Barbezier chicken breed: description, characteristics and photos

Not all types of European chickens are able to adapt quickly within the harsh climate of our country. However, there are such representatives among the meat and egg directions. We are talking about a breed of barbesier chickens, which are beginning to gain great popularity among Russian farmers. Our article contains all the questions regarding the characteristic features of birds. Such information will be useful for those who are interested in obtaining high-quality products of both meat and eggs.

General information

The Barbesier chicken breed is the fruit of the hard work of French breeders and is considered one of the oldest. Scientists have bred a lot of different interesting species of birds. But it is this breed that stands out from other representatives for its uniqueness. In the second half of the 18th century, interest in domestic chicken species began to increase in France, and the Barbesier breed became popular not only in private households, it was also raised on poultry farms.

Barbezier chicken breed, description and reviews

Origin history

The birds owe their name to the county of France, from which they spread throughout the world. Due to the fact that the Barbese region is located near the sea coast in wetlands, breeders managed to achieve high adaptive abilities of individuals. Therefore, they tolerate cold weather and humid climate. As a result of long work on the breed, excellent indicators of its productivity were obtained. At the same time, a careful selection of the best individuals that were used for crossbreeding was carried out.

Although birds are considered natives at home, there are suggestions that impurities of other species, possibly minor, are present in their blood. For some time, the so-called village hens were on the verge of extinction. But they were restored and received official recognition (in the XX century). Below you will find photos of the Barbesier chicken breed and a description of standard individuals in full detail.

The extent of distribution in Russia

When in 2000, typical domestic hens migrated to our country, they did not make any special furore. They were interested only in medium-sized poultry farms and people who have their own farm. Perhaps some physiological characteristics of individuals and the history of their development played a role in this. Before the formation of capitalism, no one had practiced breeding birds for sale. Domestic individuals were at the pasture, kept mainly in poor families. At the same time, no attention was paid to stimulating their growth.

A significant role in the slow distribution of the breed was played by such a factor as the unprofitability of its breeding. It turns out that the cost of maintaining and feeding the birds is too high compared with the profit from them. However, not everything is so bad, as the birds have a future prospect due to the excellent quality of meat. At present, domestic farmers are not yet engaged in natural breeding of young animals. Chickens are usually hatched in an incubator.

Barbezier Chickens

Further perspectives

Despite the fact that before the barbeque chicken was not grown on an industrial scale, now it is widely spread outside its homeland, as many poultry farmers were able to appreciate it. For example, using their entrepreneurial spirit, American farmers have suggested that significant profits can be obtained from breeding birds. They saw for themselves two areas of promotion of these individuals - in the market of high-quality poultry meat and lovers of rare types of chickens. By the way, in France, the production of birds is rated very highly. In the country's restaurants, dishes from them are much more expensive than from any other bird.

Interesting fact

Perhaps the experience of foreign farmers will provide an incentive to engage in the breeding of these birds for sale. There is evidence that poultry farmers in some parts of the world were able to obtain considerable capital by growing these hens. One of them was able to purchase an old building for the proceeds, which was restored as a museum-farm. And this is not surprising, since, referring to the description of the breed of barbese chicken, one can draw the appropriate conclusions. First, pay attention to the exterior features of birds.

Breed of chickens of Barbese: description, photo

Barbesier chicken breed: description

Birds have a lot of exterior features that distinguish them from other species. Knowing such features, a novice farmer can easily determine this breed when buying chickens:

  1. In females, the plumage is quite beautiful, close-fitting to the body. Color black, glossy, with a green tint. In roosters, the overflow effect is slightly more pronounced. In the tail area, some of the feathers are colored green. The shade of the legs is gray. The hips of birds are powerful.
  2. The most remarkable in the appearance of individuals is long legs. Due to this, feathered, especially roosters, look graceful. In females they are a little shorter.
  3. Another feature of the Barbezier chicken breed is the structure of their body. The body of birds is characterized by proportionality and correct posture. Females have a height of about 60-65 cm, roosters - 65-70.
  4. The leaf-shaped comb has a simple structure, large. Its standard size in the male is usually up to 13 cm in length and 7 in height.
  5. In birds, the lobes are very clearly distinguished. They have a pure white color and are visible from afar against the background of the general color.
Barbezier chicken breed: description

Defects giving rise to rejection of individuals

If, when choosing birds, any discrepancies with the above listed symptoms were noticed, then it is better not to buy them. Such defects include:

  • inharmoniously folded body;
  • non-standard colors of plumage and legs;
  • mismatch in weight and height.

Behavioral Features

In the description of the breed and reviews, barbeque chickens are presented as humble and good-natured, but at the same time active and overly curious. All day they will not sit indoors. Birds love to explore space, tinkering in the ground in search of worms. In the poultry yard, individuals behave peacefully, like to walk in packs. From the numerous reviews and descriptions of the breed of Barbesier chickens, you can find out that because of their massive body, the birds almost do not fly. Readiness for breeding in them begins with five months.

Productivity Characteristics

By type of productivity, the breed belongs to the universal meat and egg direction. A full return on birds can be expected only after a year. Although females begin to hatch at 6 months, they can give the maximum number of eggs only after a year. This process is developing gradually. They are eggs white, large (80 g). For a year, their number can reach from 160 to 200 pieces.

The poultry meat is incredibly tasty, reminiscent of game. The weight of an adult female with a full-fledged diet can be 4-4.5 kg, the weight of a rooster is 5 kg.

Features of the Barbezier chicken breed

Breed advantages

Due to the conditions under which the characteristic features of this breed were revived, the birds formed a strong immunity to various weather changes. They are characterized by a surprisingly high survival rate (almost 90%) and almost do not undergo diseases. We list the main characteristics and features of chickens:

  • The Barbesier breed is universal;
  • has high taste qualities of meat;
  • large eggshells;
  • peaceful behavior of birds in the poultry yard was noted;
  • ability to adapt to extremely harsh conditions;
  • beautiful exterior.


The birds have few cons, but a novice poultryman should pay attention to them. According to the description and reviews, barbieux chickens grow very slowly, and many farmers prefer to grow more early species because of this. After the restoration of the breed in males, the maternal instinct decreased significantly. Another drawback is that the nestlings feathers grow too long. In view of this, eggs should be laid in the incubator only in the spring. So the young will have time to recharge and get stronger before the cold.

Content Requirements

Given the description of the Barbesier chickens and the characteristics of birds, we can conclude: for them you need to create suitable conditions. For example, due to the fact that the birds are hardy, some farmers partially compensate for the costs of their maintenance by the fact that the house can not be heated. If only in severe frosts. Although this issue should be approached in a balanced manner and not abuse the abilities of chickens. Despite the fact that the temperature and humidity in the room does not play a special role for birds, they must be protected from drafts.

Representatives of this species love cleanliness and need high-quality litter from sawdust or straw. In winter, they must be provided with additional lighting. Otherwise, the productivity with respect to eggs in birds will decrease immediately. They need to build comfortable nests, and within the walking range to put a swimming tank with enough water. It is important not to forget about the increased activity of birds. Given the external characteristics of the Barbesier chicken, you need to create conditions for free-walking for them. It will be difficult for large birds to be cramped.

Bird feeding

In order to get delicious meat with all its inherent qualities, the poultry breeder needs to create a diet for birds that is as close as possible to the requirements of this breed. The birds need to take a spacious place, where there is a lot of green grass with the presence of pasture. If they are in the aviary, then it is necessary to give them additives of animal origin, fruits, vegetables. Juicy green foods should be an essential part of the chicken diet.

In winter, you need to add mineral supplements, herbal and bone meal, fish, and various vitamins to the birds menu. From winter crops, they prefer wheat, rye and barley. Chalk should be added to grain mixtures. All feed should be concentrated. You can cook them yourself or buy industrial feed. So that the skeleton develops correctly in young animals, food must be enriched with minerals.

Characteristics of the Barbezier chicken breed

About breeding

For home breeding, individuals with an age of at least a year can be allowed. It is important to consider that the breed needs timely updating of blood. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the process of reproduction in order to prevent related crosses. If you use the best, perfect eggs to breed chickens, obtaining excellent meat will be guaranteed.

Chickens should be protected from the cold, as their plumage is slow. You can use a special lamp or heaters. To let out young growth on the street is necessary only in sunny weather. It is necessary to control the temperature in the room so that it is stable. At two months, they need to be vaccinated to prevent common bird diseases. Improving manipulations can be carried out only to strong chicks.

Barbezier chicken breed: description and characteristics

Information from the reviews of poultry farmers

The fact that birds, in particular, are bred at home or in small farms, makes it possible for more careful observations of birds. Therefore, it will be useful to consider what the owners write in their responses.

According to most poultry farmers, the breed is able to provide high-quality products, survives well in difficult conditions. Diseases that would be characteristic of precisely these representatives do not exist. There may be some problems in the form of cannibalism and vitamin deficiency due to malnutrition. Vaccination and a balanced diet makes the birds immune to the persistent.

After three years of age, judging by the reviews, in hens of the Barbesier breed, egg production decreases. Meat of birds also becomes not so tasty anymore. Therefore, it would be advisable during this period to carry out the replacement of hens with young hens.

Many poultry farmers keep birds just for the soul. They really have a beautiful exterior, which can not be said about chicks up to two months of age. Slight discrepancies were noted regarding the egg production period. In fact, laying hens are capable of returning in only eight months. When this process begins to decline, they carry larger eggs during this period.

The owners saw a big plus in the fact that the males of this breed do not fight. Many agree that meat can rightfully be called the best. It was also noticed another advantage of elite chickens - during molting, they do not stop laying eggs. This process sometimes lasts about three months, in case the daylight hours are not shortened. Usually, starting in the fall, molting can continue until winter. Some owners are inclined to the opinion that, if not for the decent cost of hens, then the French representatives would walk around in every yard.


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