Learning how to wash your hair with an egg

Many modern women know that using natural ingredients is the best way to beauty. To make skin, hair, nails beautiful, you need to use natural nutrients, which are so many in honey, milk, kefir. So, for example, a chicken egg is one of the best natural ingredients that moisturize, soften and strengthen hair.

Our grandmothers also used eggs to strengthen their hair, improve their color and structure. For this purpose, you can apply egg masks to the hair, but it is much more useful to wash your hair with an egg. It would seem ridiculous, because today the shelves of shops are laden with shampoos that can cure even the weakest hair. However, none of them can compare with an egg that contains all the components necessary for hair.

You need to wash your hair with the egg at least once a month to maintain the necessary balance. However, if you succeed more often, fine, because it will only benefit. For those who want to learn how to wash their hair with an egg, there are many recipes described in books and on the corresponding Internet resources. But do not get hung up on this, because you can come up with your own recipe for making a mask or egg shampoo. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Beat eggs until foam and apply on hair. You might think that after such a procedure there will be some unpleasant odor. Do not worry, your hair will smell as usual. So, rub this mixture into your head, hold for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. You will immediately feel the difference between “egg shampoo” and ordinary. Firstly, the hair will be more obedient when combing, and secondly, they will become more shiny and soft. So you can wash your hair with an egg every day. If shampoos contain various artificial substances due to which our hair suffers, then an egg is the purest natural component that has only a positive effect.

Now you know how to wash your hair with eggs. You might like the idea of ​​egg masks, which also have a beneficial effect on the structure of our hair. In order to prepare the mask, you need 2-3 eggs (it all depends on the length of your hair) and 1 teaspoon of burdock oil. Burdock oil has a beneficial effect on the hair roots, as well as on the scalp. So, mix the eggs and oil until smooth and apply to the hair, starting from the roots and further along the entire length. Wrap your head in a plastic bag and cover with a bath towel. Ideally, this mask should be on the hair for at least 2 hours. However, it will be better if you leave it all night. You know that beauty requires sacrifice, but the next morning, when you wash your hair, you will immediately feel how soft and silky they became.

Hair suffers the most in winter, so try to wash your hair with an egg during this period. Then by the spring they will remain beautiful, and you will not have to spend extra money on their restoration.

Many women use only the yolk when washing their hair. This is also a great way to preserve the natural beauty of hair. It will be enough 1 beaten yolk. Apply it on the scalp (after all, the life of the hair begins with the roots) and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with a weak solution of vinegar and burdock oil. Such masks should be done on clean hair or the day after washing your hair.

Most women like to experiment with ingredients. They come up with their recipes using tinctures of herbs, yogurts, berries, lemon (especially for fair hair). All these components are natural ingredients that contain minerals and vitamins, which, unfortunately, is not found in shampoos, conditioners, or artificial masks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38073/

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