What is information? The engine of progress or destructive weapons?

In the modern world, information has become the most destructive weapon. It’s hard to imagine what kind of power the people have over the media. But no one even thinks about what information is. What role does it play in our lives and what impact can it have on each of us?

What is information?
The first in the question of what information is, K. Shannon and N. Wiener tried to understand. In their opinion, it has volume, even invented a way in order to calculate the amount of data loss during transmission. On the other hand, even the same information for different people will have completely different meanings and values. For example, data on the operation of a technological installation is absolutely not interesting and useless for a lawyer, but they are of great value to the operator of the same installation. Due to the different perceptions of what information is, it will never be possible to fit its various types under one definition. Not now, nor in the future. Information and its properties should not be measured by various formulas and definitions, but by the person himself.

Discrete information
The methods for obtaining information are varied. Various information can be obtained from colleagues at work, teachers at the university, the media. A huge amount of data enters our brain through the senses. Each source of information has its own level of complexity and is perceived differently. There is analog and discrete information. Analog comes in a continuous stream, receiving and processing it is very tiring for the brain. Therefore, we are more tired of the monotonous and boring work. An example of this type of information acquisition is driving. At this time, the brain receives a continuous stream of data about the condition of the roadway, engine noise, weather conditions and makes appropriate decisions depending on the situation. Only short-term memory is working at this time .

In order to remember a moment, you will have to specifically pay attention to it, i.e. separate it from the general data stream. A discrete method of obtaining information allows the brain to process more complex data that enters the brain in batches, which simplifies the way they are processed. An example of discrete information can be seen even in the division of the text into paragraphs. Separated text is much easier to read and remember than whole.

information and its properties
But still, what is information? A clear answer to this question can only be obtained from oneself. Everyone is a source of information. The ability to acquire knowledge and share it, use it in everyday life is the main difference between humans and animals.

A person became rational not at the moment when he picked up a stick to crack a nut, but when he taught his neighbors to do it. That is, made an exchange of information. Man and information are two inseparable concepts. One creates the other. People during communication receive information, respectively, draw conclusions from this, and therefore develop. On the other hand, information is born from the actions and deeds of other people. In conclusion, I want to add: communication is the best way to develop. Communicating with each other and with the outside world, people are developing, which means that information is the engine of progress.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38068/

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