The word "outline". What is a "contour" in the fields of drawing and electricians, synonyms, etymology

When it is necessary to characterize the linear outline of an object, to present its plan schematically, to circle the edges or to draw a picture without shadows, the word "outline" is used. It has a number of synonyms, both well-known and book, used in works to enhance imagery. Girls are familiar with such expressions as “face contour” or “contouring technique” in makeup. What does this word mean, what are the rules of declension, as well as synonyms that give a comprehensive understanding of the concept? The answers to all questions are further in order.

face contour

The meaning of the word "circuit"

The semantic properties of the word are quite diverse. It has a number of meanings in non-adjacent applications. The main one is the external outline of the subject. It is with him that the word "contour" is primarily associated. What is the meaning applicable in technology, mathematics, geometry, drawing, drawing, for many it comes as a surprise. Knowing this greatly expands the vocabulary and allows you to operate with a number of related concepts.

The named word has a direct and figurative meaning. In the second case, they are characterized by an approximate, unformed idea of ​​something. For instance:

This innovation highlights the contours of the future intensive development of the industry, and now it is necessary to analyze the prospects.

In the literal sense, several basic meanings of the word can be distinguished by region. For example, the external outline of something, a linear silhouette:

  • The contours of her face could not be called correct, but they were interesting enough to create a portrait for a thematic exhibition.
  • The contours of the building created ephemeral shadows in anticipation of the impending night.

Closed circuit or piping system in technical topics:

  • The contour piping system provides heating of the circulating water.
  • One electrical circuit may contain several closed loops.


The Latin word contornare (envelope), the French contour (outline) and the German kontur (contour) became sources of borrowing in the Russian language. Linguists are inclined to the last option. He is considered the main source. It is he who in several dictionaries is indicated in the column “Origin” of the word “contour”. What is the only correct interpretation, exhaustive evidence is not given.

contour synonym


The presence of numerous areas of use of the word "contour" leads to the emergence of a number of synonyms. These include: outline, outline, profile, line, drawing, sketch, chain, inventory, etc. Depending on the area of ​​use, be it engineering, electricity, mathematics, drawing, you can highlight your specific characteristics and rules for using the word “outline” ".

The synonym "outline", for example, is used in surveying. It can also be called a book version with a similar meaning:

On the map of the area, the outline of the mountains could be clearly traced.

The declination rules of the word "contour"

The syntactic and morphological properties of the word "contour" define it as an inanimate noun of the masculine gender of the second declension (according to the first type). In the singular, the table is as follows:


In plural:


In all cases of declension, the stress falls on the first syllable. The root of the word is the outline . What is the meaning can be developed and changed morphologically, it is easy to track in the following examples:

Small-circuit, double-circuit, contour, outflow, in-circuit.

outline what is

Choosing a word to characterize the outlines of an object, building, profile, terrain, you can use not only the "contour". What is the meaning is not the only possible, shows a number of synonyms. Outline, sketch, sketch, outline and other options diversify written and oral speech in the most common areas of application.


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