Listen - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Believe it or not, but heed, it is a form of the present. Someone might think that we are talking about the future tense. But this verb has no similar form. Today we will devote a conversation to a wonderful word. We will analyze its features, reveal the meaning and consider synonyms.

Value and Suggestions

The girl is trying to hear the interlocutor

The difficulty is that the verb is practically not used in lively, everyday speech. He remained in phraseological units. For example: “He listened to the voice of reason and decided not to buy such an expensive thing. Otherwise, he would have no money left for food. ” Since an event that happened to us is exceptional, it is best for us, immediately, to open an explanatory dictionary and read the meaning of the word “heed”:

  1. Same as hearing (obsolete and high).
  2. Be attentive to something (high).

Let us then at the same time, since it so happened, we will also interpret the verb “hear”, or rather, we will clarify its first meaning in the dictionary: “Distinguish, perceive something by hearing”.

Now we are fully equipped to see before us the proposals with the object of study:

  • When he approached the house, he clearly listened to the voices that were heard nearby.
  • Please listen to me and listen to the voice of reason and finally abandon this strange undertaking.
  • He froze in front of a pyrotechnic kiosk. A terrible picture flashed before his eyes that he could not cope with these dangerous toys and it all ended in failure. He stood still a little in front of the shop window, but then heeded the voice of reason behind the pictures of imagination, turned around and strode firmly toward the ice cream parlor.

Hearing is a strange but beautiful word. But sometimes beauty happens both non-utilitarian and with our hero: it seems to be in the language, but not to say that it is much in demand, like a person at the window in Japanese firms. Although, perhaps, the comparison is not entirely accurate, because the object of research performs some function, since time has not yet been washed out of the language.


One says the other understands him

In this case, synonyms are not just needed, they are needed. Because the word is outdated, and through substitutions you can understand what exactly is meant. So, the analogues of the word “heed” are as follows:

  • hear;
  • understand;
  • to clarify;
  • to be aware;
  • comprehend.

Perhaps the last verb does not seem to be a good substitute. But in some contexts he is useful. However, the reader can always conduct an independent investigation in this regard. But he still has to push off from our results.

The verb has no future tense

Connecting puzzles as a symbol of understanding

Due consideration should be given to this feature because it is noteworthy. If you mentally cut off the obsolete value, then only the analogue of understanding will remain. Paying attention to something means understanding all the subtleties and finally understanding. The modern verb, of course, has a form of the future tense (we are talking about the verb “understand”), and our ancestors, apparently, were not so reckless in their promises and did not guarantee understanding, so listen carefully - this is the present. And there is great wisdom in this. They say that the main thing is desire. But people who say so forget: there are things that some understand, while others do not. The riddle of understanding is generally a great mystery. But the content of "heed" - this is not a mystery at all. We hope the reader has one less question.


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