Kazkommertsbank: customer reviews

Today, financial institutions are very popular, as they can get money for a fairly long time. However, such services are not always beneficial to customers. Based on this, many different rumors and even scandals appear around banks. Kazkommertsbank is one of such organizations. What did this financial institution not please the customers? Consider the reviews of Kazkommertsbank, as well as basic information about the company.

Bank employee

History of creation

This institution was established in 1990 and today is one of the largest banks in Kazakhstan. Moreover, as the organization’s representatives themselves declare, Kazkommertsbank is financially stable, which is confirmed by various rating agencies.

The named bank cooperates with other world-famous financial organizations. And thanks to large partners, the institution manages to conduct its most productive activities that meet international standards.

It is also worth noting that the bank "Kazkommertsbank" provides customers with a fairly wide range of offers. So, all users can take advantage of the remote service. This convenient function allows you to make the necessary financial transactions without leaving your home. It is enough for this to visit the official portal of “Kazkommertsbank” - onlinebank kz.

In 2014, more than 489 thousand people were registered who performed operations online. Moreover, among them were also holders of payment cards and other banking organizations. It is important to note that today, using the Kazkommertsbank portal, it is possible to carry out basic financial transactions, which include more than 700 types of various services.


The described financial institution provides project and trade financing, as well as assists in investing funds in projects and asset management. In addition, short-term loans and other banking products are available to customers.

Loans without collateral

In this bank you can get a cash loan in the amount of from 100 thousand to 6 million tenge, for a period of up to 5 years. At the same time, provision of any collateral property is not provided, which can be very beneficial to customers. If we talk about interest rates, then the average overpayment is 10% per annum.

Secured loans

If the client is ready to provide collateral movable or immovable property, then in this case a loan of up to 30 million tenge is available to him. Moreover, the loan term can be from six months to 120 months. If we talk about collateral, then in this case you can use an apartment or a deposit in the bank.

You can apply for loans at Kazkommertsbank online or by going to any nearest branch. Since this bank is large, its branches can be found in almost every city.

What are the requirements for borrowers

In order to get a loan, you must provide a document confirming the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this case, funds are issued to citizens aged 21 years. In addition to the main package of documents, it is necessary to provide a statement of income confirming a permanent place of work. In addition, a document on marital status may also be required.

bank logo

If we are talking about obtaining a loan on bail, then in this case the assessment of the collateral property is carried out. Repayment of the loan can be carried out both with a credit card and using cash.

Deposits of Kazkommertsbank

In this case, customers are given a fairly large selection of different programs. The term of the deposit can be changed depending on the total amount of the deposit, as well as the requirements of the client. However, as a rule, the maximum shelf life of cash is 36 months.

If we talk about the minimum contribution, then it is 15 thousand tenge. All deposits are extended automatically without additional requirements.

According to reviews about Kazkommertsbank, all these data are really true. A wide range of services is offered to customers, and lending is made on the most favorable terms. Also, users have identified several more advantages of this financial institution.

Advantages of Kazkommertsbank

If we talk about the positive nuances, then the described bank is distinguished by a large number of offices that are available to customers of different regions. Branches of Kazkommertsbank, as a rule, work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

If you don’t want to visit the branch, you can use special online services. In addition, as noted by users, in the process of data processing the confidentiality of all customer information is respected, which is reliably protected from potential crackers.

main bank building

Positive reviews

If we talk about the pros and cons of this financial institution, then everything depends on the particular client, operator, as well as on the branch of Kazkommertsbank, to which citizens applied. So, clients note that specialists most often skillfully help to choose the right offers and explain in detail all the nuances of lending and other operations.

Also, many note the convenience of using Internet resources, thanks to which you can carry out financial transactions pretty quickly.

Negative reviews

If we talk about the minuses, then, unfortunately, there are much more. For example, in the city of Taraz, according to customer comments, you can try to open a personal account for a long time in the central branch of the bank. According to many other reviews of Kazkommertsbank, you can wait in line for up to several hours. And during this time, the operators can serve no more than three people.

managers work

Some in their comments also complain that bank managers may begin to consider the application and go to lunch in the middle of the conversation.

At the same time, some of the clients claimed that after a long wait and consideration of the application by several employees, they were forced to go to another branch of the bank, where the problem also could not be solved.

The money and nerves spent in no way can say that the service in this branch can be called good.

How do they respond to emergency situations at the bank

Some customers, according to their reviews, had serious problems when they tried to transfer funds to Kazpost through an ATM of the financial institution described. In the event of a breakdown of equipment, a huge number of problems arose. And although this service is popular with bank customers, in an emergency situation, as it turned out, customers may face the fact that the bank will not be able to return money to them or transfer it, since the details of another organization were used for this operation.

This threatens a long trial between the two financial institutions, and in the end the client is left with nothing.

Also among the negative reviews there are many opinions about the only branch of the bank, which is located in the city of Kentau. Due to the fact that there are no other branches in this locality, customers are faced with huge queues and long wait for the operation officers.

Some also noted that in this department there is not even a printer in order to make a photocopy. And some customers, after they have stood in line, are also forced to independently look for a place where they can make the missing copy.

Also, negative feedback was received by the Astana branch. Many in their reviews of Kazkommertsbank note that, even when they were there with infants, they had to sit in line for 5 hours.

Refinancing loan reviews

Judging by the comments of the clients of the financial institution, it took them a lot of time to get the refinancing service. Some attribute this to the fact that bank employees did not immediately voice the full list of required documents. However, it all depends on the specific situation. For example, if the client did not provide the details of Kazkommertsbank or another financial organization to whose account it is planned to transfer money, then in this case the manager will not be able to correctly execute the transaction.

Also, in some situations, regardless of employee qualifications, additional documents may be required. At the first stages, the manager sends the client data to the head office, where another operator can request additional securities.

You need to understand that getting a loan can take a lot more time than planned. This is because the bank employee needs to make sure that the financial institution does not incur losses, and that the borrower will timely make all the required payments.

Yes, it really cannot be ruled out that in some branches of the bank employees do not always possess information. However, in other situations, everything only looks like this in the eyes of customers. To avoid such situations, before going to the bank, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with information on lending on the official website of a financial institution. Thanks to this, you can come to the bank with a ready-made package of documents and significantly speed up the process of receiving funds.

Card Opening Reviews

If we are talking about the standard procedure for opening an account, then, as a rule, everything happens very quickly. However, if the issue of an additional Kazkommertsbank card is required, some customers are faced with rather serious problems, which again can be attributed to the unpreparedness of the plastic holders themselves.

Some complain that opening a new account or issuing additional cards took a lot more time. However, it should be borne in mind that this procedure is also performed with the participation of the head office. Thus, applications and a package of documents are initially sent there. Accordingly, the farther the office is from the head office, the longer it will take to wait for the finished card. The same thing happens in almost all financial institutions. Therefore, you should not blame the bank itself or its employees for everything.

branch of financial organization

Also, some of the bank's customers began to respond negatively about it after the events that took place several years ago, when the global crisis began.

What has happened since 2016

In the fall of 2016, the banking issue in Kazakhstan became very acute. First of all, it was about the financial well-being of some organizations. At the same time, the media that gave information was very actively adding fuel to the fire, referring to sources, and not to real numbers. This negatively affected many banks.

The headlines said that Kazkommertsbank was on the verge of default and would soon cease to exist. In fact, it was not quite like that. The fact is that this financial organization simply merged with Halyk Bank, while continuing to operate. At the same time, both the Kazkommertsbank hotline and other services are still active. Therefore, investors and borrowers have nothing to worry about. If we talk about the need to reissue a loan, then, according to representatives of the organization, this procedure, if it happens, is without problems for payers.

money in Kazakhstan

Many are also interested in what will happen with the onlinebank kz service of Kazkommertsbank. According to representatives, online banking and other resources will function as usual. However, it is believed that over time these services will merge with similar applications from Halyk Bank.

Thus, the services of Kazkommertsbank online can still be safely used. However, it is better to follow the news of a financial organization so as not to miss important changes regarding its mode of operation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38059/

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