Keratin hair wave: procedure description, reviews

The eternal struggle with naughty ringlets for centuries forced the young ladies of the whole world to resort to the most sophisticated procedures, which, of course, spoiled the hair structure. Just twenty years ago, our mothers and grandmothers were delighted with the perm, which mercilessly killed the hair, but made it more obedient. Nowadays, keratin wave of hair is gaining momentum, which is not just gentle, but healing. Let's find out all about this procedure.

Keratin: a word familiar to modern girls

Beauty salons are now actively offering their clients various treatments for the treatment of hair, as well as modern hair curls. With their help, you can restore curls burned from paint, dry and brittle hair by nature, etc. The most popular is keratin treatment. The bottom line is that a special preparation is applied to the hair, it must be kept for some time, and then it is possible to dry and stretch the hair with the help of irons. It is clear that this is the very keratin straightening. From him, the hair for several months remains smooth, even and mirror-beautiful. The keratin wave of hair works according to a similar principle. The only difference is that the curls are curled in curls, and not straightened.

keratin hair curl

Who needs keratin?

It is believed that this component is the basis of the natural structure of human hair . The modern rhythm of life, stresses, as well as merciless procedures (including curling irons, hair dryers) literally “weather” it from our curls, making them dry, split and ugly. Keratin hair curl or straightening is a treatment that will restore the natural structure of hair, make it pristine beautiful and healthy. For those who have beautiful and well-groomed hair, this component will not hurt. With it, you can curl curls for a long time or straighten hair. Just note that the first procedure is less common so far.

Procedure specifics

Compared to straightening, curling is done a little differently, and, it is worth saying, it takes more time. It also depends on the type of curls that you choose for yourself, and, of course, on the work of the wizard. As for the latter - not only speed of work is important, but also quality. Many women say that if everything is done correctly, the result obtained lasts for more than six months. When keratin hair curling is performed with errors, the product is applied incorrectly, low-quality curlers are used or they are improperly twisted, you can enjoy a new hairstyle for a maximum of a couple of months. So it is best to contact competent craftsmen who will do everything in the highest rank and leave you satisfied. Now we will go directly to the consideration of the process itself in stages.

curling hair large curls on medium hair

Cleaning first

So, you have a keratin hair curler in your salon. Description we will present to your attention. The procedure begins with washing your hair with a special cleansing shampoo. This remedy opens all the scales on each hair to the maximum, and keratin itself will be absorbed into them in the future. It also cleanses the scalp, which contributes to the rapid growth of hair, improve their condition and healthy appearance. Often, a client’s head is treated twice with a cleansing shampoo so that the keratin is firmly fixed in curls and the result lasts as long as possible.

The application of a medication

After washing, the hair is slightly dried with a hairdryer or patted with a towel so that it absorbs all unnecessary water. From this stage, one can say, directly begins keratin wave of hair. The hair is divided into small locks, and each of them the master generously lubricates with a healing substance. The procedure is similar to staining, each segment is processed gradually, starting from the back of the head, ending with the forehead. After application, you need to sit with keratin for 15-20 minutes, and then proceed to the next step.

keratin hair curler description

Making curls

Now we turn to the main question - how to wind the curlers, fix them and at the same time not damage the hair. For keratin procedures in the salons there are special devices that fundamentally differ from those that we use at home. Of course, their structure is identical, but the pinch itself is designed so that it does not touch the hair. Thus, perfectly smooth and identical curls are formed, which lie literally one to one. Immediately, if you do all this at home, you should know in advance from experts how to wind the curlers yourself, and buy a professional and high-quality product. While the hair is wound, they are dried using a hairdryer. It is important not to completely dry the strands so that they do not dry out, but to leave them slightly damp.

modern hair curls


After the curls are fixed with hot air, the client goes to wash his hair. Abundantly applied keratin is washed off so that the hair does not become too heavy and "oily". After that, the hair is dried with a hairdryer again, and professional styling is already done, one that will last a long period of time. It is important to note that after keratin treatments, the head should not be washed for three days. Although tools have already appeared that allow washing to be carried out already on the second day after curling, this is not recommended. All this is due to the fact that during these three days keratin continues to be absorbed into each hair, enriching it with useful components and completing the recovery process.

how to wind curlers

Keratin VS Chemistry

Again, let's go back to the painful - to the perm, which, one might say, recently left the leading position among the favorite procedures in the salons. We all remember very well that after "chemistry" you can get one result - "lamb" curls. They were formed on the hair of any type, color and length - such a procedure. Another “unpleasant moment” was given as a “bonus” - the new hair grew straight and the difference between small curls and natural roots was very noticeable.

Nowadays, such procedures are still done in salons, and, strangely enough, many women are interested in how much it costs to perms. The price for it starts at 1800 rubles and ends at 3000. But for comparison, now we will consider the pricing policy for keratin. This health and aesthetic procedure will cost you 3000-6000 rubles, depending on the length of your hair. That is, if the hair is up to the shoulder, then count on about 3,500. If they reach the hips, then the price will be twice as much. After numerous studies, we conclude that this overpayment is justified. Moreover, the result that can be obtained after keratin curling may be what you want, and here's why.

how much does perming hair

Types of Curls

This procedure allows you to form curls of any thickness and structure. Initially, you choose your own styling, and after that the master “adjusts” it to your individual characteristics and the hair is curled. Large curls on medium hair - the most popular request in recent years, but here there are some peculiarities. Depending on whether your hair is healthy or damaged by paint, their natural structure is thin or thick, more or less large curls will be formed.

In fact, the variety of curls is very large. They can be like Victoria's Secret models, they can be “beach”, natural, small or very large and at the same time structured. It is the shape and size of the curlers that affects what the final hair curl will be. Large curls on medium hair, small on short or voluminous on long - it all depends on your wishes. But just do not forget to consult with the master, because his advice, perhaps, will make the result more durable and more beautiful.

keratin hair wave reviews

Keratin hair wave: reviews

The negative impressions that remained of the few women who experienced this method on themselves largely depend on the incompetence of the master. The very substance keratin can in no way damage the hair. Most girls leave positive reviews, indicating that keratin significantly improved the condition of their curls. Someone laying lasted two months, while someone - six months. But in any case, it did not bring harm - only benefit.


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