Tomato Watercolor: characteristics of the variety, reviews, photos

This tomato is called by vegetable growers a real masterpiece of Siberian breeders. Its main advantages include the fact that it can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse - while the yield of the variety does not change. From the time of sowing to harvest, only 3-3.5 months will pass. And the watercolor Watercolor does not need special care. We propose to consider the main characteristics of the variety, let's talk about its yield, advantages and main disadvantages.

Varietal characteristics

Tomato Watercolor belongs to the category of determinant - undersized - tomatoes. The variety is medium early, yielding large yields. The main external difference between Watercolor and other tomatoes is its massive powerful stalk, which quite often does not even need garters and the presence of additional supports. Only when the crop begins to sing, and the fruits come in contact with the ground, can the bush be supported so that the tomatoes do not deteriorate.

tomato watercolor description

Watercolor tomato leaves are ordinary, their color is saturated green. The height of one bush is only 50 centimeters. With proper planting, care, and fertilizing, Watercolor Tomato provides a consistently good crop in regions with very different climates. The first ovary appears on the bushes after 4-5 leaflets. Six identical fruits ripen on each branch. Their weight is almost always the same, the shape is round, plum-like. One tomato can weigh from 60 to 100 grams, which is to the liking of housewives who like to cook homemade preserves.

Tomato Watercolor: characteristic of fruits

tomato watercolor photo

Due to the fact that the tomato bushes, due to the large trunk, look like a small tree, the fruits can be located quite densely on it. The pulp of tomatoes is dense, fleshy. The tomato has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. The section shows that the Watercolor aquarelle (pictured above) has two chambers with a small amount of seeds. A characteristic feature of the variety gardeners is called small yellowish spots, which are located on tomatoes at the stalk. The crop is easily removed from the bush, the branches are not damaged. Many growers recommend using special harvesting machines.

Due to the dense skin and structure, tomatoes of this variety are perfect for long transportation. You can use the fruits for the preparation of tomato paste, various preservation. Bright tomatoes, the same in color and size, look very tasty in banks. Good tomatoes for making salads and sandwiches.

tomato watercolor characterization

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, the variety allows you to get a pretty good harvest: from one square meter, you can collect from 6 to 9 kilograms of tomatoes. It should be noted that after removing the tomatoes from the bush, you can store them for about a month in a cool room. So, the Watercolor variety can be called very profitable for large enterprises where products from tomato, as well as restaurants and other catering establishments are created.

The advantages of the variety and its disadvantages

The main advantage of Watercolor tomatoes can be called their rapid ripening. At the same time, the yield is quite high. Watercolors can be grown in all regions of Russia, because the variety is not picky about climatic conditions. Tomatoes are unpretentious in care, resistant to diseases such as tomato mosaic virus, vertex rot, septoria. The only minus of the variety is gardeners called the stiffness of the skin of the fruit.

Growing Features

tomato watercolor reviews

In order to get the most rich and early harvest, bushes should be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. When growing, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. Sowing is necessary 1-2 months before planting in a permanent place. The first sprouts will appear in a week, it is important for them to provide a certain air temperature - not less than + 22 ° . Humidity should be about 60-65%.
  2. Watercolor tomato seedlings respond well to lighting and regular watering. Watering seedlings should be every 10-12 days. Before this, water must be defended, its temperature should be 20 ° C. Watering should be as accurate as possible, try not to expose the young roots and not to erode the soil.
  3. Planting seedlings in open ground should be at the rate of 3-4 plants per square meter. The optimal time is the end of May.
  4. Gardeners recommend applying mineral and organic fertilizers at least three times a season. The first dressing should be carried out two weeks after planting seedlings in a permanent place. Another will be needed during the flowering period of the bushes, and the best time for the third is the period of formation of the fruits.
tomato watercolor characterization and reviews

Reviews gardeners

In their reviews of tomato Watercolor, vegetable growers say: small fruits are stored for a long period, ideal for conservation. The good news is that Watercolor does not require any special care: the bushes do not need to be tied up, extra leaves removed. Gardeners also say that the plant is not afraid of diseases that are characteristic of tomatoes. True, during maturation, prophylactic spraying from late blight will not be out of place.


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