Unusual restaurants of St. Petersburg: an overview of the best places

St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of our country, a city literally drowning in sights, objects of architecture and antiquity. Here you can walk endlessly. That is why the flow of tourists does not decrease even in winter, when the city is immersed in dank cold.

Of course, there is nothing strange and surprising in the fact that there are enough entertainment venues in the city, but as part of this material I would like to review unusual restaurants, those establishments with which you will be able to surprise and impress your loved ones. From this article you will find out where the most unusual restaurants of St. Petersburg are located. Do you think you know everything about St. Petersburg? Continue reading further.

Dans le noir

If it seems to you that you have tried everything in your life, there are no more ideas left in your head for organizing a romantic date with your soulmate, pay attention to the Dans le noir restaurant. Be sure that dinner in pitch darkness will change your attitude and perception of the world, aggravate all feelings. All those who managed to visit the restaurant Dans le noir remained in real delight. This is something new, unusual, and from that even more interesting.

Dans le noir

The authors of the project worked wonderfully, creating a unique institution, which has no analogues in the city. Recall that the first institution appeared in 2004 in Paris, where it made a splash. In the cultural capital, he was also appreciated.

It was incredibly pleasant to perceive culinary creations not so much in appearance as in tactile sensations. Everything is permissible in this establishment: for some thrills, some visitors prefer to eat with their hands. This is a great place for dates, tastings and inquisitive guests.

Address: St. Petersburg, V.O. Birzhevoy per. 2–4.

"Beep Castle"

If you are interested in unusual St. Petersburg restaurants for a romantic dinner, pay attention to this restaurant, shrouded in mystery. The restaurant occupies the Pavlovsk fortress. This is a large complex with a huge territory. It would seem that the Castle Bip has something unusual to offer its guests? The uniqueness of the project is far from the appearance.

"Castle Beale"

Each guest can count on the author’s vision of his chosen dish. Moreover, cooks will offer 5-6 options for its preparation and serving. For table setting, antique silverware is used. You will have the opportunity to feel like real nobles, especially important people, spend an evening in an elegant setting surrounded by luxury.

For your romantic dinner, you can choose one of eight comfortable rooms, and in the summer you can sit on the open veranda. If you plan to visit the restaurant from May to October, you can take a walk around the garden, and the chef will prepare everything that you manage to collect during the walk. The restaurant is certainly interesting, extremely unusual, for which he earned the right to be present in this rating.


Continuing to consider the most unusual restaurants in St. Petersburg, I want to talk about an institution called Apteka. It is perhaps the most mysterious place in the city. You can get here only by appointment, but in order to find the restaurant itself, you will have to take part in this quest.

The interior of the institution is stylized under the Renaissance: a huge portrait of da Vinci, glass jars, tools of a real alchemist. There is a complete feeling that you are in a laboratory in which real miracles will begin to happen right now.

Unusual restaurants of St. Petersburg

Here, all visitors are waiting for dishes of national Indian cuisine, prepared in compliance with ancient traditions. Prepare in advance for the fact that the food can be quite spicy.

A colorful menu is far from all that the authors of the project can offer. Everyone will be able to attend master classes in magic, esotericism. And the owner of the institution, an Indian meditator, if you wish, will make for you a useful potion, a tonic elixir. Unusual, mysterious and very interesting.

Address: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 20, floor 3

"Blue Pushkin"

And here is another informal institution in the city. The author of the project was the legendary Sery Shnurov. The name of the institution is associated with one legend. According to her, Pushkin, walking around Peter, went to one institution, where he decided to try an overseas drink with a cherry. In the process of drinking the drink, Alexander Sergeevich choked on a bone, which is why he turned blue - this is the name for you. Here the atmosphere of the 90s of the last century reigns, rock and roll sounds everywhere - an amazing place that many will appreciate.

Address: St. Petersburg, Zhukovsky street, 3

Unusual restaurants of St. Petersburg for a romantic dinner

To summarize

We presented to your attention the most unusual restaurants of St. Petersburg, establishments that at least deserve special attention. Surely you have already made a visit to one of them in your immediate plans. We can only hope that there will be more and more such extremely unusual interesting institutions in the cultural capital. And we will certainly review them in one of the following materials.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38047/

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