn on mining.

The process of mining a new cryptocurrency has minuses. How to mine ZCash if the price of coins is too high? Before you buy coins, think about whether they will fall in price. In addition, you need to be very well versed in the design of computers and mining technology in order to achieve a positive result.

how to mine zcash on windows xp

How to mine?

In order for the cryptocurrency mining process to be successful, it is important to observe three main conditions: choose a pool, as well as configure a cryptocurrency wallet and mining for video adapters. Explain some points:

  1. Pool. This is the place where cryptocurrency is mined. There are special resources available that are popular with experienced miners. Among them are,, and others.
  2. Wallet. Many resources suggest creating a cryptocurrency wallet. One of the most sought after is To create a personal wallet, register on the site, go to the "Balances" tab, find ZEC, click the plus sign. The system will assign the wallet number, which must be specified in the BAT file.
  3. Customization. How to mine ZCash using a processor? It should be noted that mining this cryptocurrency on Windows is not as effective as using a video card. The FlyPool platform provides an opportunity for a miner to do this using a processor. Click at the bottom of the Windows-CPU window, download and run the Github program, create a file with the extension .bat in the program folder (create the file using notepad) and write the line in it: nheqminer.exe-l : 3333-wallet number.rigl. For mining on a video card, you should use another program, for example, Zec miner 0.3.3b. Also create a file with the resolution already indicated above and write a line in it, but with different contents. The created file should be launched, after which the program will begin mining cryptocurrency.

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How to mine ZCash? This is of interest to many beginner miners. No less important is another question: "Is it worth it to start mining cryptocurrency?" Judging by the reviews of experienced miners, ZCash is really attractive in terms of anonymity. For its extraction, it is important to have a powerful computer with a hardy graphics card and processor. The ZCash mining model has similarities with Bitcoin. Mining requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as cash investments. Computer upgrade is an important condition in the mining procedure. Only in this case can something be achieved.


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