What is an exact rhyme? Accurate rhyme: examples

Everyone at least once in their life had to experience a moment when the soul is wounded or, conversely, when happiness overwhelms, and I want to write some kind of verse, dedicate it to someone or throw out emotional experiences on paper. But it’s not enough to feel one such moment, this must be lived on. To write poetry, you need to feel wider than the rest, to think in your own way, not to rely on anything other than your feelings. However, if you do not follow the rhyme, then any eloquent masterpiece can at one moment become mediocre writings for people. Rhyme does not just need to be felt, it needs to be known. This article will talk about phenomena such as exact rhyme and its types.


First, let's figure out what rhyme is. This is the consonance of vowels in one or more syllables of word endings. Since ancient times, it has merged into poetic speech and has become practically its integral part.

The endings in verses are not only consonant with each other, but also emphasize the rhythmic ending of each line. This is the main difference between rhyme and ordinary sound repetitions that do not fall under a certain rhythm in a constant sequence. It is set by the last consonant syllables in the lines - the rhythmic meaning. It defines the motive under which all lines of the verse should fall. Therefore, the “stick - herring”, invented by Dunno, is not a rhyme, because it contains only similarities in the ending, and not in the stressed syllable. There are rhymes that are based not only on the rhythmic meaning, but we will talk about what an exact rhyme is.

what is the exact rhyme

The main types of rhymes

Rhymes are classified according to many different types, but we will consider only the main ones, so as not to clog the head:

1. According to the position of the stressed syllable from the end of the line. They are divided into monosyllables, two-syllables, and so on, up to nine-syllables. The first part of the word indicates where exactly the stressed syllable is located, that is, monosyllabic - the last syllable, two-syllable - the penultimate, and so on. This classification has many other notations, for example, monosyllabic and two-syllable are called masculine and feminine, respectively.

2. According to the degree of wealth. Rich is a rhyme in which the pre-stressed syllable coincides. There are, of course, fewer of them, therefore, due to the frequency of their use, they have become commonplace and simple, and the words that form a rich rhyme themselves are spoken in the language.

3. On lexical grounds. Classification is based on lexical elements, for example:

  • Tautological, when the word completely coincides with the consonant.
  • Homonymous, when the word coincides with the consonant, but diverges in meaning.
  • Pun, similar to homonymic, but diverging in meaning, sometimes prefixes are added to words, or words with identical parts are used.
  • Paronymic when words are consonant in sound and spelling. The most common type.

4. By belonging to a part of speech.

  • Homogeneous. This is a rhyme that connects the harmony of the word in one part of speech: two verbs, adjectives and so on.
  • Heterogeneous. Connects the words of different parts of speech.
  • Compound. It includes use with conjunctions, pronouns and interjections.

5. By language.

6. By degree of accuracy. This item interests us the most. Let's consider it in detail.

exact rhyme is


To find out what exact rhyme is, you need to figure out what phonemes are. A phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of language, that is, sound. To form a rhyme, they must match according to the following criteria:

  • place of education;
  • way of education;
  • voice and noise involvement;
  • hardness and softness;
  • deafness and voiced.

For example, phonemes B and P coincide in all respects, except for the fifth. When a verse is written, it has a certain structure, similar to a matrix, where each element (phoneme) coincides with the same element in the account, but next to it, at least for the first three signs. However, in inaccurate rhyme, only the endings of lines can coincide, the main thing is not to beat the rhythm.

Accurate Rhyme Dictionary

Accurate rhyme in Russian

An exact rhyme is one that is formed when all phonemes coincide, that is, not only vowels of the lines, but also consonants preceding the stressed syllable and inside it.

Consonants, consonant in the ending, enhance the coloring of the verse, making it more sonorous. The presence of them determines the exact rhyme. For example, “at home” and “two” at the end of the lines form an exact rhyme, as the sounds coincide in all respects. The coincidence of the spelling does not play any role for rhyme, if the sound is different.

If you want to write something very sonorous, then you can use special dictionaries to achieve the exact rhyme.


The dictionary of exact rhymes is a collection of all possible exact rhymes, matched to every possible word of the Russian language. It exists to simplify the process of writing poetry. If you know what an exact rhyme is, then you must understand how difficult it is sometimes to observe it. Guided by the dictionary alone, great success in writing poetry cannot be achieved, but it significantly speeds up the process of writing congratulations, songs, advertising slogans and works in other branches of art involved in mass writing.

There are a lot of similar dictionaries, they are in the public domain. For example, Rhymes is the most popular and complete publication. In it, you can pick up a rhyme of any type, depending on the settings. For almost every word there is an exact one. In Russian, most words, especially adjectives and verbs, rhyme very easily, since their endings are constructed according to the same rules. But many people take verses with rhymes from verbs and adjectives for mediocre mass rhymes just because they are easy to write.

exact rhyme in Russian

Exact rhyme for Yesenin

It is easy to trace the rhyme in the works of the classics of Russian literature, it was they who set the stage for the popularity of writing poetry based on it. Thanks to them, the most accurate rhyme is considered the most beautiful. Examples from the literature can be taken from Pushkin or Yesenin. Let's start with Yesenin. Here is an excerpt from the work "Do not wander, do not crumple in the bush of crimson ...":

what is the exact rhyme

The endings “higher” and “higher” in the first stanza ideally coincide not only in the stressed vowel in the syllable, but also in the consonant that accompanies them, they set the rhythm for the whole verse. This sound is called "exact rhyme." It is used quite often in literature, from which rhymes in different verses or among different poets often coincide.

exact rhyme and its types

Pushkin’s exact rhyme

Due to the fact that this Russian classic wrote a lot of works, the rhyme in his poems is often repeated, and it can be found repeatedly not only in his creations, but also among many modern writers. This happens not by the will of the author, but because there are not so many words that correspond to the exact rhyme, and it is very difficult to refrain from its beauty and from the temptation to build a verse exclusively on it. So you have to use what has already been.

what is the exact rhyme

The exact rhyme is obtained due to the endings of “ugba” (in the first quatrain) and “oure” (in the second). In them, a consonant letter defines the sound, and stressed vowels determine the rhythm and rhyme. Due to the fact that all the letters in the ending coincide in sound, here we get the exact rhyme. Examples clearly show that picking up a large number of words for such a rhyme is not easy. But repetition does not spoil the sound of the verse and does not deprive its beauty. Let us consider another example from Pushkin's works for consolidation.

exact rhyme is

The syllables “you”, “dash” and “give” form an exact rhyme, as they are completely identical in sound. Although the second pair differs in spelling, this fact does not play any role in the exact rhyme. This difference is not able to change the sound in any way, so here, of course, the exact rhyme. Examples can be found in almost any author, as well as to find similar rhymes. Most noticeably, this is manifested in homonic and pun puny rhyme. But such a type is by definition accurate, and, as a rule, is not considered a beautiful syllable.

exact rhyme literature examples

The effect of rhyme on the listener

The main purpose of rhyme is to build patterns of poetic speech for a more convenient and enjoyable perception. It divides the verse into parts, gives an emotional coloring and allows you to divide it into semantic parts. At the same time, rhyme unites completely different parts of the verse with general intonation and sound, linking together the different moods of the poet, decorating him with new tones and allowing the listener to follow him. Even at an unconscious level, when we hear a rhyming line, we connect it with the previous one, which allows us to better absorb information, absorb the shade of speech and the meaning of the poem. The main thing in rhyme is not the writing style, but the sound. That is, it is quite reasonable to rhyme by ear, not by letter.

exact rhyme in literature


Accurate rhyme is the most colorful variety of rhyme. It is perceived by the listener best. Due to the rare occurrence of such words that rhyme for sure, it gradually becomes habitual and no longer causes the storm of emotions that caused when you first heard it. From this article you learned what types of rhymes are, what an exact rhyme is, why it is needed and how to achieve it when writing poetry. But do not forget that rhyme alone is not enough, poetry is an experience, they consist not only of words, but also of actions, feelings, splashed out by the author on paper in an emotional outburst.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38096/

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