Reception (reception): description and product reviews

Are you faced with the choice of which reception desk (reception) to choose and what to look for first of all? Then we present an overview of the design by type and form, as well as selection criteria and customer reviews.

Features of a rack for administration

Classic reception desk photo

Arriving at any institution, beauty salon, hotel or company, the first thing a visitor sees is the reception. At the administration table, you can draw up documents, make an appointment, get a referral to a doctor or find out some information. It depends on the scope of the company. That is why when arranging this ceremonial part of the room, it is worth paying special attention to the reception desk (reception). According to many visitors, the first opinion depends on this design.

Like any furniture, a table for receiving visitors can be made of various materials with a variety of design. It is important that with aesthetic beauty it is still practical and functional. A distinctive feature of this design should be structured levels. Usually the upper part, that is, the countertop, is intended directly for visitors, so it should be flat and smooth. Personnel often use the second level, where you can store documents and other basic necessities of work.

On the third level, below, there can be boxes, shelves, cabinets. Some may be open, others may be put forward, and others may be locked with a key to store personal belongings or valuable documents. It all depends on the specifics of the company.

Why is it important to choose the right desk for the administrator?

Modern reception desk

Despite the fact that the reception desk (reception) is a common piece of furniture in the room where visitors are greeted, you need to carefully approach its choice. It performs not only aesthetic functions.

Tasks that the administration table performs:

  • formation of the first impression of the company or organization;
  • providing comfortable working conditions (not only the administrator or secretary can work at the table, but also security);
  • creating convenient conditions for customers or guests who come.

Most often, the reception consists not only of a table, which may vary in color and size, but also of hanging shelves. They may contain keys, information booklets, flowers, a TV screen for the convenience of visitors while waiting for a reception. We can say that the reception is the face of the company, so the design of this piece of furniture should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Types of designs for the administrator

Semicircular reception desk photo

Before deciding on the design, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the types of reception desks and the rules of choice.

Rack Models:

  • Direct. The most popular type of reception desks, which are used in most interiors. They look harmonious and fit into any design.
  • Corner Able to slightly smooth the corners of the room. They are compact, so they are often installed in a room where there is a lack of space.
  • U-shaped.
  • Closed. Most often they are located in the center of a large room, through which many visitors pass.
  • Semicircular. The most beautiful and stylish option. Most often selected as a reception desk reception for a beauty salon.

Square and p-shaped structures can also be installed in the center of the room, but behind them, as a rule, there are several people who serve. It is important that this piece of furniture fits the design of the room and is functional and convenient for both employees and customers.

Criterias of choice

How to choose a reception desk?

When choosing a rack for receiving guests and customers, you should adhere to certain criteria. It should be a discreet and compact design, not cluttering up the space for visitors to enter and exit.

How to choose the front desk (reception):

  • Pay attention to the material of manufacture. It should be high-quality and durable material. The design should be stable and as much as possible protected from scratches and chips.
  • Design. The stand should fit perfectly into the design of the room in which it is installed. But it should not have a lot of colorful elements, you should still adhere to a strict style.
  • Convenience to the visitor. This applies primarily to the height of the structure. It should correspond to the growth of the average person, and the countertop should be large enough so that a person can fill up standing paper if necessary. You can provide a place for the bags of visitors.
  • Functionality for staff. A specialist who spends all his working hours at the desk should feel comfortable. It is important to preserve personal space for the administrator, since working with visitors is already considered psychologically difficult. And also on the inside there should be shelves or boxes where the employee can put his personal belongings, if possible, lock them with a key.

For example, at Lemur, which specializes in the complex equipment of beauty salons and is located on the Shchelkovo Highway, the reception desks (reception) are presented in a variety of modifications - from classic to modern.

Designs can be made of chipboard, metal, plastic, plexiglass and other durable materials. The color scheme is the most diverse. It can be either simple racks, or with an unusual design in the form of backlight. There is an opportunity to purchase goods as standard sizes, and for an individual order. Cost - from 70 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to purchase a used construction?

Some in the reviews advise you to buy racks not from the manufacturer, but already in use. Often, due to cost savings or at the initial stage, companies do so. But it is worth noting that the face of the company (in this case, the desk) makes a first impression on the client, so it should be in perfect condition. If you buy second-hand furniture, then it’s definitely not for a guest room, but rather for some office.

In addition, furniture that was already in use is often fitted to a completely different room, and may simply not fit the design or its size. This should be considered when choosing.


Modern racks for the administrator

When choosing a desk for the administrator, you should be guided by personal taste, but still you need to pay attention to criteria such as practicality and functionality.

Recently, a modern design of racks, with backlighting, has come into fashion. For example, the design of the black color from the company Lemur, which specializes in the complex equipment of beauty salons. This reception desk (reception) Light, the price of which is 119 thousand rubles, with backlight. The Stone model (with lights) will ideally fit into any interior of the room. In addition, according to visitors' reviews, it looks very compact and stylish.


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