Affirmations of success and magic rituals will do their job - life will definitely change for the better!

Human nature can never be satisfied with its current state. Individuals always want something more! And though the Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish warns us against unlimited and unfulfilled desires, do not take its morality verbatim. Most likely, the grandmother suffered a failure not at all because she wanted too much, but because she wanted to achieve everything at someone else's expense, without making any efforts to fulfill her dream.

Today, it has been proved practically that dreaming is not harmful, but even very useful. And not only mentally, but also expressing their desires aloud. By the way, water provides excellent help in this. Words spoken aloud directed at water alter its crystal lattice. It seems to absorb your wishes. And since people themselves are for the most part composed of liquids, it is no wonder that it is liquids that play the most important, leading role in our lives. Do not everyone’s favorite holiday toasts made out loud with a glass of wine in their hand remind us of the affirmations of success, spoken about the liquid that should be drunk after that? And what about “grandmother’s conspiracies” on the water, which mothers then heal their babies? Here is the discovery from the past!

But what are affirmations of success, of love, of luck? These are just expressed wishes in the form of a statement. And they should consume water daily, preferably in the mornings or evenings, storing affirmed (charged) water in a beautiful jug or bottle. At least 10 expressions aimed at improving the quality of today's life, followed by a sip of "living", just the same magical water - and your fate will begin to change for the better.

The liquid in combination with specular reflection acts even more strongly . It is difficult to explain the effect of mirrors on human destiny, and no one here sets this goal. It is more important now to understand the practical ways in which affirmations for success can be used with the greatest return.

So, we choose the “magic day of the week” - on this day every week it will be necessary to carry out a ritual of attracting success. With a filled transparent vessel, you should stand in front of the mirror and, looking at your reflection through the liquid, mentally or aloud say your innermost dream several times. In this case, it is not necessary to overload the ritual with a multitude of desires; it is enough to state one thing. Then the charged liquid must be drunk slowly, also continuing to look at yourself through the vessel. This ritual is extremely potent. It is enough to fulfill it almost two - three times - and the desired becomes valid.

The main thing in the matter of better change is the right attitude. But how to tune in to success? Elementary! You just need to take and throw out all bad thoughts from your head, stop "being mournful" out loud and to yourself, but, on the contrary, live by expecting only the good. For many years, the leadership of our state taught us to live with caution, sorting out in thoughts: what threatens this or that action; and what bad can happen now or tomorrow. What this manner of behavior of our people has led to, everyone sees today with their own eyes. The fear of poverty attracts only poverty, the fear of illness - brings this disease, the horror of an accident projects this incident into reality.

Just to combat this negative attitude, laid down by several generations in human psychology, affirmations for success serve. They should be repeated several times a day: “I am successful. I am talented. Everyone loves me because I am pleasant in communication. I am successfully making a career. Money flows to me in a plentiful stream. I easily spend money because I know that they will return to me in a hundred times more ”- such phrases like this will help any of us to radically change our views on life and ourselves, and fate itself.

If a person with all his soul tunes in to the best changes in his life, then this attitude begins to affect all his behavior. His attitudes, his psychology are changing. This is no longer a man cornered by poverty and failure, but a person who has a stable psychology of a successful person. And now it can be seen absolutely in all its appearance and way of life, starting with the home environment and behavior during the choice of purchases, and ending with gait and words.

For example, a successful person never stores things that he does not use. And having embarked on the path of success also easily parted with all his past trash! And if it’s still hard for him to take out objects that can be used in the trash, then the decision to distribute these things to low-income families will be an excellent solution .

When making a purchase in a store, a person who decides to become successful and rich for himself will choose not at a price (cheaper), as it was before, but only based on the quality of the product. He remembers that the greedy in the end always overpays!

And a huge role in the transformation of man, of course, is played by the gait, appearance, words of a truly successful and successful citizen in the future. Wide shoulders, a high chin, a smile on his lips and an open look immediately give out a strong nature. It's nice to talk and work with such people. And success chooses just such people by itself. Luck does not like tears and requests, humiliated pleas do not attract her. So let us rejoice at every day of our life, waiting for every second improvement in it!


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