Egg Hair Mask: Replace Any Shampoo

For some reason, many women believe that it is impossible to use masks for oily hair or scalp that produces a large amount of sebum. According to them, such a cosmetic treatment helps only dry hair - however, this is not so. Indeed, today there are a huge variety of different options for masks that help not only in the treatment of different types of hair (for example, a hair mask from an egg), but also in the fight against problems such as dandruff and split ends, which can occur when dry, and with oily hair. Another erroneous opinion is that high-quality procedures can only be carried out in professional salons, where specialists have extensive experience and have a large number of cosmetics. In fact, a homemade hair mask made of correctly selected substances (most of which are recommended by traditional medicine) can work wonders. If you have some experience, you don’t even have to work on creating a mask, because in modern stores you can find a wide range of products for the care of weakened, sick or damaged hair due to dyeing.

Almost all masks for damaged hair should be applied from the middle of the head, since in most cases the roots and hair follicles are strong enough and do not need special attention (unless, of course, we are talking about strengthening, healing and treating the scalp itself). Further, the substance is rubbed through the hair, and you can determine how well it “lies down” by how freely your fingers slide between the strands. If this happens easily, then a firming mask is enough, if not, the hair needs additional nutrition, since it absorbs those nutrients that are part of special cosmetic preparations too quickly.

One of the best elements of additional nutrition can be eggs. Beauticians appreciate them for the content of unique substances, for damaged curls are simply vital. First of all, it is lecithin and amino acids that can fight dandruff and many other causes of the diseases of our natural decoration. A homemade hair mask made from eggs is easy to use and can achieve very good results for various purposes, from giving the strands shine and a feeling of silkiness, to strengthening, restoring health and truly returning life to the structure of diseased hair. If necessary, this acts to rid the scalp of excess grease or moisturize it. In addition, it is such products that help to accelerate hair growth by introducing the necessary trace elements into the hair follicles.

With the addition of various ingredients, you can achieve very different results, but cosmetologists believe that even from time to time with healthy curls a high-quality egg hair mask will not hurt. You can even just use it instead of shampoo - beat an egg, dilute in a small amount of water and apply to the roots, gently rubbing the mixture and distributing along the entire length of the hair. After this procedure, the egg “shampoo” should be washed off and then rinsed with a little warm water with a few drops of lemon juice. To get rid of dandruff, it is worth stirring two egg yolks, the juice of half a lemon and a couple of drops of burdock oil, apply, rubbing into the scalp, and leave for half an hour, after which this hair mask from the egg should be washed off warm (in no case not hot, otherwise the protein will curl) with water. Rubbing gruel from an egg, a slice of rye bread and a few teaspoons of herbal (from chamomile or burdock) broth will help fight hair loss. In general, using masks on an egg basis, you can get rid of many problems, the main thing is to do it regularly.


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